Your Results(showing 12)

      • World for kids

        Our passion is to show kids, how colourful and fascinating the world is. There is not only one way to live but so many. We love curious children and we do the books they need to explore the world. So we do travel books for kids and novels for the journey in a hammock.

      • Fenek's World

        WE BELIEVE THAT THE GOOD TRIUMPHS Where did the idea to make children’s educational tales that are different from the rest come from? One day, we decided to create a character who would be loved by thousands of children. We looked at our youngest and realised how much depends on us, adults. It dawned on us that if we bring up our children to become good and noble people, there is a big chance that they will do the same in the future. They will pass the love they got from us on to their children, who will then do the same, and so on…

      • Toubkal

        Toubkal is a publishing house established in Morocco, Casablanca, created in 1985.They have more than 500 titles.

      • world-wide-wealth (c/o autónomy)

        ... wealth is not materialism - not in universe (only 5% is about matter) and not on earth (it´s all about education: i.a. as a buddhists, you are happy, if YOU are happy - and not comparing - and NOT buying things you don´t need, with money you don´t have, to impress people you don´t like ... ). I invented the formulas of TIME (as such), SPACE (as such) and DYNAMIC RELATIVITY ( as such ... relativizing Albert Einstein - and explaining the 95% of astronomy not known up to now: 23% "dark matter" and 72" "dark energy"). Wealth is not materialistic. At least not in universe, expanding since 13.8 billion years, with faaar less problems, than those of the so called "homo-sapiens"... . "Space" in the 4th ("energetic-") dimension (not in the "low-level" 3-D-version of combating for territories or market-shares), space, is the top of the top targets of universe - and all this is transferable to mankind ... in order to achieve world-wide-wealth !!!

      • En Toutes Lettres

        En toutes lettres est une maison d’édition spécialisée dans la publication d’essais d’écrivains, de chercheurs et de journalistes. Nos livres abordent en profondeur des questions de société liées au Maroc. Notre objectif est d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur le Maroc d’aujourd’hui à travers des récits documentés et loin de tout sensationnalisme, en nous appuyant essentiellement sur l’enquête et le vécu des gens. Nous considérons comme un enjeu essentiel de démocratie de rendre accessible à un public de non spécialistes les travaux produits par les chercheurs et universitaires en sciences sociales et économiques.Nos livres contribuent à la dissémination de la culture du débat et de l’esprit critique. Pour la première fois, En Toutes Lettres et les éditrices et éditeurs arabes du réseau de l'Alliance Internationale des éditeurs indépendants proposent leur Hotlist: une sélection d’ouvrages récents, représentatifs de la bibliodiversité de nos pays avec 70 titres de 7 pays différents à retrouver ici:

      • World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd

        World Scientific is the largest STM publisher in Asia Pacific region and we publish about 600 new titles a year and 140 journals in various fields. World Scientific has published more than 12,000 titles to date and many of the books are recommended texts adopted by renowned institutions such as Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University and Princeton University.

      • Toucan Books Ltd.

        We are a leading book packager, based in London, and have been creating titles for major publishers since 1985. Whether you are looking for inspiring craft projects, comprehensive gardening guides or quirky children's reference titles, we have it all. Our titles can also be seen on our website at:

      • Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure

        Textbooks, research and professional titles in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure

      • Beyond Words Publishing, Inc.

        Many of our books are translated in up to 35 languages

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