Adverbum S.A.R. L.
Created in 1989, Adverbum is a publishing company with four imprints specialized in health, human sciences, sports, cookbooks, lifestyle, religion, typography and graphic design. Adverbum’s catalogue of 220 titles is enriched by 20 new titles each year, all written by specialists. This eclectic production is meticulous and includes many reference books which have been translated all over the world.
Schmit Jongbloed Advies
‘Ärzt*in als Ganzes‘ ist ein inspirierendes Buch für Mediziner aller Altersklassen und Spezialisierungen, die den Sinn in ihrer Arbeit (wieder)finden oder verstärken wollen.
2 Seas Agency
With offices in California & Europe, 2 Seas sells rights worldwide or into specific territories with over 25 years of combined experience.
Sea of Stories Inc.
Welcome to Sea of Stories™, an intellectual rights agency specializing in literary foreign rights. Sea of Stories was created in 2001. One of our first clients was Tara Books, who only had one book in their catalogue at the time! We like to start with new publishers and grow along them over time. We like funky and innovative styles and illustrations and represent quirky adult titles and fun children books. Sea of Stories is about bridging the gap between countries and cultures, finding the best of each and sharing it with a broader audience. We hope to add to the mix, offering you some of the best in Brazilian, Dutch, English, French, and Spanish literature! We’re delighted to work with the following houses: A Buen Paso Blue Apple Blue Cat Emily McDowell & Friends Knock Knock Loopvis Uitgeverij Monoblock Pencil Planta Editora Primerose Productions Quirk Publishing Snor Uitgeverij WMF Martins Fontes