Muddy Pearl Ltd.
Muddy Pearl is an independent publisher of thoughtful Christian books and lovely general-market gift titles. Established in 2013 in Edinburgh by Richard and Stephanie Heald, our editorial policy is to invest in developing new authors who have deep insights into life or a valuable story to share. We publish on parenting, politics, technology, love, loss and belief, all from a perspective of Christian faith, and seeking to know better the Lord we love and serve. We try to produce our books to the highest standard, drawing wherever possible on the traditional skills and resources available in Scotland.
Verlag Monika Fuchs
We are a small independent publishing house in Hildesheim (Germany, Lower Saxony), founded in 2006. The programme segments are books for children and young people, fiction and religion. A particular concern of our books is the depiction of life in all its diversity and variety.
International Monetary Fund
IMF’s print and digital publications present the research, policy advice, and data on economic and financial sector issues at the global, regional, and country levels.