Your Results(showing 21)

      • Self-Counsel Press

        Livres Canada Books

      • Infinity Books

        Infinity Books is the publishing division of Infinity Education. We currently publish over 85 titles across a range of subject areas – covering specialised admissions tests, examination techniques, personal statement guides, plus everything else you need to improve your chances of getting on to competitive courses such as medicine and law, as well as into universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. Our books are currently all written by authors who have been through the admissions process and have scored within the top ten per cent of applicants. We have put together fully worked answers to thousands of questions across many subjects, as well as providing hints and tips on essays and time-saving techniques, and an exhaustive collection of past papers. Outside of publishing we also operate a highly successful tuition division, UniAdmissions. This company was founded in 2013 by Dr Rohan Agarwal and Dr David Salt, both Cambridge Medical graduates with several years of tutoring experience. Since then, every year, hundreds of applicants and schools work with us on our programmes. Through the programmes we offer, we deliver expert tuition, exclusive course places, online courses, best-selling textbooks and much more. With a team of over 1,000 Oxbridge tutors and a proven track record, UniAdmissions have quickly become the UK’s number one admissions company. Visit and engage with us at: Books website: Books Twitter: @infinitybooks7 Programmes website:

      • Dylan-Related-Books (Agentur für englishsprachige Dylan-Autoren und Literatur)

        Dylan-Related-Books is a literature agency only for books with a relation to the artist and the many different themes, which he´s able to connect with his songs. It´s about the aim to bring this special field in writing to a German readership, which might get the lyrics in a song, but have some struggle to get through a sophisticated analysis of a song. Dylan-Related-books is also a network of and for Dylan-authors and presents the new books of the Dylan-Kosmos in a series of musical readings, the ONE-MORE-CUP-OF-COFFEE-READINGS. To realize these projects, especially during the culture cutting times of Corona the agency is running a Crowdfunding-Campain which is explore on

      • Relish Books

        Kate B. Gordon publishes middle grade fiction under the imprint Relish Books. The first book in the Unicorn King series, Lily and the Unicorn King, blends the unicorns of European mythology with Maori myths and lore, a trio of brave friends and their ponies. The second book in the series, Sasha and the Warrior Unicorn, will be out late in 2020 with the third book in 2021.

      • Cultural Relics Press

        Cultural Relics Press was established in 1957, and is the only press dedicated to publishing archeology related books. It is committed to salvaging and protecting China’s cultural heritage and publicizing the content and artistic charm of traditional Chinese culture. Over the past 60 years, it has published about 7000 kinds of books on culture and archeology”. Its publications on traditional Chinese culture are well received across the world. It is the first press to engage in cultural exchange abroad and cooperate with counterparts in Europe, the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It has collaborated with partners in UK, USA, Italy, Japan, former Yugoslavia, Taiwan. More than 300 awards has been received at home and abroad, including, among others, National Book Award, China Book Award, and “Most Beautiful Books in the World” (Leipzig).

      • Trusted Partner

        Infobase Publishing

        For 80 years, Infobase has created and curated exceptional through Imprints such as from Facts on File, Bloom's, Chelsea House, Fergusons and Omnigraphics.

      • Literárne informacné centrum

        The Literary Information Center (LIC) is the window through which Slovak literature is presented to the world. Our primary goal is to facilitate live contact between Slovak and foreign publishers, authors, illustrators and cultural-events organizers and to support mutual collaboration and cultural exchange. LIC acts as an agent for the majority of Slovak authors and houses SLOLIA, the popular grant program for translators and publishers of Slovak literature. LIC also organizes national stands at foreign bookfairs sucha s Bologna, London, Paris, Prague and Budapest.

      • Katja Glöckler // Buchagentin, Schreib- & Buchcoaching

        Bis der Wind sich dreht - Wege raus aus dem Konflikt Konfliktmanagement einmal anders - Ein Roman und Ratgeber in einemTeil 1: Geschichten aus der Arbeitswelt, die jeder kennt. Konflikte mit den Kollegen, Vorgesetzten oder im Team. Ein geheimer Briefeschreiber der Sichtweisen verändert und Konflikte löst. Teil 2: Ein Workbook, ein Ratgeber mit Hilfsmitteln und Lösungsmöglichkeiten in Konfliktsituationen

      • Religious & cultural

        Kids books on Bible based topics.

      • The Buckman Agency

        Set up in 2001, The Buckman Agency is a partnership between mother-and-daughter team Rosie and Jessica Buckman who, between them, have over 50 years of foreign rights sales experience, and who work directly with publishers all over the world - from Rome to Rio, Berlin to Beijing. They represent a number of well-established literary agencies in the US and UK, handling literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction.

      • Dr. Constantin Pana Buchverlag

        Aim of our publications is to provide generally understandable knowledge from philosophy, psychology and health to be able to reach a satisfied, healthy and happy life.

      • Buchautorin Lena Kiy

        Hello, I'm am the publisher and author of the youth fantasy series »Cosmica«. My trilogy Cosmica is still an insider tip and is particularly popular amoung young people and pupils. My goal is to adapt my trilogy as a series / film. I am also interested in translations of my works.

      • Mayers kleines Buchregal

        Hello and welcome to my presentation! I am Uwe Mayer, freelance Illustrator, author, designer and now also publisher of my children's picture book „DIE LAUFMASCHINE“, or in the English translation: “The Bicycling Baron". The book playfully tells the story of the invention of the bicycle from the very start. As a subject long overdue, it is original, based on fact and yet told in a humorous and original format with great illustrations throughout. DIE LAUFMASCHINE won the 1st prize from the State of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) for its original idea & concept in 2017. With further funding I was in the lucky position to not only create this important book project, but also publish it in 2019. Die Laufmaschine was nominated by the STIFTUNG BUCHKUNST for “Most Beautiful German Books" („Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher“), Long List 2019. For this title I am offering foreign rights.

      • Leykam Buchverlagsges. m.b.H. Nfg. & Co. KG

        A future-oriented publishing house with a rich tradition (it was founded in 1585) and a wide variety of topics. The section for literature and art is an accessible platform for young as well as renowned authors of contemporary German-language literature. Our book projects range from novels, short stories, poetry to beautifully designed children's books. The non-fiction books (including illustrated books) deal with current topics from society, economy, nature and ecology, art and history. A core area of the publishing house is the proximity to the University of Graz and other scientific and educational institutions in Austria.

      • DuMont Buchverlag GmbH & Co.KG

        DuMont Buchverlag publish international and German literary and upmarket commercial fiction, crime fiction, general non-fiction, biographies and cultural history as well as art, design, living and cookery.

      • Sell Out

        Sell Out is a generalist imprint with strong commercial catalog.

      • BuchVerlag für die Frau GmbH

        The traditional publishing house is one of Germany's best-known advice publishers and has been based in Leipzig for 75 years. Emerging from the former Verlag für die Frau, the largest fashion and advice publisher in the GDR, today's BuchVerlag für die Frau successfully continues the book programme. Today, it is a constant on the German book market as a whole. The program is strongly positioned in the culinary field, which includes the cookbook classics "We cook well" and "Das Backbuch" as well as the Thuringian kitchen library. Another successful series is the mini-library, which now contains 360 volumes. First published in 1985, it will celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2020. The publishing program is rounded off with titles on nature, health, life assistance and an extensive hobby & creative area. Since 2015, BuchVerlag has been part of the publishing group "grunes herz®", a successful medium-sized publishing company with offices in Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

      • Sell Out Kids

        Sell Out Kids is a series of our imprint Sell Out, for children and YA titles.

      • Psychiatrie Verlag GmbH – BALANCE buch + medien verlag

        Our children’s book series »Kids in BALANCE« is specifically designed to support children in difficult moments.

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