Your Results(showing 20)

      • Proverse Hong Kong

        Proverse Hong Kong is a Hong Kong-based press publishing local and international authors with local and international content, including: English-language and translated literary novels, short story and poetry collections, detective stories, mysteries and thrillers, non-fiction (biography, memoirs, travel, china missionary, education and law-court history; source materials including annotated archival transcriptions) ; poetry anthologies; YA fiction; books for students; academic studies (mainly with a Hong Kong and Hong Kong China focus). Formats: paperback, hardback, POD, e-books, audio. Publication awards: from local and international cultural bodies. Events: Spring and Autumn Receptions in Hong Kong with prize announcements and awards, book launches, authors’ brief talks. Prizes: We offer two annual international prizes for writing previously unpublished in English: 1) the Proverse Prize for book-length works of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry; 2) the Proverse Poetry Prize for single poems (max 30 lines). Open to all, 18+ irrespective of residence, nationality or citizenship. Annual entry periods: 7 May-30 June. More information:

      • Hong Kong University Press


      • City University of Hong Kong Press

        City University of Hong Kong Press was founded in 1996 as the publishing arm of the City University of Hong Kong. Overseen by the University Press Committee, the continuing mission of the Press is, by way of publishing high quality titles, to promote scholarship; to enhance knowledge transfer; and to disseminate knowledge and creative works to society at large.The Press publishes mainly three types of publication: academic works, professional books and books of general interest and social concern. These cover a wide range of fields including business, history, cultural studies, education, law, political science, social sciences, sciences and engineering, with a focus on China studies, Hong Kong studies, Asian studies, politics and public policy. The Press endeavours to produce works of social impact, regional and international significance, and lasting value.

      • Cataplum Libros

        Good books are like meek animals that stretch when we caress their backs, and that show us their bellies so we go and play with them; but they also do not hesitate to give us a good bite to free us from the claws of routine. To create these noble creatures, in Cataplum we dig like moles through the collective memory and explore the roots that connect us as Latin-Americans; thus, we recover our oral tradition, our playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities. As truffle-seeking pigs, we have developed an acute nose to find texts of authors from past and actual times. As rabbits we jump here and there tracking down illustrators with new proposals. And as eagles we strive to see, from a distance, how image and texts can coexist in harmony. In sum, our catalogue has been conceived as a living creature; one that begun as something very little, like bear cubs, but capable of becoming a fabulous living being; one that combines the best qualities of noble animals and have the power to captivate us.

      • Holland Park Press

        Holland Park Press is a privately-owned independent company publishing and selling literary fiction: novels, novellas, short stories; and poetry. It was founded in 2009. It is run by brother and sister, Arnold and Bernadette Jansen op de Haar, who publish an author not just a book. Holland Park Press specialises in finding new literary talent by accepting unsolicited manuscripts from authors all year round and by running competitions. It has been successful in giving older authors a chance to make their debut and in raising the profile of Dutch authors in translation.

      • Cat on a Book Agency

        Cat on a Book is an agency representing French publishers abroad. We are specialized in visual books, with nice illustrations and/or photos, both for children and adults.

      • Parkstone International - EParkstone International Ltd.

        Parkstone International is a cosmopolitan publishing house that specialises in fine art books.

      • Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta (EUCASA)

        EUCASA es la Editorial de la Universidad Católica de Salta. En su carácter de editorial universitaria, es un departamento especial en el organigrama institucional, y su misión es contribuir al cumplimiento del fin primordial de la Universidad: generar y divulgar conocimiento. En su caso por medio de las publicaciones que constituyen su catálogo, en donde se refleja necesariamente su naturaleza académica.

      • Cataplum Libros

        Cataplum Libros was founded in 2016 in Bogotá and focuses on children’s books - from 2 to 12 years. It seeks to investigate through collective memory recovering the oral tradition, playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities.

      • The Parisian Agency

        Founded in 2010, the Parisian agency is a literary agency based in Paris. We represent a selected group of international writers of literary fiction such as multi-awarded Icelandic author Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Hungarian novelist Arpad Kun, winner of the prestigious Aegon Award. We also represent the stunning illustrated books of the British and the Bodleian Library (UK) abroad. Last, we are now open to represent new lists in literary fiction, crime fiction and non fiction. Welcome to the Parisian Agency!

      • Partners Publishing

        Livres Canada Books

      • Media Partisans GmbH

        Since 2014 Media Partisans has been creating top quality online content in 10 languages and our cooking brands and DIY/lifehacks brands now have millions of fans around the globe. In 2017 we began producing cookbooks with content from our "Leckerschmecker" cooking brand. Shortly after that we released our first DIY/Lifehacks book with content from our popular "Geniale Tricks" website. Since then we've sold over 230,000 copies of our cookbooks and nearly 50,000 copies of our first DIY/lifehacks book. Considering the strength of our cooking brands in other countries around the world, we now want to offer our books to our fans in other countries. We see great potential in South America where our cooking website Riquísimo has nearly 20 million Facebook subscribers. In Brazil, our cooking brand A Receitaria, also has a huge fanbase of over 8 million Facebook subscribers. These are just a few examples of how strong and global our brands are, and there is great potential in other regions as well. If you're a publisher interested in acquiring printing rights for cookbooks and DIY/lifehacks books with strong brand identities and solid fanbases, please get in touch.

      • Annika Parance Éditeur

        Livres Canada Books

      • Parresia Publishers Limited

        The publishing company from Lagos, Nigeria, was founded in 2012 by Azafi Omoluabi and Richard Ali. Their objective was to publish books by first-time authors, to sell books to the Nigerian reading audience, and to promote the freedom of the imagination and the free press.Parrésia started out intending to give a voice to writers who have never been heard on the Nigerian publishing scene.In 2016, Parrésia won the NLNG Prize for Literature, its first award with Abubakar Adam Ibrahim’s “Season of Crimson Blossoms”.In 2017, Parrésia Publishers was described by The New York Times as one of “a handful of influential new publishing houses” in Africa in the last decade.Parrésia publishes its fiction, and creative non-fiction works under three imprints: Regium is our traditional publishing imprint, Origami Books, for all genres of writing for clients interested in self-publishing or vanity publishing, and Ọmọde Mẹta, is our traditional publishing and self-publishing imprint, which will publish Children’s Books and Young Adult fiction.

      • Parrésia Publishers Ltd

        We publish books by first-time authors, sell books to the Nigerian reading audience, and promote the freedom of the imagination and the free press.

      • Parrésia

        The publishing company from Lagos, Nigeria, aims to publish books by first-time authors, to sell books to the Nigerian reading audience, and to promote the freedom of the imagination and the free press.

      • Shared Stories (part of VBK Uitgevers B.V.)

        Shared Stories is the in-house rights agency non-fiction and children's and YA titles of the Dutch VBK Publishing Group, representing the publishing houses AnkhHermes, De Fontein, Houtekiet, Kok|Omniboek, Kosmos, Luitingh-Sijthoff, Mozaïek and Ten Have.

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