Jiang Boyan LLC
Jiang Boyan™ works closely with some of the worlds most prestigious authors. We make use of big data and strategic thinking to develop insights and analyze international cultural trends to identify opportunities. We believe that the greatest stories have global reach and intersect with entertainment, media and culture.
Zhu Yingchun Studio
Zhu Yingchun is a book designer and artist based in Nanjing, China. He was awarded silver medal at the Leipzing Book Fair for 'the most beautiful book in the world' in 2017. Honoured with many titles, including the 'Chinese Government Award for Publishing' and the 'Outstanding Editor' prize, Yingchun nevertheless credits nature as his sole source of inspiration, and is at his happiest while studying the patterns and rituals of bugs and flowers in his own wild garden. His creations express his inquisitive approach to the world and his belief that every part of nature has a distinctive beauty.
Silke Heiss (Give Your Writing The Edge)
We are a one-woman charity, hoping to transform into a self-sustaining business, devoted to reminding readers of themselves.