Topix Media Lab
Topix Media Lab has now been recognized for two years in a row as one of five fastest growing U.S. Book publishers.
Topito Ediciones
Topito Ediciones, founded in Uruguay in 2012 is focused on children's picture books. It specializes in “rare books” that mix pop culture with traditional kids subjects.
Liccaratur-Verlag Klaus Pfaffeneder
Der Lech markiert seit Jahrhunderten die Grenze zwischen Alt-Baiern und Schwaben. Trotzdem gab es zu allen Zeiten einen regen Austausch hüben wie drüben, auch wenn der jeweils andere jenseits des Flusses immer ein Stück weit "fremd" geblieben war. Oft ein Ergebnis politischer Machtstrukturen. So war es für die Baiern selbstverständlich, dass das Leprosenhaus, der Friedhof und der Galgen "schwabseits" standen. Uns liegt es am Herzen, Grenzen verschwimmen zu lassen. Nicht nur im Zwischenmenschlichen, sondern auch über literarische Genre-Grenzen hinweg. Der Baumeister von Landsberg ist - nach Aussage vieler Leser - eine gelungene Mischung aus historisch getreuem Sachbuch und unterhaltsamer Belletristik. Das versuchen wir auch in unseren Kriminalromanen wiederzugeben. In unseren Romanen und Kurzgeschichten-Sammlungen werden die Protagonisten mit Grenzen konfrontiert, die das Leben selbst mit sich bringt. Dabei soll die Bandbreite menschlichen Handelns aufgezeigt werden, das oft auch gesellschaftliche Konventionen in Frage stellt.
Klarant GmbH
As an independent publishing house, Klarant Verlag publishes a wide range of books. Klarant Verlag has been founded in 2011 and since then published more than 900 fiction titles. Our portfolio ranges from cozy crime titles to contemporary romance, e.g. Biker and Motorcycle Club lovestories. Our specialization into “Ostfrieslandkrimis” (East Frisian regional crime titles) offers a broad set of stand-alone titles from german bestseller authors as well as series still to be continued.
Samir Éditeur
Founded in 1947, Samir Éditeur is a Beirut-based francophone publishing house specializing in children’s books and textbooks. We publish in both French and Arabic languages, and our books are distributed worldwide. Our children’s book list includes picture books, first readers, fiction and non-fiction titles for ages 2 to 17. We publish original content as well as carefully curated translations such as Roald Dahl’s books. Our family of culturally and geographically diverse authors and illustrators enriches our catalogue with award-winning titles, such as our YA title Caballero by Lenia Major that won 3 awards and got 3 mentions in France (2017-2018) or our picture book Raconte encore, grand-mère ! by Marido Viale and Xavière Broncard that won the Prix Chronos (2016). Our latest YA novel Droit devant is currently shortlisted for 5 literary awards. We are among those who were the most affected by the Beirut blast this past August. Our offices were completely destroyed; fortunately, our staff had been working from home due to the covid outbreak, so there were no human losses. And so we live to tell another story! – BOP Finalist 2019
Mercure de France
Provided with a remarkable collection, Mercure de France follows an exacting editorial policy: French and foreign literature, poetry, history, anthologies... Awarded many times, the publishing house is associated with prestigious names: Romain Gary, Colette, Ionesco , André Gide, André du Bouchet, Henri Michaux, Adonis, Yves Bonnefoy, Andréï Makine, Gilles Leroy, Anne Serre, Gwenaëlle Aubry, Julian Barnes...
Trusted Partner
Franz Steiner Verlag / Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic publishing house (ancient history of economics, history of science/medicine, geography, musicology, philosophy of law). Berliner Wissenschaft-Verlag is an imprint.
Trusted Partner
2024 Frankfurt Invitation Programme
Have a look at this compilation of titles from independent publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia and Latin America.
Trusted Partner
Frankfurt Invitation Programme Alumni
The Invitation Programme offers publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean the chance to participate inthe Frankfurter Buchmesse.
Association des éditeurs des Hauts de France
High quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
Organisation for Researching and Composing University Textbooks in the Humanities (SAMT)
Over 140 titles of books in cooperation with universities and research centers in countries in Asia and Europe
Frayed Edge Press
Frayed Edge Press is a small independent publishing house based in Philadelphia. We publish literary fiction and poetry, as well asnon-fiction titles in history and political science. We also publish the Street Smart Series of Short Fiction, consisting of contemporary, urban-set novelette-length works. We especially welcome marginalized voices, both historical and contemporary, including women, people of color, ethnic and religious minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, and progressive political viewpoints. We particularly seek to publish works that wrestle with important questions challenging contemporary society, including political and environmental concerns, civil rights, women's rights, and sustainability.
BuchVerlag für die Frau GmbH
The traditional publishing house is one of Germany's best-known advice publishers and has been based in Leipzig for 75 years. Emerging from the former Verlag für die Frau, the largest fashion and advice publisher in the GDR, today's BuchVerlag für die Frau successfully continues the book programme. Today, it is a constant on the German book market as a whole. The program is strongly positioned in the culinary field, which includes the cookbook classics "We cook well" and "Das Backbuch" as well as the Thuringian kitchen library. Another successful series is the mini-library, which now contains 360 volumes. First published in 1985, it will celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2020. The publishing program is rounded off with titles on nature, health, life assistance and an extensive hobby & creative area. Since 2015, BuchVerlag has been part of the publishing group "grunes herz®", a successful medium-sized publishing company with offices in Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.