John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley) is a renowned, global publishing company focusing on academic publishing for professionals and researchers within the field of science and medicine.
Narrative Landscape Press Ltd
Narrative Landscape Press is an independent publisher and a provider of publishing services and independent authors in Nigeria.
Wilkinson Publishing
Wilkinson Publishing is an independent Australian Publisher with over 40 years of experience. We are passionate about books and sharing great stories that entertain and inspire, and information that helps bring about change and creates opportunities to learn and belong.
Landmark Books
We are a boutique publishing house producing quality books on Asian subjects. We also provide publishing services and consultancy.
Lantana Publishing
Lantana is an award-winning, UK-based children’s publisher with a mission to publish inclusive books by authors from under-represented groups.
Goodreads Lanka
Goodreads Lanka buys and sells rights to publishers throughout the world. We ensure that Sri Lankan readers have access to the best literature in their own language.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Wilfrid Laurier University Press is a scholarly press based in Waterloo, Ontario.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Wiley helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, learned societies, businesses, governments and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work. For more than 200 years, we have delivered consistent performance to our stakeholders. Research Our Research business provides scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals as well as related content and services, for academic, corporate, and government libraries, learned societies, and individual researchers and professionals. Through Wiley Online Library we provide online access to a broad range of content from over 1,600 journals and 9,000+ books, including many reference works and databases. Wiley is the world's largest society publisher, partnering with 900+ learned societies worldwide, and helping to advance their missions. A transformational part of our Research business is Atypon, a publishing-software and service provider, who Wiley acquired in 2016. Atypon's Literatum platform hosts nearly 9,000 journals, 13 million journal articles, and more than 1,800 publication web sites for over 1500 societies and publishers. Publishing Our Publishing business provides scientific, professional development, and education books and related content, as well as test preparation services and course workflow tools, to libraries, corporations, students, professionals, and researchers. Our educational materials are available in all media, notably through WileyPLUS, our integrated online suite of teaching and learning resources. Solutions Our Workplace Learning Solutions business creates products and assessment services geared toward organizational and professional development. By bringing the ideas and best practices of thought leaders to life, we help people achieve career success and build better workplaces worldwide. Our premium solutions include Everything DiSC®, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive TeamTM, The Leadership Challenge®, CrossKnowledge, and PXT SelectTM.
Lantern Publishing Limited
We are a small, independent publisher of books and e-books for nursing and healthcare students. We involve students in the development and reviewing of our books to ensure they are as suitable as they can be for their intended readership.
Peter Lang Group
Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student coursebooks.
Diametric Verlag Jutta A. Wilke e.K.
Diametric Verlag is an independent publisher founded by Jutta A. Wilke providing high-quality specialized literature focused on women's issues like Women's Health, Gender Medicine and Feminism. All titles are published in German and available in print and digital editions.
GAPSK Language Promotion Council Limited
GAPSK and YLPSK are the standardized test of Chinese language for children from 3 to 15. From the world- renowned Peking University, GAPSK and YLPSK are certified and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education as language proficiency measuring tool for children . GAPSK, YLPSK could be conducted on site or completely online. Come join over 100,000 students who taken the tests, contact us at info@gapsk.org. Find out more at www.ylpsk.org
Goodreads Lanka Solutions
Goodreads Lanka is a dynamic and innovative book publishing company that has quickly established itself as a key player in the Sri Lankan publishing and the copyright market.