Your Results(showing 2)

    • Jabal Amman Publishers

      Jabal Amman Publishers has been a leader in the marketplace, setting the barfor excellence in knowledge publishing. We aspire to revive reading culture inthe Arab world, advancing education in the region. To this end we produce booksthat will empower our readers, bettering their lives as well as challenging falseperspectives that impede development. We are intent on elevating the Arabicbook and other media to the highest level of quality in terms of both content andlook. Jabal Amman Publisher won the best SME in Jordan 2019.

    • Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency (PNLA)

      The Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency (PNLA), established in 2000, represents writers in Italy and worldwide, either direct or through co-agents in several territories.PNLA negotiates film and TV rights with major Italian and international production companies. PNLA represents foreign publishers, agents and writers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, from Europe, South America and the Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan).

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