Kampu Mera Edition
A publisher dedicated to promote the works by Cambodian female authors. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Al Karma Publishers
A publisher of bestselling and award-winning contemporary and classic fiction and non-fiction. Winner of the Best Young Egyptian Publisher Award in 2020.
Karger Publishers
Karger Publishers (Basel, Switzerland) is a globally active medical and scientific publishing company. Independent and family-run, the company is dedicated to serving the information needs of the scientific community with publications of high-quality content, covering all fields of medical science.
Al-Kamel Verlag / Manshourat Al Jama
Manshurat Al Jamal was founded in 1983 by Khalid Al Maaly in Cologne ,in 2008 based in Beirut and a further branch in Bagdad .The program focus on :- Classic ,Modern Arab literature- Fiction short stories poems - Philosophy- Sociology Manshurat Al-Jamal is the publisher of a lot of authors: G.Grass O. Pamuk J. Habermas Robert Musil H.Qureishi G. Sinoue P. Celan W. Gombrowicz J. Derrida M. Horkheimer T. Adorno A. Kristof