Peter Lang Group
Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student coursebooks.
Ryland Peters & Small Ltd & Cico Books
We are an independent, illustrated publisher creating beautifully produced books in the areas of interior design, food & drink, craft, mindfulness and spirituality, health, humour and pop culture. We also produce delightful gifts and stationery, as well as fantastic ranges of books for kids.
Mediatoon Licensing
Mediatoon Foreign Rights sells international publishing rights to comic books, graphic novels, and illustrated books for all ages. We represent the following Media-Participations group publishers: Dargaud, Le Lombard, Dupuis, Kana, Lucky Comics, Little Urban, as well as independent publishers: Ankama, Les Edtitions de La Gouttière, Petit à Petit. We sell rights to renowned works of the Ninth Art such as Lucky Luke, Blake and Mortimer, Valérian, Thorgal, Spirou, and Blacksad. Works from our catalogue have found their way into dozens of languages and have won awards and prizes in contests around the world. Our department is also responsible for handling the foreign rights for derivative editions of the animation series produced by the Media-Participations group. We have a network of around 1,900 businesses, publishers, sub-agents and scouts, with over 4,300 individual contacts in 81 countries. Contracts are signed annually for an average of 1,600 titles.
Ediciones del Lirio
In this version 2023 of Book Fair of Frankfurt, the Mexican editorial Ediciones del Lirio has wished to participate on these books and culture global encounter.
Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni
MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment
Maria Pinto-Peuckmann
Rights Agent representing German Publishers and Authors in the fields of Business & Management, Finance, Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Sport & Fitness, Society, Ecology, Women Empowerment, IT Subjects, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Health, Dementia, Mental Health, and Therapeutic Books for children throughout the world and international publishers for German and Portuguese Language rights.
Gallimard Jeunesse
Founded in 1972, Gallimard Jeunesse now boasts a list of more than 4,000 titlesin both fiction and non-fiction, for young readers of all ages and reading levels,from the very first books for babies to great literary classics and bestsellingcontemporary titles. Over the years, our output has been a major stimulus for the children’s book industry in France, with readers, parents, booksellers, librarians and teachers trusting us to provide books of the highest quality in both print and digital format. Our list has a worldwide reputation for excellence and creativity.
Libros del Zorro Rojo
National Prize for Publishing 2011 Spanish Ministry of Culture Bologna Prize Best Children's Publisher of the year 2015
Petra Schier
Petra Schier, Jahrgang 1978, lebt mit Mann und Hund in einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Eifel. Sie studierte Geschichte und Literatur an der Fernuniversität Hagen und arbeitet seit 2003 freie Autorin. Ihre sehr erfolgreichen historischen Romane erscheinen u.a. im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ihre ebenfalls sehr beliebten Weihnachts- sowie Liebesromane bei Rütten Loening, MIRA Taschenbuch, HarperCollins und Weltbild.Unter dem Pseudonym Mila Roth veröffentlicht die Autorin verlagsunabhängig verschiedene erfolgreiche Buchserien.
Caramel Publishing - Editions Caramel
Caramel specializes in the creation and packaging of children’s books destined for the mass-market. We are based in Brussels and have been serving as an international book packager since 1993. Caramel continues to innovate with new concepts, while also expanding its editorial program. We possess a wide range of eductional products from board books to activity books, that can easily be translated into more than 60 languages!
Galaxy Press, Inc.
Publisher of Mr. Hubbard’s fiction library, including perennial and New York Times bestsellers such as Battlefield Earth, Mission Earth, Fear, Final Blackout and To the Stars.
Liccaratur-Verlag Klaus Pfaffeneder
Der Lech markiert seit Jahrhunderten die Grenze zwischen Alt-Baiern und Schwaben. Trotzdem gab es zu allen Zeiten einen regen Austausch hüben wie drüben, auch wenn der jeweils andere jenseits des Flusses immer ein Stück weit "fremd" geblieben war. Oft ein Ergebnis politischer Machtstrukturen. So war es für die Baiern selbstverständlich, dass das Leprosenhaus, der Friedhof und der Galgen "schwabseits" standen. Uns liegt es am Herzen, Grenzen verschwimmen zu lassen. Nicht nur im Zwischenmenschlichen, sondern auch über literarische Genre-Grenzen hinweg. Der Baumeister von Landsberg ist - nach Aussage vieler Leser - eine gelungene Mischung aus historisch getreuem Sachbuch und unterhaltsamer Belletristik. Das versuchen wir auch in unseren Kriminalromanen wiederzugeben. In unseren Romanen und Kurzgeschichten-Sammlungen werden die Protagonisten mit Grenzen konfrontiert, die das Leben selbst mit sich bringt. Dabei soll die Bandbreite menschlichen Handelns aufgezeigt werden, das oft auch gesellschaftliche Konventionen in Frage stellt.
Magic Author
We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.
Magellan GmbH & Co. KG
Launched in 2014, Magellan is a non-corporate publisher for children’s and YA literature based in Bamberg, Germany. Our aim is to produce a new, innovative, and irresistible style of book and games that is contentually, optically, and haptically set apart from the mainstream. We offer challenging texts and don’t shy away from serious topics. Our authors and illustrators tell stories grounded in reality with quirky humour, extraordinary illustrations, exceptional characters, and sometimes a dash of fantasy in order to distinguish our style from the norm. Furthermore, we are celebrating the printed book. Therefore, we focus on environmental friendliness and sustainability in our production process with special regard to the choice of paper, colours, adhesives, and varnishes. To keep our carbon footprint as small as possible, we mainly produce in Germany - only in exceptional cases in neighbouring European countries. To make all of this happen, a team of twenty busy bees is working with great pleasure and motivation. Why? Because we believe in innovation and design; we believe in great stories for the youngest readers and – most of all – we believe in the future of our planet! Discover Magellan!