Your Results(showing 13)

      • Liccaratur-Verlag Klaus Pfaffeneder

        Der Lech markiert seit Jahrhunderten die Grenze zwischen Alt-Baiern und Schwaben. Trotzdem gab es zu allen Zeiten einen regen Austausch hüben wie drüben, auch wenn der jeweils andere jenseits des Flusses immer ein Stück weit "fremd" geblieben war. Oft ein Ergebnis politischer Machtstrukturen. So war es für die Baiern selbstverständlich, dass das Leprosenhaus, der Friedhof und der Galgen "schwabseits" standen. Uns liegt es am Herzen, Grenzen verschwimmen zu lassen. Nicht nur im Zwischenmenschlichen, sondern auch über literarische Genre-Grenzen hinweg. Der Baumeister von Landsberg ist - nach Aussage vieler Leser - eine gelungene Mischung aus historisch getreuem Sachbuch und unterhaltsamer Belletristik. Das versuchen wir auch in unseren Kriminalromanen wiederzugeben. In unseren Romanen und Kurzgeschichten-Sammlungen werden die Protagonisten mit Grenzen konfrontiert, die das Leben selbst mit sich bringt. Dabei soll die Bandbreite menschlichen Handelns aufgezeigt werden, das oft auch gesellschaftliche Konventionen in Frage stellt.

      • Peter Lang Group

        Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student coursebooks.

      • Ryland Peters & Small Ltd & Cico Books

        We are an independent, illustrated publisher creating beautifully produced books in the areas of interior design, food & drink, craft, mindfulness and spirituality, health, humour and pop culture. We also produce delightful gifts and stationery, as well as fantastic ranges of books for kids.

      • Klarant GmbH

        As an independent publishing house, Klarant Verlag publishes a wide range of books. Klarant Verlag has been founded in 2011 and since then published more than 900 fiction titles. Our portfolio ranges from cozy crime titles to contemporary romance, e.g. Biker and Motorcycle Club lovestories. Our specialization into “Ostfrieslandkrimis” (East Frisian regional crime titles) offers a broad set of stand-alone titles from german bestseller authors as well as series still to be continued.

      • Mainstream United

        I'm representing modern Israeli Russian-speaking writer Jonathan Vidgop. This author's first book was granted fund of Israeli president and received recognition in Israel in 1999. The author writes rarely. There are two very different books offered. One, a result of 20 years of collecting historical material, is a collection of more than 100 very funny short stories of sexuality and attitude to Jews of famous personalities of different countries and times. The other book, very recent, is a a grotesque phantasmagoria, novel "Testimony", whose style, if any, can be compared to Susskind's Perfume. See description of the books below.

      • mairisch Verlag

        mairisch Verlag is an an independent publishing house founded in 1999 and located in Hamburg. Whether fiction, non-fiction, illustrated children's books, audio books, graphic novels or music, mairisch Velag exclusively publishes books, CDs and LPs we really care about. In 2013 mairisch Verlag invented Indiebookday.

      • Chas Maistriv

        Humanity uses reason to fill life with goodness and celebration. Our mission is to help a person in this at the beginning of his life

      • Petra Schier

        Petra Schier, Jahrgang 1978, lebt mit Mann und Hund in einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Eifel. Sie studierte Geschichte und Literatur an der Fernuniversität Hagen und arbeitet seit 2003 freie Autorin. Ihre sehr erfolgreichen historischen Romane erscheinen u.a. im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ihre ebenfalls sehr beliebten Weihnachts- sowie Liebesromane bei Rütten Loening, MIRA Taschenbuch, HarperCollins und Weltbild.Unter dem Pseudonym Mila Roth veröffentlicht die Autorin verlagsunabhängig verschiedene erfolgreiche Buchserien.

      • Petula Chaplin Rights Agency

        Petula Chaplin is a UK based International Sales and Rights Agent. Please contact her at

      • Petra Ediciones

        Petra Ediciones

      • Guangdong Petrel Electronic & Audio-Visual Publishing House

        Founded in 1996 as an affiliate of Southern Publishing & Media Co.Ltd.(SPM),Guangdong Petrel Electronic & Audio-Visual Publishing House (PEPH) has now become an all-media publisher specializing in online publishing, as well as creating, publishing and distributing audio-visual products, electronic reading materials, and books,etc. PEPH has designed and produced lots of electronic &audio-visual publications and hundreds of books related to social,science,education,language,science and technology, culture,art,among which several series of books were oriented toward international copyright exchanges. Till now, PEPH has already established cooperative relationships with publishers from South-East Asia and North America, totally exporting more than 200 titles.

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