Your Results(showing 159)

    • Vanny Gani

      The Awakening of the Stars, a novel in the mystical fiction category & Aerial Roots a drama and comedy about the author grandmother.

    • Paulinas | Editorial Paulinas Colombia

      Somos una congregación de mujeres consagradas a Dios de la Iglesia Católica, para la evangelización con los medios de comunicación social.Sobre las huellas de Pablo, y con su mismo espíritu dedicamos todas nuestras fuerzas para VIVIR y COMUNICAR a Jesucristo en el areópago de la comunicación.

    • Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

      Brookes Publishing is an independent publisher based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. For more than 40 years, Brookes has been a leading provider of professional resources and assessments in early childhood, communication and language, education (particularly special education), and disability. Brookes Publishing is committed to bettering lives and outcomes for all people.

    • Paul Pietsch Verlage

      The Paul Pietsch publishing houses unite the Motorbuch Verlag as well as the publishing houses pietsch, Müller Rüschlikon, transpress and the Bucheli Verlag under one roof. With a total range of over 2,700 available guidebooks, we offer our readers a wealth of specialized knowledge and information on the topics of mobility, technology and active leisure.

    • Trusted Partner

      Paul Zsolnay Verlag

      Der Paul Zsolnay Verlag und Deuticke im Paul Zsolnay Verlag verlegen internationale und deutschsprachige Belletristik, Klassiker- und Gesamtausgaben, literarische Krimis und eine breite Palette von vor allem geistesgeschichtlichen und politischen Sachbüchern.

    • Edições Sesc São Paulo

      Educate, provoke, communicate and expand debates proposed by Sesc in its cultural centers. These are the ideals that define the work developed by Edições Sesc São Paulo. Exploring Sesc's socio-cultural programming - aimed at non-formal education - as one of its main references, the publisher has been expanding the themes of its books to diverse areas of knowledge. The titles comprise a wide thematic variety in culture: visual arts; anthropology; architecture and urbanism; biographies; mind and behavioral sciences; cinema; communication and journalism; design; education; sports and body practices; philosophy and politics; photography; cultural management; history; ageing, books and reading; environment and sustainability; music; sociology; theater and dance. Seeking to stimulate access to knowledge and reading, Edições Sesc São Paulo has added to its catalog an increasing number of e-books. This initiative includes books published exclusively in digital format, distributed worldwide.

    • Manilla Press

      Manilla Press is a home for novelists, journalists, memoirists, thinkers, dreamers, influencers. Our reach is international, our range broad, we publish with focus, passion and conviction, and we seek to find and publish underrepresented voices.

    • Piccadilly Press

      Piccadilly Press publishes books primarily for readers aged 5 12 years old. Their books are fun, family-orientated stories that possess the ability to capture readers’ imagination and inspire them to develop a life-long love of reading.

    • Nitro/Press

      Nitro/Press is an independent publishing house founded in 1997 that specialises in avant-garde stories and essays by authors of different generations from all over Mexico and Latin America.

    • Straits Times Press

      In our pursuit of books of uncompromising quality and appeal, we have in the past two decades helped Singapore earn a place on the world map for publishing.

    • Jadavpur University Press

      Founded in 2012, JUP primarily publishes in English and Bengali. Most of the English titles are in the humanities and social sciences, with authors from both within and outside India.

    • Hunan Science and Technology Press

      Science & Technology Books from China

    • Shepherd Press (Click for full list of titles)

      Shepherd Press is a publishing company committed to providing God's people with solid biblical books and materials.

    • University of Philippines Press (UP Press)

      The University of the Philippines Press (or the U.P. Press) is the official publishing house for all constituent units of the U.P. system, and is the first university press in the country. It is mandated to encourage, publish, and disseminate scholarly, creative, and scientific works that represent distinct contributions to knowledge in various academic disciplines, which commercial publishers would not ordinarily undertake to publish.

    • Les Presses de l'Inalco/Inalco Presses

      Les Presses de l’Inalco publient des ouvrages scientifiques qui associent aires culturelles et champs disciplinaires. Leur offre éditoriale s’organise autour de collections aires géographiques et de séries correspondant à des regroupements disciplinaires. Elles publient aussi des ouvrages à vocation pédagogique. Les Presses de l’Inalco publish scientific books and journals that combine area studies and disciplinary fields. Publications are organized into collections by geographic area and series corresponding to disciplinary groupings. Les Presses de l’Inalco enjoy full academic and editorial independence.

    • Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa Press

      Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, la maison d’édition d’une des plus grandes universités de recherche au Canada et l’une des plus grandes universités bilingues au monde, proposent un programme d’édition en sciences humaines primé, évalué par les pairs, adapté à une économie du savoir et à la réalité de la mondialisation. Les PUO visent l’excellence en recherche et en édition, y compris en accès libre viable. Son catalogue annuel de 25-30 titres, de 4 revues savantes et de 2 marques (Mercure; Harvest House) avance le savoir et est axé sur les grands débats. The University of Ottawa Press, the publishing arm of one of Canada's top research universities and one of the world's top bilingual universities, offers an award-winning, peer-reviewed HSS publishing program for a knowledge-based, globalized world. UOP is committed to excellence in scholarship and publishing practices, including sustainable OA. Its annual catalogue of 25-30 titles, 4 journals and 2 imprints (Mercury Series; Harvest House) advance knowledge and engage with today’s issues.

    • Ouen Press

      Ouen Press is an indie publisher seeking to establish a close working relationship with a small ensemble of gifted storytellers. They publish fiction, travel, literature and biographies.

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