Rosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali SrL
Rosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali is a literary and editorial agency, representing domestic and international rights of Italian authors.
Rossberg in der RBV Verlag GmbH
Management Books Backlist: Deep Work for Companies! Rethink value creation in the digital age. The Focused Company New Work-Book for companies Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Most Wanted: Chief of the future m/f/d. About the changing role of the CEO in a digitalized world. Honored with the Longlist of the Stiftung Deutsche Buchkunst 2020 Author: Vera Starker Management books new releases: "I have never been to New Work. Ant Ada and her vision of the agile anthill." Author: Vera Starker; Illustrator: Matthias Schneider. Ant Ada dreams of New Work. Surely it must be possible to have more responsibility, more freedom to try out new ideas! And to be able to organize one's own working day in a meaningful way? And in general, there must be more behind agile work than just to on the first name with the ant queen and her wearing sneakers? Children books backlist: Toffi, Franka and the King-Mobil. Volume 1: What does trash do on the moon? From 6 years. Honored with the Longlist of the Stiftung Deutsche Buchkunst 2020. Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Raby-Florence Fofana Children books new releases: The Berlin Investigators. Volume 1: The mystery of the disappeared picture From 6 years; Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Joanna Wilkans Be smart! YOU also have it in your hand! From 6 years. Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Karen Strempel, trickfilmlounge
Editions Les Malins
A French Canadian award winning independent publisher, specialised in middle grade and YA fiction and comic books.
Les éditions Z’ailées
Les éditions Z'ailées is based in Quebec. We have been publishing children's literature, illustrated books, fiction and and non-fiction, in French, since 2006. We have more than 150 titles available in our catalogue that are mainly books for children, teenagers and young adults. Some of our books are used in school programmes, others are bestsellers, and some have received awards. We are proud to encourage French Canadian authors and to be a part of our country's culture. Through our novels and albums we hope to touch and entertain young readers with subjects they can relate to.
PT Mekar Cipta Lestari
Mekar Cipta Lestari Publisher started with the initiation of Rosidayati Rozalina, which was officially established on January 27, 2020 in the midst of the pandemic.
SAS Les Editions de la Neva
Founded in 2014, Les Editions de la Neva operates as a books and ebooks publishing company. The company publishes books in commercial fiction, literary fiction and general non-fiction in France. http://www.editionsdelaneva.com
Les Presses de l'Inalco/Inalco Presses
Les Presses de l’Inalco publient des ouvrages scientifiques qui associent aires culturelles et champs disciplinaires. Leur offre éditoriale s’organise autour de collections aires géographiques et de séries correspondant à des regroupements disciplinaires. Elles publient aussi des ouvrages à vocation pédagogique. Les Presses de l’Inalco publish scientific books and journals that combine area studies and disciplinary fields. Publications are organized into collections by geographic area and series corresponding to disciplinary groupings. Les Presses de l’Inalco enjoy full academic and editorial independence.
Les Editions Québec Amérique Inc
Les Editions Québec Amérique Inc has published more than 2,000 titles since 1974, making for a rich and varied selection of fiction and essay titles.