Richard Griffin (1820) Ltd t/a Tarquin
Tarquin produces books for recreational mathematics, and for students and teachers in schools. We have a near 50 year history of enriching mathematics as well as papercraft and origami titles. Many of our 240 titles have been translated into all the major languages of the world. But as a small publisher, we understand other small publishers and can tailor rights deals appropriately and economically. We have 12 titles that are new in 2020 and where rights are available.
Sue Richardson Associates Ltd (SRA Books)
SRA Books are a team of dedicated individuals who strive to help writers and business owners to produce fantastic books that not only look good but sell well and increase business for their authors. Sue Richardson is a dynamic publishing professional who together with her associates Maria Waite (publishing assistant and proofreader), Kelly Mundt (production manager), Sarah Williams (book coach and substantive editor), Mark Hobin (creative book designer), Mark Renwick (book blogsite builder) and Chantal Cooke (ace book PR) work to ensure all aspects of publishing a book are catered for to the highest standards.
Königshausen + Neumann GmbH
The publishing house Königshausen & Neumann was founded in 1979 by the students Johannes Königshausen and Thomas Neumann and has quickly developed into a well-known publishing house for the Humanities in a national and international context. Today we have a backlist of more than 7,000 available (!) titles, with a focus on philosophy, literature and cultural studies, history, psychology, music and art. Our aim is to accompany developments in science with publications and to make developments in science visible and accessible as such in the first place. We want to be an echo chamber not of one thought, but of a plurality of thoughts. Wittgenstein's followers, for example, are represented in our programme, as are his critics. Our authors include philosophers such as Gernot Böhme, Otto Friedrich Bollnow, Karen Gloy, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, Vittorio Hösle and Peter Sloterdijk, and literary and linguistic scholars such as Dieter Borchmeyer, Karl Corino, Ulrich Gaier, Walter Hinderer and Volker Klotz, Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Wolfgang Riedel or Hans Rudolf Vaget, psychologists like Johannes Cremerius, Roland Kuhn or Josef Rattner, musicologists like Hermann Danuser, Frieder Reininghaus, Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen, Arnold Jacobshagen, Barbara Meier, Anno Mungen or Arne Stollberg. Many scientists have taken their first steps at K&N. Robert Habeck has published his master's and doctoral theses at K&N. Artists are represented in our programme, such as Diana Damrau, Anja Harteros or Jonas Kaufmann, Marco Goecke or Robert Tewsley. Artists are brought into conversation in a unique way: Richard Wagner or Francisco de Goya, for example. Elazar Benyoëtz entrusts us with his work, but also the young generation of writers, such as Manfred Kern, Markus Orths or Sophie Reyer, published by K&N.
Liccaratur-Verlag Klaus Pfaffeneder
Der Lech markiert seit Jahrhunderten die Grenze zwischen Alt-Baiern und Schwaben. Trotzdem gab es zu allen Zeiten einen regen Austausch hüben wie drüben, auch wenn der jeweils andere jenseits des Flusses immer ein Stück weit "fremd" geblieben war. Oft ein Ergebnis politischer Machtstrukturen. So war es für die Baiern selbstverständlich, dass das Leprosenhaus, der Friedhof und der Galgen "schwabseits" standen. Uns liegt es am Herzen, Grenzen verschwimmen zu lassen. Nicht nur im Zwischenmenschlichen, sondern auch über literarische Genre-Grenzen hinweg. Der Baumeister von Landsberg ist - nach Aussage vieler Leser - eine gelungene Mischung aus historisch getreuem Sachbuch und unterhaltsamer Belletristik. Das versuchen wir auch in unseren Kriminalromanen wiederzugeben. In unseren Romanen und Kurzgeschichten-Sammlungen werden die Protagonisten mit Grenzen konfrontiert, die das Leben selbst mit sich bringt. Dabei soll die Bandbreite menschlichen Handelns aufgezeigt werden, das oft auch gesellschaftliche Konventionen in Frage stellt.
mikrotext / Nikola Richter
mikrotext is a publisher for texts with attitude and for new narratives, founded in 2013 in Berlin by Nikola Richter The independent publishing house focusses on new literary texts that comment on contemporary questions and allow insights into tomorrow. The texts are inspired by discussions on social media platformes and reflect today’s global debates. All titles are published digital first. A selection is available in English. In 2020 and 2019, mikrotext was awarded the German Publisher Award by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Media.
Klarant GmbH
As an independent publishing house, Klarant Verlag publishes a wide range of books. Klarant Verlag has been founded in 2011 and since then published more than 900 fiction titles. Our portfolio ranges from cozy crime titles to contemporary romance, e.g. Biker and Motorcycle Club lovestories. Our specialization into “Ostfrieslandkrimis” (East Frisian regional crime titles) offers a broad set of stand-alone titles from german bestseller authors as well as series still to be continued.
Neue Erde GmbH
Neue Erde is an independent mind, body, spirit publisher with the aim to express and promote an earth-connected and life-affirming way of life through a holistic approach to nature, health and spirituality. In over 35 years of publishing history, numerous authors of Neue Erde have made a name for themselves as respected experts in their fields. We would like to offer titles that may contribute to your personal development, now and in future, because our purpose is to provide books for people who are on their path.
Neutraale Kulturverein e.V.
At Neutraale we create children's coloring books. Text, characters and illustrations are ready to be published and we present original creations. National and international rights available for sale.
Editora do Brasil
Founded in 1943, Editora do Brasil has a wonderful history of commitment to culture and education. As a solid and experienced publisher, we are increasingly connected to the new times. One of the largest Brazilian companies in the segment, we believe in strengthening education and culture nationally and abroad. With a diverse and award-winning catalog, Editora do Brasil is always seeking to stay current and offer the best material. Our books feature a variety of themes by some of the best authors and designers, some of whom are internationally renowned.
Rights and Brands
Rights & Brands is a 360 licensing and publishing agency bringing Nordic rights and brands to a global arena. Starting from a strategic base in literature, art and design, R&B’s platform is built on knowledge, passion and people. Using all aspects of character representation and branding, from publishing and PR to licensing, merchandising and digital development, with a worldwide network of sub-agents and over 800 clients, R&B’s international insight and business capacity is unique.
JUMBO Neue Medien & Verlag GmbH
For more than 25 years, the German publisher JUMBO publishes wonderful booksto discover, for reading-aloud or to read on your own. Our range comprises amiablyillustrated picture books like “Emily and the Sea” by Andrea Reitmeyer, verysuccessful first reader series such as the “North Sea Detectives” by bestselling authorKlaus-Peter Wolf and Bettina Göschl as well as lavishly designed jewels like the book“Why Mosquitos Bite us in Summer, Snails Eat our Lettuce and why there Is a Rainbow.”by world-famous and bestselling children’s books author Kirsten Boie.In addition, literary classics such as “A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Shakespearefor Young and Old”, newly retold by Ulrich Maske, and Marko Simsa’s soundingmusic picture books that include CDs round up our list true to our all-time slogan:“Only the best for kids!”The Hamburg publisher with its thirty employees is as well one of the leading andindependent German audio book publishers.
Girassol Brasil Edições Ltda.
Girassol Brasil has been in existence for 20 years. Despite still being a young company, it has attained prominence in the children’s book scene thanks to the quality and interactivity of its books. They offer educational books; children’s literature, especiallyfrom renowned Brazilian authors; tales and fables; world literary classics; games and puzzles; and several reference books. The catalogue is also filled with pop-up titles, bath books, wipe and clean books, flap books and many different interactive elements that provide a pleasant reading experience and make learning fun for young children and early readers. A series we would like to recommend you especially is Heartwarming stories, written by educational psychologist Paula Furtado in order to help young children to deal with difficult situations and life circumstances.
Bradt Travel Guides Ltd
Bradt Travel Guides have a reputation as the pioneering publisher for tackling ‘unusual’ destinations, and producing colourful guidebooks which are entertaining as well as useful.