KANOA Verlag
KANOA-Verlag, Schweiz: Förderung des kulturellen Austauschs mit Lateinamerika und seinen Autoren im Bereich Literatur. Veröffentlichung von Belletristik in spanischer Sprache und deren Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Englische. In Zusammenarbeit mit Verlagen in Europa, Verbreitungsplattformen und Kultureinrichtungen fördern wir lateinamerikanische Autoren und ihre Werke, um ein Lesepublikum entsprechend ihren Ansprüchen zu erreichen. Editorial KANOA, Suiza: Promoción de intercambio cultural con América Latina y sus autores en el campo de la literatura. Publicación en español de textos de ficción y su traducción al alemán e inglés. En cooperación con otras editoriales, plataformas de difusión y entidades culturales, promovemos autores latinoamericanos y sus obras para alcanzar un público lector de acuerdo a sus exigencias. KANOA publishing house, Switzerland: we promote a cultural exchange with Latin America and its authors in the field of literature. Publishing is focused on the publication of fiction in Spanish and its translation into German and English. In cooperation with publishers in Europe, diffusion platforms and cultural entities, we promote Latin American authors and their works in order to reach a reading public according to their demands.
Kanki Publishing
Kanki Publishing publishes books in business, economics, management, self-development, daily life knowledge and skills, humanities and linguistics, while pursuing originality based on the motto: “Convince, Satisfy and Fascinate Our Readers”.
2 Seas Agency
With offices in California & Europe, 2 Seas sells rights worldwide or into specific territories with over 25 years of combined experience.
Sea of Stories Inc.
Welcome to Sea of Stories™, an intellectual rights agency specializing in literary foreign rights. Sea of Stories was created in 2001. One of our first clients was Tara Books, who only had one book in their catalogue at the time! We like to start with new publishers and grow along them over time. We like funky and innovative styles and illustrations and represent quirky adult titles and fun children books. Sea of Stories is about bridging the gap between countries and cultures, finding the best of each and sharing it with a broader audience. We hope to add to the mix, offering you some of the best in Brazilian, Dutch, English, French, and Spanish literature! We’re delighted to work with the following houses: A Buen Paso Blue Apple Blue Cat Emily McDowell & Friends Knock Knock Loopvis Uitgeverij Monoblock Pencil Planta Editora Primerose Productions Quirk Publishing Snor Uitgeverij WMF Martins Fontes