Your Results(showing 3)

    • Kliemann & Company

      Kliemann & Company LLC, advises companies on strategies for maximizing reach and revenue generated from their publishing programs. Recent clients include American Chemical Society, Highlights for Children, Humble Bundle and more. Prior to forming my consulting firm, I was Vice President, Director, Global Rights, with Wiley Inc. and before Wiley, I worked in a variety of publisher positions with responsibility for managing editorial, creative and marketing teams, in addition to rights. From Random House/Fodor’s Travel to Hyperion/Disney, to Farrar, Straus & Giroux, my experience enabled me to work on print and digital deals for a wide range of authors with a broad spectrum of global companies. I am also the head of the Rights Committee for the Book Industry Study Group, where we focus on helping to identify and solve problems within the Rights area of publishing. And every now and then, I take on an author and book that intrigues me -- and that I think would be of interest to you!

    • JUMP!

      Jump! publishes children’s nonfiction with a focus on curriculum-aligned subjects for emergent through early-fluent readers. Our books combine vibrant colors with captivating photography and corresponding text to draw readers into the subject and encourage reading success.

    • JUMBO Neue Medien & Verlag GmbH

      For more than 25 years, the German publisher JUMBO publishes wonderful booksto discover, for reading-aloud or to read on your own. Our range comprises amiablyillustrated picture books like “Emily and the Sea” by Andrea Reitmeyer, verysuccessful first reader series such as the “North Sea Detectives” by bestselling authorKlaus-Peter Wolf and Bettina Göschl as well as lavishly designed jewels like the book“Why Mosquitos Bite us in Summer, Snails Eat our Lettuce and why there Is a Rainbow.”by world-famous and bestselling children’s books author Kirsten Boie.In addition, literary classics such as “A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Shakespearefor Young and Old”, newly retold by Ulrich Maske, and Marko Simsa’s soundingmusic picture books that include CDs round up our list true to our all-time slogan:“Only the best for kids!”The Hamburg publisher with its thirty employees is as well one of the leading andindependent German audio book publishers.

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