Your Results(showing 27)

    • Melanie S. Wolfe

      Make sure to check out the catalog for more titles. Melanie S. Wolfe is an up and coming author with four self-published books and several manuscripts in the pipeline. She writes fiction that includes a diverse cast of characters with themes that deal with real-world issues and sometimes have a light sci-fi or paranormal feel to them. Her favorite age group falls within the New Adult range but her works appeal to the older YA and adult reader as well. Melanie would like to find representation as well as negotiate domestic and foreign print, digital and audio rights/licensing on her current published works and her upcoming projects. Melanie S. Wolfe grew up between Kansas City, MO, and various places in Oklahoma (USA) where she studied Liberal Arts at the University of Oklahoma. She was a military wife for ten years and served the Army community as a Relocation Clerk while stationed in Bamberg, Germany. She currently lives in Florida with her family and is loving the beach life.

    • Wolters Kluwer Health

      Wolters Kluwer Health is a leading global publisher of medical, nursing and allied health information resources in book, journal, newsletter, looseleaf and electronic media formats.

    • Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S.

      Wolters Kluwer Law & Business delivers expert content and solutions in the areas of law, corporate compliance, health compliance, reimbursement, and legal education.

    • Uitgeverij Prometheus

      Prometheus Publishers is a Dutch publisher that publishes a wide variety of quality fiction and non-fiction titles. Prometheus’s catalogue balances established talents with new voices that we introduce into the literary market. Amongst our fiction authors are renowned Dutch-language authors such as Connie Palmen, Griet Op de Beeck, Tom Lanoye, Tim Krabbé, and Esther Verhoef. Prometheus also publishes the Dutch translations of great international voices like Umberto Eco, Sandro Veronesi, Margaret Atwood, and Zadie Smith. Our non-fiction catalogue is filled with experts from across the scientific spectrum. Ranging from history to psychology and from physics to literary studies, Prometheus offers exciting new insights into a wide range of disciplines. Prometheus also publishes a philosophical series with musings on subjects that are relevant to our society today.

    • RANOK Corporation

      Ukrainian Publishing House “RANOK” founded in 1997 is prominent for its endless love for books and reading.

    • ZOOlibri di Rabitti Corrado

      ZOOlibri is an indipendent publishing house born in Reggio Emilia in 2001, that focuses its production in picture books and novels in pictures. Its purpose is both producing its own titles and translating other’s titles on the market taking care of bringing unknown and unpublished artists on Italian market first, and then on the international one. Now almost 70 titles appear on the catalogue. After more than 15 years of work on the international market ZOOlibri is known as one of the most active independent publishers, with productions translated worldwide in 18 languages, and for being the first in bringing together in the same catalogue Jon Klassen, Steve Antony and Oliver Jeffers.

    • Maurizio Corraini S.r.l.

      Our work is made out of curiosity and discovery, used to levity and fun. An unpredictable and uninterrupted process that, in our case, has lasted for over 40 years. 40 years of encounters, bandying between art and books, in search of new languages, contaminations, free experimentation.

    • Australian Licensing Corporation

      Mary Hare Director +44 (0)7718 586425

    • GAPSK Language Promotion Council Limited

      GAPSK and YLPSK are the standardized test of Chinese language for children from 3 to 15. From the world- renowned Peking University, GAPSK and YLPSK are certified and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education as language proficiency measuring tool for children . GAPSK, YLPSK could be conducted on site or completely online. Come join over 100,000 students who taken the tests, contact us at Find out more at

    • SPCK The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge/InterVarsity Press (IVP) UK

      SPCK is the UK’s leading independent Christian publisher. We are known for our history and theological tradition of supporting the church with works of practical and pastoral benefit. Today we are a recognised market-leader publishing in the areas of theology and Christian spirituality and are developing into other areas. We publish leading authors such as Tom Wright, Rowan Williams, Paula Gooder, Alister McGrath, Janet Morley and Catherine Fox. Inter-Varsity Press (IVP) publishes Christian books that are true to the Bible and that communicate the gospel, develop discipleship and strengthen the church for its mission throughout the world. We publish evangelical Christian books for the church and the world, including for academic audiences under the imprint Apollos. As a British publisher, we aim to be at the centre of the UK evangelical church's conversation with itself and with the wider world. We also seek to have a global reach and impact through worldwide distribution, licensing and partnerships.

    • Suug Productions

      Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

    • Trusted Partner

      HBG Productions

      HBG represents educational, spiritually empowering and life-affirming works from small and independent publishers. Dedicated to alternative perspectives and self-healing, self-empowerment, enlightenment, inspiration, and joy, our consciousness-expanding, self-help and educational books contribute to greater awareness for our readers. Through new science, sacred teachings, transmitted wisdom, humor, real-life stories and more, each book offers its own unique gift and guidance. Our topics include Alternative Healing, Body-Mind-Spirit, Business Entrepreneurship, Children's Literature, Consciousness Studies, Health and Wellness, Nature, Parenting, Psychology, Relationships/Communication, Self-Help and more.

    • Libra Libros Proyectos

      LIBRA LIBROS PROYECTOS S.A.S es una empresa colombiana, fundada en el año 2015. Su Editorial LIBRA LIBROS cuenta con lineas temáticas en la historia, música y patrimonio del Caribe colombiano. Se presta servicios a otras empresas o entidades privadas y públicas en realizar proyectos editoriales propios.

    • Proverse Hong Kong

      Proverse Hong Kong is a Hong Kong-based press publishing local and international authors with local and international content, including: English-language and translated literary novels, short story and poetry collections, detective stories, mysteries and thrillers, non-fiction (biography, memoirs, travel, china missionary, education and law-court history; source materials including annotated archival transcriptions) ; poetry anthologies; YA fiction; books for students; academic studies (mainly with a Hong Kong and Hong Kong China focus). Formats: paperback, hardback, POD, e-books, audio. Publication awards: from local and international cultural bodies. Events: Spring and Autumn Receptions in Hong Kong with prize announcements and awards, book launches, authors’ brief talks. Prizes: We offer two annual international prizes for writing previously unpublished in English: 1) the Proverse Prize for book-length works of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry; 2) the Proverse Poetry Prize for single poems (max 30 lines). Open to all, 18+ irrespective of residence, nationality or citizenship. Annual entry periods: 7 May-30 June. More information:

    • Prozart Media

      Prozart Media, founded 2015 in North Macedonia, is focused on a wide range of titles in segments such as fiction, YA and children literature. They organize the International Literature Festival PRO-ZA Balkan and the Skopje fellowship program.

    • Little Ant Productions LLC

      LITTLE ANT PRODUCTIONS LLC. We have a passion for novels and movies World Wide. Our Sister Company is Hubbard Small Press Publications LLC.

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