Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation (WEF) publishes a variety of technical publications, including newsletters, manuals of practice and other books, magazines, and journals.
Alam Al Kotob
Alam Al Kotob has published a wide array of distinguished books in various fields, including Law, Engineering and Arts, Education and Psychology, Literature, Language.
Claret Press
Claret Press is an independent press based in London. Our books are now read and enjoyed all over the world. We specialise in mysteries and thrills and chronicles and memoirs.
Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency (PNLA)
The Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency (PNLA), established in 2000, represents writers in Italy and worldwide, either direct or through co-agents in several territories.PNLA negotiates film and TV rights with major Italian and international production companies. PNLA represents foreign publishers, agents and writers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, from Europe, South America and the Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan).
Albin Michel Jeunesse
Albin Michel Jeunesse publishes a variety of books, attracting a broad fan base. Pre-readers love characters such as Mouk and Pomelo, early readers adore Geronimo Stilton, and teens devour our top notch Middle Age and YA series. Our catalogue showcases talents as varied as Marion Bataille, Blexbolex, Marc Boutavant, Janik Coat, Benjamin Chaud and Benjamin Lacombe, to name but a few. All of our publications, be they pop-up books, novelty books, picture books, novels or non-fiction titles, are brought to life with imagination and affection.
Éditions Michel Quintin
Founded in 1982, Les Éditions Michel Quintin have since then been producing high-quality picture books, documentary books and a variety of fiction and fantasy books for children as well as adult fiction books and field guides. The publishing house now gathers over 700 titles in its catalogue, to which are added about 50 new releases each year.
Clare Painter Associates Ltd
Licensing digital rights can be complicated and time-consuming. For 15 years our digital licensing agency, founded by pioneering digital publisher David Attwooll (as Attwooll Associates), has guided publishers through rapid and complex digital change. Clare and her small team of digital rights experts take a personal approach to each publisher, recommending specific licences and digital business models. We attend the book fairs in London and Frankfurt each year, and deal regularly with over 50 e-vendors across all sectors of the market: professional, academic, educational, and consumer.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd.
The Michael O’Mara imprint has illustrated and non- illustrated non-fiction titles for adults on history, sciences, marketing and management, biographies, humour and gift. The Buster imprint develops activity and reference titles for kids. The innovative range of this list develops the curiosity, knowledge and artistic fibre of our little ones. Finally, LOM Art includes a carefully curated list of artist-led titles. We have collaborated with talented illustrators from around the globe to create exquisite titles on drawing, painting, colouring, dot to dot, stickers and so much more!
Baerli und der Rotnasige
Bärli und der Rotnasige ist liebevoll illustriert von Michael Stefer und witzig getextet von Helga Kleisny: Ein Flugzeugkapitän und eine Luftfahrtjournalistin, die in Corona-Zeiten in einem Buch den Charme von Janosch-Zeichungen, die illustre Welt einer Alice im Wunderland und die Lebensweisheiten des Kleinen Prinzen vereinen.
Rossberg in der RBV Verlag GmbH
Management Books Backlist: Deep Work for Companies! Rethink value creation in the digital age. The Focused Company New Work-Book for companies Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Most Wanted: Chief of the future m/f/d. About the changing role of the CEO in a digitalized world. Honored with the Longlist of the Stiftung Deutsche Buchkunst 2020 Author: Vera Starker Management books new releases: "I have never been to New Work. Ant Ada and her vision of the agile anthill." Author: Vera Starker; Illustrator: Matthias Schneider. Ant Ada dreams of New Work. Surely it must be possible to have more responsibility, more freedom to try out new ideas! And to be able to organize one's own working day in a meaningful way? And in general, there must be more behind agile work than just to on the first name with the ant queen and her wearing sneakers? Children books backlist: Toffi, Franka and the King-Mobil. Volume 1: What does trash do on the moon? From 6 years. Honored with the Longlist of the Stiftung Deutsche Buchkunst 2020. Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Raby-Florence Fofana Children books new releases: The Berlin Investigators. Volume 1: The mystery of the disappeared picture From 6 years; Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Joanna Wilkans Be smart! YOU also have it in your hand! From 6 years. Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Karen Strempel, trickfilmlounge
Elefanta Editorial
Elefanta Editorial is a Mexican company born in 2011 and based in Mexico City. It publishes fiction, non-fiction, poetry, illustrations and photography.
Editora Elefante
Editora Elefante was founded in May 2011 and publishes titles mainly in the areas of sociology, anthropology, feminism, Latin American studies, anti-racism, and political essays.
Class Publishing Ltd.
Class Professional Publishing aims to fully support healthcare professions by publishing the best, most innovative educational resources.