Your Results(showing 12)

    • Christine Heimannsberg

      Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.

    • Christian Media Publishing (Pty) Ltd.

      CMP specialises in the publication of Meta-text Bibles, Study Bibles and faith-based Children's Literature.

    • SPCK The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge/InterVarsity Press (IVP) UK

      SPCK is the UK’s leading independent Christian publisher. We are known for our history and theological tradition of supporting the church with works of practical and pastoral benefit. Today we are a recognised market-leader publishing in the areas of theology and Christian spirituality and are developing into other areas. We publish leading authors such as Tom Wright, Rowan Williams, Paula Gooder, Alister McGrath, Janet Morley and Catherine Fox. Inter-Varsity Press (IVP) publishes Christian books that are true to the Bible and that communicate the gospel, develop discipleship and strengthen the church for its mission throughout the world. We publish evangelical Christian books for the church and the world, including for academic audiences under the imprint Apollos. As a British publisher, we aim to be at the centre of the UK evangelical church's conversation with itself and with the wider world. We also seek to have a global reach and impact through worldwide distribution, licensing and partnerships.

    • Griots Lounge Publishing Nigeria

      Griots Lounge and its imprints offers traditional publishing and sundry services to creative talents across Africa, as well as children friendly literature.

    • Richard Griffin (1820) Ltd t/a Tarquin

      Tarquin produces books for recreational mathematics, and for students and teachers in schools. We have a near 50 year history of enriching mathematics as well as papercraft and origami titles. Many of our 240 titles have been translated into all the major languages of the world. But as a small publisher, we understand other small publishers and can tailor rights deals appropriately and economically. We have 12 titles that are new in 2020 and where rights are available.

    • Books From Australia

      Each year the APA coordinates an Australian Collective Stand at Frankfurt Book Fair, supporting independent Publishers in attendance at the world’s largest book fair.

    • Trusted Partner

      Books from Ukraine

      The Ukrainian Book Institute is a government entity, part of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

    • Grupo sin Fronteras SAS

      Grupo Editorial Sin Fronteras nace de la necesidad del mercado colombiano por encontrar una oferta de libros diferenciales en géneros de literatura juvenil, infantil, gerencia y buen vivir a precios competitivos, combinado con la experiencia en el sector de su fundador y director Mauricio Duque.

    • Griots Lounge Publishing Nigeria

      Griots Lounge Publishing was first founded in Nigeria in 2012 with a focus on new writers of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, especially around the minority southeastern and Niger Delta parts of Nigeria.

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