Gruppo Editoriale Edizioni Mediterranee, Hermes Edizioni, Arkeios, Edizioni Studio Tesi
Edizioni Mediterranee founded in 1953, together with Hermes, Arkeios and Studio Tesi is a publishing group. Amongst Italian and foreign authors the catalogue includes more than 2.500 titles. Main subjects are: yoga, body-mind-spirit, alternative healing, alchemy, astrology, magic, sport, martial arts.
David and Charles Ltd
David and Charles is an independent publisher of non-fiction books, predominantly in art, craft and creative categories. Our titles feature industry-leading authors and award-winning editorial and design, commissioned for commercial success in all markets. Category focus on practical how-to books in art, crochet, knitting, general crafts, patchwork & quilting, sewing and wellbeing. Cornerstone titles which are highly illustrated, project, technique and trend orientated.
David West Children's Books
For over 25 years, David West Children’s Books have created beautifully designed, highly illustrated children’s non-fiction books for the UK and international market.
Veloce Publishing PLC
Establihed in 1991, Veloce has become one of the world's leading publishers on automotive subjects including cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles. Subjects range through history, biography, motorsport, maintenance and repair, buyers' guides (over 100!) and performance tuning. Veloce also has the following imprints – Hubble & Hattie - Books on animals and animal welfare. Hubble & Hattie Kids - books for children Earthworld - general books
Paulinas | Editorial Paulinas Colombia
Somos una congregación de mujeres consagradas a Dios de la Iglesia Católica, para la evangelización con los medios de comunicación social.Sobre las huellas de Pablo, y con su mismo espíritu dedicamos todas nuestras fuerzas para VIVIR y COMUNICAR a Jesucristo en el areópago de la comunicación.
MSM Studio
Since 2008 MSM Studio has been producing digital content and software solutions for primary, secondary and vocational education. Our products are used by individual students, schools, universities, educational publishers and government organisations worldwide. MSM Studio is the creator and publisher of Balloon — a series of SCORM-compliant language courses covering English, German, Mandarin Chinese, and more. Our AI-aided language courses encompass all of K12 and feature games, animations and fun activities. We are proud to have co-produced Bua na Cainte — the first and by far the best fully interactive Irish language programme published by our Dublin-based partner. Using innovative resources, our award-winning course delivers an exciting and original approach to teaching Irish and is used in most primary schools in the Republic of Ireland. Moreover, MSM Studio delivers custom application software (mobile, web, desktop), tailor-made e-learning content, solutions for virtual/augmented reality, artwork and animations. The high quality of our services is widely recognised by our partners in Scandinavia, the UK, the USA, Ireland, Benelux, and last but not least in Poland where we are based. MSM StudioPomeranian Science and Technology ParkAl. Zwyciestwa 96/9881-451 GdyniaPoland
DACO Studio
We create innovative 0-12 children’s books that combine astonishing paper-engineered elements with engaging contents. That's why we like to call our books "toys to read".
Avalia Studios GmbH
Wir sind Verlag, Kreativagentur und Film- und Fernsehproduktion. Wir glauben, Kreativität hat keine Grenzen. Deswegen halten wir unseren Horizont weit offen - für wertvolle, spannende und ehrliche Geschichten und effiziente Mittel und Ideen, diese zu erzählen und Menschen zu bewegen. Wir leben und lieben die Möglichkeiten, durch die wir uns in vielseitigen Projekten entfalten können, die sich gegenseitig inspirieren.
Zhu Yingchun Studio
Zhu Yingchun is a book designer and artist based in Nanjing, China. He was awarded silver medal at the Leipzing Book Fair for 'the most beautiful book in the world' in 2017. Honoured with many titles, including the 'Chinese Government Award for Publishing' and the 'Outstanding Editor' prize, Yingchun nevertheless credits nature as his sole source of inspiration, and is at his happiest while studying the patterns and rituals of bugs and flowers in his own wild garden. His creations express his inquisitive approach to the world and his belief that every part of nature has a distinctive beauty.
BOOM! Studios, Inc.
BOOM! Studios was founded by Ross Richie in 2005 with the singular focus of creating world-class comic book and graphic novel storytelling for all audiences. Through the development of four distinct imprints—BOOM! Studios, BOOM! Box, KaBOOM!, and Archaia—BOOM! has produced award-winning original work, including Lumberjanes, The Woods, Giant Days, Klaus, and Mouse Guard, while also breaking new ground with established licenses such as WWE, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Cartoon Network, and Jim Henson Company properties. BOOM! will also bring their original series to life through unique first-look relationships with 20th Century Fox for film and with Fox Television for the small screen. Please visit www.boom-studios.com for more information.
Editora Hercules
A brazilian publishing house focused on selfhelp literature, esoterism and masonry and children's books. Our mission is to offer through words moments of unwinding and tranquility attached to a philosophical and esoteric learning experience. In this special edition of the Frankfurt Book Fair we will be displaying our new releases in the children's literature section, such as The Dreamy Dragon and The crystal Egg, by the brazillian actress and writer Norma Blum.
Heredad Editorial
Heredad is a publishing cooperative dedicated to publishing books on art, history, thought and community work. Our books celebrate the beauty of our world and gather experiences in defense of life.
Das Verlegerehepaar Martina und Thorsten Meier gründete 2007 Papierfresserchens MTM-Verlag, einen Kinder- und Jugendbuchverlag. 2014 erfolgte die Gründung des Herzsprung-Verlags, der sich auf die Herausgabe von Belletristik, Lyrik und Sachbüchern im Erwachsenenbereich spezialisiert hat. Beide Verlagen arbeiten Hand in Hand.
Blessa Retail Studies Institute
Dotnik Studio Private Limited
Dotnik Studio Company is one of the well-renowned company in the industry of the Digital Product Design, User Experience Research and Development segment, the same is being run by Industry Leaders and Experts. The organization has it’s registered office space in New Delhi which holds a talent pool of highly specialized fully-remote team that spans its presence across the globe.Dotnik Studio is a full-service Digital Product Design and Development Studio delivering delightful brands, products, and user experiences. Dotnik Studio Company is a Dedicated Research, Design, and Development Company for next-gen SaaS startups, businesses, and individuals.Request a free quote: https://www.DotnikStudio.com