Gulliver Editora Ltda.
Gulliver Editora emerged from a “trip”: discovering new worlds, discovering the beauty hidden in drawers, notebooks or computer files and presenting it to readers on paper or digital. Editing books is an adventure that is justified as these “treasures” are found and come to the public to enchant and transform the reader's world.
Balans Publishers
Balans is an independent publisher of quality non-fiction in the areas of history, politics, economy, biography, science, nature writing, memoirs, current affairs, religion and psychology. With our dedicated team, we publish approximately 40 new titles per year.
Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics
One of our main goals is the consolidation of the Balearic Islands as a structured cultural market, the promotion of the islands' music, performing arts, literature and visual arts by means of grants, international actions and formative seminars in cultural affairs. The Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics coordinates, alone or in partnership with other departments of the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Institut Ramon Llull or the Institut Català d'Empreses Culturals, the institutional presence of the Balearic Islands in strategic events for the promotion of our culture overseas. Every year, our area of literature, thought, comics and illustration calls for grants to cover travelling and accommodation expenses of Balearic authors, and expenses for publishing books and producing promotional material for Balearic authors. Please, check our calls on our webpage for literature grants.
Sternwiese Verlag
Play yourself happy! The educational-therapeutic games and materials of our Sternwiese-Verlag enable individual access to the child's emotions and thoughts. With help of exciting strategies, unique concepts and personable characters will be developing and strengthening of social and emotional skills varied support.
Steinkis Groupe
Discover our JUNGLE list: comic series for kids, teens and YA. Jungle recently published best-selling comic series, adapted from teens novels such as The Enola Holmes Mysteries (now on Netflix) and The Diary of an 8-bit warrior (Cube Kid). Discover our STEINKIS list: graphic documentaries and graphic adaptation for adults. Steinkis essentially publishes non-fiction graphic books (memoirs, docu-fiction, investigations) and also published graphic adaptation of literary works.
Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni
MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment
Maria Pinto-Peuckmann
Rights Agent representing German Publishers and Authors in the fields of Business & Management, Finance, Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Sport & Fitness, Society, Ecology, Women Empowerment, IT Subjects, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Health, Dementia, Mental Health, and Therapeutic Books for children throughout the world and international publishers for German and Portuguese Language rights.
Plastik sparen - Initiative zur Vermeidung von Plastik im Alltag
Plastik sparen Die Geschichte einer Idee Die Idee für Plastik sparen ist im Juni 2018 entstanden. Wie schon so oft endete ein Wocheneinkauf im totalen Plastik-Inferno. Kennt ihr das? Einmal einkaufen beim Supermarkt um die Ecke und schon ist eine Mülltüte voll mit Plastik. Aber wie kann ich das ändern, fragte ich mich. Also informierte ich mich, war bei einem Vortrag zum Thema "plastikfrei leben" um dann mit dem Gefühl zurück zu bleiben, das nicht leisten zu können. Aber einfach weiter Plastik konsumieren war für mich auch keine Alternative. Es musste doch Möglichkeiten geben Plastik zu reduzieren, die Jedermann*frau ganz einfach in den Alltag einbauen kann. Und so war "Plastik sparen" geboren. Die Idee dahinter, durch viele kleine Plastik-spar-Aktivitäten den Plastikmüll in meinem Haushalt zu reduzieren. Und, ich kann sagen es funktioniert. Bei jedem Einkauf landet wesentlich weniger Plastikverpackung im Einkaufswagen als früher. Alles Aktivitäten, die keine (oder nur wenig) Zeit gekostet haben, die oftmals Geld gespart haben und die ich problemlos in den Alltag integrieren konnte. "Plastik sparen" ist unser Beitrag für eine Umwelt mit weniger Plastik. Meine Ideen, Gedanken und Erlebnisse möchte ich teilen und viele Menschen dafür begeistern, immer weniger Plastik in ihr Leben zu lassen.
Marshall Cavendish
Topical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.
Psychiatrie Verlag GmbH – BALANCE buch + medien verlag
Our children’s book series »Kids in BALANCE« is specifically designed to support children in difficult moments.
De Vecchi/DVE - Confidential Concepts International Ltd.
We are from De Vecchi Ediciones / DVE, a publishing house with about 4000 titles in Spanish.
Sterling Publishers (Pvt.) Ltd.
Established in 1965, it started with academic books, and then gradually spread its wings and added paperbacks and University level textbooks. Adapting to the continuous changes taking place in the publishing industry, Sterling Publishers has evolved as a new generation publisher. It stands strong and true to its name by keeping a concentrated focus on quality, competence and value for money. Email: mail@sterlingpublishers.in
Concadora Verlag
Der Concadora Verlag steht für inspirierende Medien und Veranstaltungen zu den Themen Mindful Leadership, Organisationsbezogenes Transformationsmanagement, Kommunikation und Mediation für Führungskräfte, BeraterInnen und MediatorInnen. Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Veröffentlichungen sind Medien zum Konfliktmanagement und zur systemischen Mediation.
Rights2 Consultants
Ruth Tellis and Clare Hodder founded Rights2 to offer a unique consultancy service, bringing their collective experience of over 35 years in Rights management to provide practical, no-nonsense solutions to real-world rights issues for publishers of all sizes. They manage rights sales on behalf of Practical Inspiration Publishing (www.practicalinspiration.com) in addition to running the Small Publisher Rights Showcase with the UK's Department for International Trade (https://rightsshowcase.wordpress.com).
Trusted Partner
Franz Steiner Verlag / Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic publishing house (ancient history of economics, history of science/medicine, geography, musicology, philosophy of law). Berliner Wissenschaft-Verlag is an imprint.