Kynos Verlag Dr. Dieter Fleig GmbH
Welcome to Kynos, Germany’s dog book specialists. We have been publishing books on dog training, dog behaviour, dog breeds, handling, sports, nutrition, health and other aspects of dog handling since 1980. Our aim is to provide reliable, up-to-date and useful information to both dog owners and dog professionals. We carefully select our authors for their expertise and the use of dog-friendly methods only that are based on scientific knowledge on learning behaviour. Our backlist counts approx. 250 titles and is expanding constantly with 10-12 new books each year. With its revenues from the book sales, we support the charity Kynos Stiftung Hunde helfen Menschen dedicated to the training of assistance dogs.
the bright side GmbH
Nadine M. Burri schreibt Geschichten, seit sie auf der Hermes Baby ihres Grossvaters tippen kann. Während ihres Studiums der Germanistik und Geschichte arbeitete sie für diverse Magazine & absolvierte Weiterbildungen in Journalismus, Marketing & Coaching. Sie begleitet Menschen dabei, eigene Bücher zu schreiben & ihrem Herzensweg zu folgen. Ihre motivierenden Botschaften und Inspirationen verpackt sie liebevoll in ihren Büchern. Weitere Informationen: nadine-burri.com oder bewusstschreiben-bewusstleben.com.
Fleurus Editions SA
Leader in illustrated books for adults and children, Fleurus Editions is comprised of the imprints Fleurus, 365, Mame, Mango, Rustica, Secret d’Etoiles, Vagnon, and Triomphe.