Smith-Obolensky Media
Smith-Obolensky Media is an international media boutique featuring the work by award-winning author Ivan Obolensky. His gothic mystery, Eye of the Moon, sold over ten thousand copies and the sequel is well underway for release next year. The Latin American Spanish literary translation has been accepted into the Librería Nacional chain, the largest in Colombia, for a thousand paperbacks to be sold in their stores (including those in three international airports). We are magicmakers. How many of us have changed from a simple line we once read, or a film we saw at a crossroads moment? The art of storytelling, in all its facets, is something we celebrate. In this spirit, we accept projects on a limited basis and focus on one author at a time, so we can fully present their works.
Jill Marshall Books
Jill Marshall is the author of the popular middle-grade series about Sensational Spylet, Jane Blonde, and many other titles and series for tweens, teens, YA and adult. Jill’s books have been published by Macmillan Children’s Books, Penguin and Hachette, in 22 countries, 11 languages and paperback, ebook and audio formats. Jane Blonde has been optioned for film and TV, with significant film interest in other Jill Marshall titles. Jill has also been an editor and manuscript assessor for trade publishers and societies, a creative writing teacher for over 1000 clients, and works in corporate communications. During lockdown in 2020, and with all rights for all titles successfully re-acquired, Marshall fulfilled two long-term ambitions. The first – to create an independent publishing house of her own titles, rebranded and re-imagined for a digital world. The second – to pull together Jane Blonde and three other ‘superhero’ characters, all with their own origin series, into an ensemble series, S*W*A*G*G (swaggbooks.com). The third ambition was one that she couldn’t have foreseen: the wish to provide quality fiction for tween readers and upwards, in readily accessible digital formats and for free, in a world ravaged by a global pandemic. In May 2020, Jill Marshall Books was born, and all three ambitions met. JMB has gathered momentum and fandom during those months, and it’s now time to partner with like-minded book people – innovative, passionate, caring – to extend the reach of JMB titles across formats, locations and media. Welcome to Jill Marshall Books. We look forward to connecting at Frankfurt 2020.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd.
The Michael O’Mara imprint has illustrated and non- illustrated non-fiction titles for adults on history, sciences, marketing and management, biographies, humour and gift. The Buster imprint develops activity and reference titles for kids. The innovative range of this list develops the curiosity, knowledge and artistic fibre of our little ones. Finally, LOM Art includes a carefully curated list of artist-led titles. We have collaborated with talented illustrators from around the globe to create exquisite titles on drawing, painting, colouring, dot to dot, stickers and so much more!
American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.
Albin Michel Jeunesse
Albin Michel Jeunesse publishes a variety of books, attracting a broad fan base. Pre-readers love characters such as Mouk and Pomelo, early readers adore Geronimo Stilton, and teens devour our top notch Middle Age and YA series. Our catalogue showcases talents as varied as Marion Bataille, Blexbolex, Marc Boutavant, Janik Coat, Benjamin Chaud and Benjamin Lacombe, to name but a few. All of our publications, be they pop-up books, novelty books, picture books, novels or non-fiction titles, are brought to life with imagination and affection.
Éditions Michel Quintin
Founded in 1982, Les Éditions Michel Quintin have since then been producing high-quality picture books, documentary books and a variety of fiction and fantasy books for children as well as adult fiction books and field guides. The publishing house now gathers over 700 titles in its catalogue, to which are added about 50 new releases each year.
Diametric Verlag Jutta A. Wilke e.K.
Diametric Verlag is an independent publisher founded by Jutta A. Wilke providing high-quality specialized literature focused on women's issues like Women's Health, Gender Medicine and Feminism. All titles are published in German and available in print and digital editions.
Barbara E. Euler
Hello, I am the author and publisher of a German police story situated in Bruges. Available in print and as e-book. Look at the e-book here: https://www.neobooks.com/ebooks/barbara-e--euler-raphaels-rueckkehr-ebook-neobooks-AXGc1FyzA_UjA5yswzJR?toplistType=undefined Look at the print and e-book here: https://www.amazon.de/Raphaels-R%C3%BCckkehr-Krimi-Barbara-Euler/dp/3752943653/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=barbara+e.+euler&qid=1602840731&sr=8-1
Claret Press
Claret Press is an independent press based in London. Our books are now read and enjoyed all over the world. We specialise in mysteries and thrills and chronicles and memoirs.
Barbara J. Zitwer Agency
BJZ Agency is a global literary agency that is based in New York City for over 22 years. Barbara J Zitwer’s strength and expertise is in her ability to discover new writers and launch their international careers. She also works with established authors in their home countries like Korea, who want to break out into the world. At the beginning, Zitwer discovered Jerry Stahl, Eric Garcia, Sharon Krum, and The Friday Night Knitting Club which was a NYTimes Bestseller for over a year, Jeff Noon, winner of the Arthur C Clarke Award for his debut Vurt among others. She is responsible for the Korean New Wave in global publishing which won her the 2016 International Literary Agent of the Year Award and launched the careers of Shirley Jackson Prize winner Hye young Pyun’s The Hole, Booker International Prize winner Han Kang’s THE VEGETARIAN and Kyung sook Shin’s Please Look After Mom, Man Asian Prize winner and also became a NY TIMES Bestseller., Un su Kim’s international sensation The Plotters, You Jeong Jeong’s The Good Son, a Seo mi-Ae’s The Only Child among many others. From Poland, our authors include Man Booker International and prize winning poet and novelist Wioletta Greg and bestselling, award-winning, Kaja Malanowska, with her literary thriller FOG. We are always looking for and reading works of undiscovered writers from every part of the globe and we are working with the best millennial writers Madeleine Ryan and Jamie Marina Lau from Australia, Won-pyun Sohn, Ji ri Park from Korea. We are proud to work with Turkish writers, Ozgu Mumcu, Ersin Saygin and Defne Suman called the Elena Ferrante of Turkey.
Class Publishing Ltd.
Class Professional Publishing aims to fully support healthcare professions by publishing the best, most innovative educational resources.
Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Celebrating 40 years, Barbour is committed to our mission to bring readers biblically centered content and the life-changing message of the Bible.
Verlag Barbara Budrich
Verlag Barbara Budrich was founded in 2004 by Barbara Budrich. The publishing house provides high-quality specialized literature in Pedagogy, Gender Studies, Political Science, Social Work and Sociology for researchers, teachers and students. The publications include German as well as English books and journals in print and online with open access being a given.