Ediciones Liebre
Chilean company that creates books focused on early childhood. Our publications innovate in formats (accordion-leporello, pop up) using poetry, nature, science, and humor.
Paulinas | Editorial Paulinas Colombia
Somos una congregación de mujeres consagradas a Dios de la Iglesia Católica, para la evangelización con los medios de comunicación social.Sobre las huellas de Pablo, y con su mismo espíritu dedicamos todas nuestras fuerzas para VIVIR y COMUNICAR a Jesucristo en el areópago de la comunicación.
Watkins Media Limited
Watkins Media Ltd. consists of 4 imprints - Watkins (self-help, personal development and mind, body, spirit), Nourish (healthy living and cookery), Angry Robot (science fiction and fantasy) and Repeater (Radical Politics, Fiction and Philosophy). The story of Watkins Publishing dates back to March 1893, when John M. Watkins, a scholar of esotericism, overheard his friend and teacher Madame Blavatsky lamenting the fact that there was nowhere in London to buy books on mysticism, occultism or metaphysics. At that moment Watkins was born, soon to become the home of many of the leading lights of spiritual literature, including Carl Jung, Rudolf Steiner, Alice Bailey and Chögyam Trungpa. Today our passion for vigorous questioning is still resolute, our books have continued to reflect the development of spiritual thinking and new science over the past 120 years. We remain at the cutting edge, committed to publishing books that change lives.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd
An internationally respected publisher, Darton, Longman & Todd publish a wide range of books including biography, spirituality, theology, wellbeing, contemporary issues, fiction and humour.
Edições Sesc São Paulo
Educate, provoke, communicate and expand debates proposed by Sesc in its cultural centers. These are the ideals that define the work developed by Edições Sesc São Paulo. Exploring Sesc's socio-cultural programming - aimed at non-formal education - as one of its main references, the publisher has been expanding the themes of its books to diverse areas of knowledge. The titles comprise a wide thematic variety in culture: visual arts; anthropology; architecture and urbanism; biographies; mind and behavioral sciences; cinema; communication and journalism; design; education; sports and body practices; philosophy and politics; photography; cultural management; history; ageing, books and reading; environment and sustainability; music; sociology; theater and dance. Seeking to stimulate access to knowledge and reading, Edições Sesc São Paulo has added to its catalog an increasing number of e-books. This initiative includes books published exclusively in digital format, distributed worldwide.
Ediciones Liebre
Ediciones Liebre is an independent Chilean company focused on publishing books and apps on early childhood. The catalogue innovates in formats (accordion, pop-up) using poetry, science, and humour at the centre of the reading experience of children.
Nuxeria Anna Wüstenberg
24 entzündungsfreie Rezepte unterteilt in Frühstück, Hauptspeisen, Salate und Nachspeisen. Gekocht wird vegan, glutenfrei, zuckerarm und frei von Nachtschattengewächsen
KANOA Verlag
KANOA-Verlag, Schweiz: Förderung des kulturellen Austauschs mit Lateinamerika und seinen Autoren im Bereich Literatur. Veröffentlichung von Belletristik in spanischer Sprache und deren Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Englische. In Zusammenarbeit mit Verlagen in Europa, Verbreitungsplattformen und Kultureinrichtungen fördern wir lateinamerikanische Autoren und ihre Werke, um ein Lesepublikum entsprechend ihren Ansprüchen zu erreichen. Editorial KANOA, Suiza: Promoción de intercambio cultural con América Latina y sus autores en el campo de la literatura. Publicación en español de textos de ficción y su traducción al alemán e inglés. En cooperación con otras editoriales, plataformas de difusión y entidades culturales, promovemos autores latinoamericanos y sus obras para alcanzar un público lector de acuerdo a sus exigencias. KANOA publishing house, Switzerland: we promote a cultural exchange with Latin America and its authors in the field of literature. Publishing is focused on the publication of fiction in Spanish and its translation into German and English. In cooperation with publishers in Europe, diffusion platforms and cultural entities, we promote Latin American authors and their works in order to reach a reading public according to their demands.
Liels un Mazs
LIELS UN MAZS is an independent, family-owned publishing house founded in 2004, based in Rīga, Latvia. Since the very beginning, our focus has been on publishing contemporary picture books and quality fiction created by the most talented Latvian writers and illustrators. In 2020, for the third year in a row, we have been shortlisted for the Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publishers of the Year for Europe. We also publish a list of thoughtfully selected translations from the best children’s authors.
Kanki Publishing
Kanki Publishing publishes books in business, economics, management, self-development, daily life knowledge and skills, humanities and linguistics, while pursuing originality based on the motto: “Convince, Satisfy and Fascinate Our Readers”.
Iranban is a multi‑award‑winning, independent children’s book publishing company based in Teheran, Iran, with more than 500 titles published.
Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Brookes Publishing is an independent publisher based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. For more than 40 years, Brookes has been a leading provider of professional resources and assessments in early childhood, communication and language, education (particularly special education), and disability. Brookes Publishing is committed to bettering lives and outcomes for all people.
Paul Pietsch Verlage
The Paul Pietsch publishing houses unite the Motorbuch Verlag as well as the publishing houses pietsch, Müller Rüschlikon, transpress and the Bucheli Verlag under one roof. With a total range of over 2,700 available guidebooks, we offer our readers a wealth of specialized knowledge and information on the topics of mobility, technology and active leisure.
Trusted Partner
Paul Zsolnay Verlag
Der Paul Zsolnay Verlag und Deuticke im Paul Zsolnay Verlag verlegen internationale und deutschsprachige Belletristik, Klassiker- und Gesamtausgaben, literarische Krimis und eine breite Palette von vor allem geistesgeschichtlichen und politischen Sachbüchern.
Iranshenasi Publishing
The company was founded by Mr. Majid bakhtiyari on 1993 and works in many fields like publishing Atlases, geography, wildlife, environmental studies and Iranology books. We are proud to introduce Iranian culture and nature to our audience by cooperating with the expert authors, different research institutes of wildlife, geoturism, and ecotourism.
Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation (WEF) publishes a variety of technical publications, including newsletters, manuals of practice and other books, magazines, and journals.