Your Results(showing 33)

    • Petra Schier

      Petra Schier, Jahrgang 1978, lebt mit Mann und Hund in einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Eifel. Sie studierte Geschichte und Literatur an der Fernuniversität Hagen und arbeitet seit 2003 freie Autorin. Ihre sehr erfolgreichen historischen Romane erscheinen u.a. im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ihre ebenfalls sehr beliebten Weihnachts- sowie Liebesromane bei Rütten Loening, MIRA Taschenbuch, HarperCollins und Weltbild.Unter dem Pseudonym Mila Roth veröffentlicht die Autorin verlagsunabhängig verschiedene erfolgreiche Buchserien.

    • Peter Lang Group

      Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student coursebooks.

    • Ryland Peters & Small Ltd & Cico Books

      We are an independent, illustrated publisher creating beautifully produced books in the areas of interior design, food & drink, craft, mindfulness and spirituality, health, humour and pop culture. We also produce delightful gifts and stationery, as well as fantastic ranges of books for kids.

    • Bruno Dorn Verlag

      The Bruno Dorn Verlag is publishing extraordinary and high quality art books and catalogues since 1996. In collaboration with artists*, museums or other art institutions, BDV is creating very special books that open up whole new creative worlds. Since 2007, the BDV is publishing the art magazine seen, a completely new and compact format to present new, emerging and interesting artists. Der Bruno Dorn Verlag zeichnet sich seit 1996 durch Künstlerbücher und Kataloge von höchster Qualität und Kreativität aus. In Zusammenarbeit mit Künstler*innen und oft in Kooperation mit Museen oder anderen Kunstinstitutionen entstehen im BDV Bücher, die den Zeitgeist einfangen und zum Verweilen einladen. Seit 2007 gibt es mit dem Kunstmagazin seen ein neues Format, zu dem der Verlag in unregelmäßigen Abständen Künstlerinnen und Künstler einlädt.

    • Cyril and Dorsie Publishing

      At Cyril & Dorsie Publishing, we work with our writers every step of the way on their literary journey, helping to bring out the most from their work. From an idea and rough draft to editing and publication, Cyril & Dorsie Publishing helps our authors produce high quality, interesting and entertaining books. ​ Cyril & Dorsie Publishing aims to serve the community of the Turks and Caicos Islands through the publication of material focused on the Turks and Caicos Islands. As our country grows into a more diverse nation it is important that we not only preserve but also share the stories, experiences and knowledge which has helped to shape our beautiful islands. ​ We work continuously and pursue diligently the knowledge which will implore us to tell the stories of the Turks and Caicos Islands one page at a time!

    • Spatterlight

      We manage rights for science-fiction and fantasy legend Jack Vane (1916 - 2013) and selected titles by Tanith Lee, Michael Shea, Matthew Hughes, and others.

    • Sparsile Books

      Sparsile Books is an independent publisher, based in Glasgow, specialising in high quality fiction and non-fiction. We see publishing as an art in itself, and work closely with our authors to ensure that the books we publish give readers a unique vision of the world. Since our beginning in 2018, we have been fortunate to discover some truly exceptional writers, and look forward to developing many more.

    • Sparkling Books Ltd.

      The Financial System Limit by investment manager David Kauders FRSA, is now published in print. This book challenges Keynesian policy assumptions followed by central banks.

    • Serpentine Books

      Independent publisher of crime, thrillers, sci-fi, mysteries, romantic comedies and mash-ups.

    • Kerstin Schulze

      Ein angesehener Privatbankier wird erpresst. In einem Luxushotel wird ein Escort-Girl brutal ermordet und die Vereinten Nationen sind Ziel eines Anschlagplans islamistischer Terrorristen. In dem ersten Teil der Thriller-Trilogie »Geneva Girl – Todesursache unbekannt« geht es um Schwarzgeld, Mord und Terrorgefahr in einer der teuersten Städte der Welt: Genf. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht eine deutsche Praktikantin bei den Vereinten Nationen, die an Angststörungen und Klaustrophobie leidet, und zwischen die Fronten von Geheimdienst und Diplomatie gerät. Es handelt sich um eine brisante Mischung aus Psycho- und Politthriller. Die Idee zu dem Roman lieferte der nie aufgeklärte Tod des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Schleswig-Holstein Uwe Barschel im Genfer Hotel Beau-Rivage.

    • Scholastic Inc.

      For 100 years, Scholastic has partnered with schools to support student learning. Today, the Company is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books, a leading provider of literacy curriculum, professional services and classroom magazines, and a producer of educational and entertaining children's media.

    • E-planet Educational Services

      About E-planet E-planet Educational Services is an international organisation created by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of experts on education, marketing and development. Our goal is to provide our partners, students and customers with top-level services and products. That is why we have developed a unique, fully integrated company for ESL (English as a Second Language) educational services and business training. We combine traditional methods with cutting-edge technology to achieve a variety of purposes!

    • Bajek Publisher Services

      Book, Magazine, Retail Specialist. Edward “Ed” Bajek began working in the publishing industry in 1984. Ed has worked domestically and internationally in RIGHTS SALES, sales, distribution, circulation, marketing, merchandising and logistics for books and magazines. Ed has worked with some of the largest publishers, wholesalers, and disturbers in the world.

    • Dorling Kindersley Ltd. - A Penguin Random House company

      At DK, we are global pioneers in the publishing world. With over 46 years of publishing excellence, we sell in 63 languages to every corner of the globe and continue to grow, reaching new readers everyday. We are part of the Penguin Random House family and have offices in London, New York, Toronto, Indianapolis, Delhi, Melbourne, Munich, Madrid, Beijing, and Jiangmen. We believe in the power of discovery. We create books for everyone that explore ideas and nurture curiosity about the world we live in. Our book loving DK community is empowered to publish the topics that matter to readers everywhere. Visit for more information.

    • Petula Chaplin Rights Agency

      Petula Chaplin is a UK based International Sales and Rights Agent. Please contact her at

    • Editions Schortgen Sárl

      Editions Schortgen is one of the oldest and largest publishing houses in Luxembourg and has been in existence since 1949. On January 1, 2020, a large part of the book publishing activities of the publishing house Editions Saint Paul were taken over, thereby expanding the publishing program. More than 70 years of experience, competence and passion have resulted in a diversified publishing programme. * Editions Schortgen ist eines der ältesten und größten Verlagshäuser Luxemburgs und besteht seit 1949. Am 1. Januar 2020 wurde ein Großteil der Buchverlags-Aktivitäten des Verlages Editions Saint Paul übernommen und dadurch das Verlagsprogramm erweitert. Durch über 70 Jahre Erfahrung, Kompetenz und Leidenschaft ist ein breit gefächertes Verlagsprogramm entstanden.

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