Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta (EUCASA)
EUCASA es la Editorial de la Universidad Católica de Salta. En su carácter de editorial universitaria, es un departamento especial en el organigrama institucional, y su misión es contribuir al cumplimiento del fin primordial de la Universidad: generar y divulgar conocimiento. En su caso por medio de las publicaciones que constituyen su catálogo, en donde se refleja necesariamente su naturaleza académica.
American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Leading global publisher in the field and practice of Pediatrics. AAP Publications are among the most respected and frequently referenced in the world, including journals, clinical and consumer books and eBooks, and continuing medical education. Top title include Red Book, NRP, Pediatrics, PREP Self-Assessment, Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines, Caring for Your Baby and Building Resilience in Children.
Cataplum Libros
Good books are like meek animals that stretch when we caress their backs, and that show us their bellies so we go and play with them; but they also do not hesitate to give us a good bite to free us from the claws of routine. To create these noble creatures, in Cataplum we dig like moles through the collective memory and explore the roots that connect us as Latin-Americans; thus, we recover our oral tradition, our playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities. As truffle-seeking pigs, we have developed an acute nose to find texts of authors from past and actual times. As rabbits we jump here and there tracking down illustrators with new proposals. And as eagles we strive to see, from a distance, how image and texts can coexist in harmony. In sum, our catalogue has been conceived as a living creature; one that begun as something very little, like bear cubs, but capable of becoming a fabulous living being; one that combines the best qualities of noble animals and have the power to captivate us.
Cat on a Book Agency
Cat on a Book is an agency representing French publishers abroad. We are specialized in visual books, with nice illustrations and/or photos, both for children and adults.
Cataplum Libros
Cataplum Libros was founded in 2016 in Bogotá and focuses on children’s books - from 2 to 12 years. It seeks to investigate through collective memory recovering the oral tradition, playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities.
Jadavpur University Press
Founded in 2012, JUP primarily publishes in English and Bengali. Most of the English titles are in the humanities and social sciences, with authors from both within and outside India.
University of Toronto Press
University of Toronto Press is Canada’s leading academic publisher and one of the largest university presses in North America, with particular strengths in the social sciences, humanities, and business. The Book Publishing Division is widely recognized in Canada for its strength in history, political science, sociology, Indigenous studies, and cultural studies. Internationally, UTP is a leading publisher of medieval, Renaissance, Italian, Iberian, Slavic, and urban studies, as well as studies in book and print culture. With the publication of influential authors and award-winning research, as well as a continuing dedication to groundbreaking new scholarship and innovative texts for the higher education market, UTP has firmly established its reputation for excellence. UTP's newest imprint is Aevo UTP, which brings its innovation and academic excellence to a general readership.
University of Nevada Press
Founded in 1961 by Robert Laxalt, the University of Nevada Press publishes high-quality, deserving works that advance scholarly research, contribute to the understanding and appreciation of regional history and culture, and reach a wide range of academic and general readers. We publish in a wide range of disciplines, including fiction, memoir, environmental studies, Basque studies, Native American studies, public health, mining, urban studies, and gambling and gambling studies.
Augustinian University Press
The Augustinian University Press concentrates its efforts in the publication of research books, textbooks, and dissemination books as a result of permanent calls that intend to receive and review monographs and research chapters. The Press permanently works to guarantee content quality published under its editorial stamp and also to be recognized among the academic community as a reliable source of scholarly publishing in Augustinian Studies, Education (from all levels), Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts and Culture. Since its creation in 2017, the Press research books have been already accepted and indexed in important databases such as the Book Citation Index and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB). This experience has strengthened our editorial processes and the permanent identification of current editing and science communication tendencies. The Press also promotes net working to publish new editorial projects between our researchers and external scholars; we do believe this is one of the most important strategies to make our institution and scholars more visible.
University of Washington Press
Who We Are The University of Washington Press is celebrating its centennial this year. We publish compelling and transformative work with regional, national, and global impact. We are committed to the idea of scholarship as a public good and work collaboratively with our authors to produce books that meet the highest editorial and design standards. We value and promote equity, justice, and inclusion in all our work. What We Publish We publish in the following core academic areas: American Studies Anthropology Art History / Visual Culture Asian American Studies Asian Studies Critical Ethnic Studies Environmental History Native American and Indigenous Studies US History Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies We also publish vibrant nonfiction about the Pacific Northwest and beyond, often in partnership with museums, cultural organizations, and Indigenous nations and communities.
University of Regina Press
University of Regina Press is located on Treaty 4 Territory, the traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, and Assiniboine, and the homelands of the Métis. A little house on the prairie with big ambitions, University of Regina Press (URP) publishes books that matter--in both academic and trade formats. Our non-fiction trade books tend towards the hard-hitting, while most of our scholarly titles are accessible to non-specialists. We endeavour to develop writers into public intellectuals, encourage debate, and inspire young people to study the humanities by publishing books that are both seen and relevant. Since our launch in 2013, University of Regina Press has published seven national bestsellers: After the War: Surviving PTSD and Changing Mental Health Culture by Stéphane Grenier, with Adam Montgomery (2018) Speaking in Cod Tongues: A Culinary Journey by Lenore Newman (2017) Firewater: How Alcohol Is Killing My People (And Yours) by Harold Johnson (2016) Otto & Daria: A Wartime Journey into No Man's Land by Eric Koch (2016) The Education of Augie Merasty: A Residential School Memoir by Joseph Auguste Merasty, with David Carpenter (2015) Children of the Broken Treaty by Charlie Angus (2015) Clearing the Plains by James Daschuk (2014)
University of Wales Press
University of Wales Press believes in supporting and disseminating scholarship from and about Wales to a worldwide audience. They mainly publish books in the humanities, arts and sciences.