Christine Heimannsberg
Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.
Christian Media Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
CMP specialises in the publication of Meta-text Bibles, Study Bibles and faith-based Children's Literature.
SPCK The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge/InterVarsity Press (IVP) UK
SPCK is the UK’s leading independent Christian publisher. We are known for our history and theological tradition of supporting the church with works of practical and pastoral benefit. Today we are a recognised market-leader publishing in the areas of theology and Christian spirituality and are developing into other areas. We publish leading authors such as Tom Wright, Rowan Williams, Paula Gooder, Alister McGrath, Janet Morley and Catherine Fox. Inter-Varsity Press (IVP) publishes Christian books that are true to the Bible and that communicate the gospel, develop discipleship and strengthen the church for its mission throughout the world. We publish evangelical Christian books for the church and the world, including for academic audiences under the imprint Apollos. As a British publisher, we aim to be at the centre of the UK evangelical church's conversation with itself and with the wider world. We also seek to have a global reach and impact through worldwide distribution, licensing and partnerships.
Nour El Maaref Publishing
An Arabic publishing house interested in various fields of knowledge. founded in 2012 and has a long history of more than forty-five years in this field. which offers qualitatively distinct content. It promotes and supports the Arabic child's own identity and confidence, and it calls for reflection and meditation and attainment smoothly way approaching from his absorption, and by introducing new ideas.Participate hand in hand in building the future of our children through what we publish from a respected intellectual content helps to educate them and their renaissance . many of our production has been chosen by the major projects and for the ministries of education , For their strong belief in the quality content that what we offer , and how good we approached the subject. Despite the challenges that faces publishing industry - At various levels- We are determined to move forward with the deployment of intellectual content, which helps to enrich the intellectual and cultural life, to follow the latest developments in the publishing industry. Drawing on the elite of specialists in all branches of knowledge of the caliber and experience ; to provide the company's deployment plans in accordance with the international quality standards.
Dar Al Maaref Bookshop Co Publishers
Dar Al Maaref Bookshop Publishers aim to educate kids from all over the world through interactive books with a fun twist book, we produce simply not just a book.
Johnson & Alcock Ltd.
**Download our catalogue** https://app.box.com/s/wxf7sfuxp8uz5c5sj0cel08plfc9z1v3 ** Watch our short video pitches for your key books of the fair https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRuP9O31bj5-sKE3iByYmYu1PuzFvK8_4 ** We are proud to represent prizewinning and bestselling authors across all genres, from literary fiction (Kate Tempest) to Top5 thrillers (Cara Hunter), from pop science (Sue Black) to narrative nonfiction (Helen Russell) and narrative history (Sinclair McKay). Join our monthly newsletter: https://lb.benchmarkemail.com/listbuilder/signupnew?UDxLzrt9hi4UoU%252BY0hWxQf5pwVnAjsSIhoQhofH0GHztO5iNRn8gS049TyW7spdJ
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Wiley helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, learned societies, businesses, governments and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work. For more than 200 years, we have delivered consistent performance to our stakeholders. Research Our Research business provides scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals as well as related content and services, for academic, corporate, and government libraries, learned societies, and individual researchers and professionals. Through Wiley Online Library we provide online access to a broad range of content from over 1,600 journals and 9,000+ books, including many reference works and databases. Wiley is the world's largest society publisher, partnering with 900+ learned societies worldwide, and helping to advance their missions. A transformational part of our Research business is Atypon, a publishing-software and service provider, who Wiley acquired in 2016. Atypon's Literatum platform hosts nearly 9,000 journals, 13 million journal articles, and more than 1,800 publication web sites for over 1500 societies and publishers. Publishing Our Publishing business provides scientific, professional development, and education books and related content, as well as test preparation services and course workflow tools, to libraries, corporations, students, professionals, and researchers. Our educational materials are available in all media, notably through WileyPLUS, our integrated online suite of teaching and learning resources. Solutions Our Workplace Learning Solutions business creates products and assessment services geared toward organizational and professional development. By bringing the ideas and best practices of thought leaders to life, we help people achieve career success and build better workplaces worldwide. Our premium solutions include Everything DiSC®, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive TeamTM, The Leadership Challenge®, CrossKnowledge, and PXT SelectTM.
We were born more than ten years ago as a monthly paper magazine, with the experience that this entails in public distribution. The central theme of our magazine is football, but always with an eye on culture, politics and society, and treated from slow journalism. Three years ago, we started publishing books with the same philosophy: football as a theme, but in contact with many other edges. We've already published eight books, three every year. Among the books there is variety: novels, history, journalism, biographies, Spain, England, Africa... We keep a geographic variety.
Founded in 1683 in Leiden, the Netherlands, Brill is a leading international academic publisher in Asian Studies, Classical Studies, History, Middle East and Islamic Studies, Biblical and Religious Studies, Language & Linguistics, Philosophy and International Law to name but a few. With offices in Leiden (NL), Boston (US), Paderborn (GER), Singapore (SG) and Beijing (CN), Brill today publishes more than 300 journals and close to 1,400 new books and reference works each year, available in print and online. Brill also markets a large number of primary source research collections and databases. The company’s key customers are academic and research institutions, libraries, and scholars. Brill is a publicly traded company and is listed on Euronext Amsterdam NV.
N. L. Brisson
These books represent a decade of work, essays posted to a blog The Armchair Observer (now deleted) about what was happening in American Politics. A fiction entry predicts what America's future could look like.
Pantera Press
Pantera Press is a young and enthusiastic Australian book publisher, created to champion writing culture and literacy in Australia with a clear community and cultural purpose. We discover and nurture talented Australian writers who are great storytellers. We also publish non-fiction books that matter, and have a quirky imprint designed for millennials, Lost the Plot. From our Australian origins we are now also publishing titles that fit our criteria from around the world. As a social purpose business, we use our profits to fund charities and not-for-profits that encourage reading and work to close the literacy gap in Australia.
John Blake
John Blake is renowned for being among the first publishers to tap into new commercial trends and has been creating bestsellers since 1991. John Blake publishes non-fiction, specialising in mass-market autobiographies and real life stories.
Brilliant Publications
Brilliant Publications in an independent publisher creating easy to use resources, featuring engaging approaches to learning, which will inspire and motivate pupils across a range of curriculum areas.
Dr. Constantin Pana Buchverlag
Aim of our publications is to provide generally understandable knowledge from philosophy, psychology and health to be able to reach a satisfied, healthy and happy life.
Pantomimus Media Limited
Pantomimus Media is the VC backed entertainment company behind the Best Selling YA Fantasy Series THE RED HARLEQUIN. The Red Harlequin is a transmedia franchise consisting of Books, Comics and a TV Series in development with Omnifilm Entertainment, Showrunner Robert Butler and Lord of the Rings Co-Producer Rick Porras. Besides English, the books have been translated in French, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Chinese and Spanish (Fall 2020). Industries and market segments Young Adult Fiction & Comics, Media Tie-In