Atlantic Books
Atlantic Books is an independent British publishing house founded in 2000. It has since developed a list that has a world-wide reputation for quality, originality and breadth, and includes fiction, history, politics, memoir and current affairs. Publishers of recent successes such as bestsellers My Sister the Serial Killer, Call Me By Your Name,Crazy Rich Asians, Wild and Why We Get the Wrong Politicians, Atlantic Books strives to publish some of the very best fiction and non-fiction written today, from its headquarters in the heart of literary London.
Grove Atlantic, Inc.
Grove Atlantic is a mid-sized independent publisher of literary and crime fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and plays.
Atlantis Media Rights LLC
Atlantis Media Rights is an award-winning publisher and provider of online streaming and augmented reality entertainment. AMR was first to partner with Amazon in 2002 to pioneer the eBook market. It was first to partner with Audible in 2005 to break open the eAudio market. And it was first to partner with Google in augmented reality, co-publishing Google's first-ever line of fiction with more than 20 million downloads. Atlantis Ink, AMR's digital-first imprint, has partnered in print with Simon & Schuster and Penguin Random House, and now seeks to translate its new and proven literary IP into multiple translations with international partners the world over.
Atlantyca Entertainment S.p.A.
Atlantyca Entertainment develops properties for children’s publishing, animation and consumer products licensing. We handle over 8.000 translation and publishing contracts with renowned publishers worldwide. Our offices are in Milan and Beijing.
A Walk through History
A Walk Through History is a Russian publishing house specializing in children’s nonfiction. Since 2011 it has created and designed about 50 titles on various periods of history and other subjects such as mathematics, sport, plants and animals.