Bach Doctor Press
Darin Dance started his own publishing and photography business in 2014: The Bach Doctor Press after researching and taking photographs for many book projects while working collaboratively with fellow Ngāi Tahu writers. He firmly believes that with the retrenchment of the main publishing houses back to Australia, America and Europe, our remarkable “Kiwi” voices and stories will be lost and unheard unless new publishing ventures are prepared to fill this void. This has become his mission to promote our unique kōrero and pakiwaitara (stories and legends).
University of Philippines Press (UP Press)
The University of the Philippines Press (or the U.P. Press) is the official publishing house for all constituent units of the U.P. system, and is the first university press in the country. It is mandated to encourage, publish, and disseminate scholarly, creative, and scientific works that represent distinct contributions to knowledge in various academic disciplines, which commercial publishers would not ordinarily undertake to publish.
Lindbak + Lindbak
Lindbak + Lindbak is a fresh new Nordic publishing house adding an innovative twist to popular genres like crime, romance & children's books.
Mayers kleines Buchregal
Hello and welcome to my presentation! I am Uwe Mayer, freelance Illustrator, author, designer and now also publisher of my children's picture book „DIE LAUFMASCHINE“, or in the English translation: “The Bicycling Baron". The book playfully tells the story of the invention of the bicycle from the very start. As a subject long overdue, it is original, based on fact and yet told in a humorous and original format with great illustrations throughout. DIE LAUFMASCHINE won the 1st prize from the State of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) for its original idea & concept in 2017. With further funding I was in the lucky position to not only create this important book project, but also publish it in 2019. Die Laufmaschine was nominated by the STIFTUNG BUCHKUNST for “Most Beautiful German Books" („Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher“), Long List 2019. For this title I am offering foreign rights.
Die kleine Königsstube
Wir sind ein junger Verlag, der sich klingenden Geschichten für Klein und Gross verschrieben hat. Geschichten, wo aus Worten Musik wird. Weitere Informationen siehe Website. Als erstes Opus des Verlags erschien «Der Klang einer kleinen Melodie». Dieses Buch ist für die ganze Familie geeignet, ebenso als Lesebuch für Schulklassen, Arbeitsmaterial für Therapeuten, aber auch als Lektüre für viele Anlässe. Zwanzig Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, laden ein «zum Träumen und machen Mut, dem Klang des eigenen Herzens zu folgen». Denn, träumen wir nicht alle von jenen Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, die uns das Träumen lehrten und uns ins wunderbare Land der Träume begleiteten? Eine kleine Umarmung am Abend;wer hat das nicht gern? Somit möchten diese Geschichten kleine Umarmungen verschenken, die Mut machen zu vertrauen, um Neues zu wagen; ja und das nicht nur im Traum.
Kleinworks Agency specializes in FOREIGN and SUBSIDIARY RIGHTS representation for a select group of publishers and writers
Phileas Fogg Agency
Agency representing picture books projects, Foreign rights for publishers of picture books, representation of portfolios, contract consultancies.
Lindau srl.
Independent publisher founded in 1989 and releasing around 50 new titles each year both in fiction (literary; contemporary) and non-fiction (history; art; religion , biographies)
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Leading Indian academic publisher with 58 years' experience in higher education textbooks in print and digital format.
Trusted Partner
Frankfurt Invitation Programme Alumni
The Invitation Programme offers publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean the chance to participate inthe Frankfurter Buchmesse.
Trusted Partner
2024 Frankfurt Invitation Programme
Have a look at this compilation of titles from independent publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia and Latin America.
Mercure de France
Provided with a remarkable collection, Mercure de France follows an exacting editorial policy: French and foreign literature, poetry, history, anthologies... Awarded many times, the publishing house is associated with prestigious names: Romain Gary, Colette, Ionesco , André Gide, André du Bouchet, Henri Michaux, Adonis, Yves Bonnefoy, Andréï Makine, Gilles Leroy, Anne Serre, Gwenaëlle Aubry, Julian Barnes...
Linwood Messina Literary Agency
Linwood Messina Literary Agency is a boutique agency based in Paris representing rights on behalf of French and English language publishers, agencies and authors. Our list is quite diverse covering mostly every genre except for SF and children's books.