Bradt Travel Guides Ltd
Bradt Travel Guides have a reputation as the pioneering publisher for tackling ‘unusual’ destinations, and producing colourful guidebooks which are entertaining as well as useful.
Inkandescent are committed to voices underrepresented by mainstream publishing—we discover & celebrate original & diverse literature to challenge the status quo.
Association des éditeurs des Hauts de France
High quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
Annina Safran
Eine Jugendbuchfantasy-Saga ab 10 Jahre: Der Spiegelwächter, Die Suche nach dem Schattendorf, Im Land der Nuria. Insgesamt wird es fünf Bände zu dieser Saga geben.
Anness Publishing
At Anness Publishing we have just celebrated our 30th anniversary and we are one of the largest independent book publishers in the UK having produced over 3000 titles, many of which have sold a million copies. In total we have sold in excess of 225,000,000 heavily-illustrated books, with subjects spanning cooking and crafts, gardening, new age, reference, hobbies and transport as well as a lively and successful list of pre-school activity and home study reference books for children. LORENZ BOOKS, our trade sales imprint for hardback non-fiction titles, has justifiably forged a reputation as one of the foremost imprints in illustrated publishing worldwide, with award-winning titles that cover the widest range of practical and reference subjects. SOUTHWATER is our trade sales paperback imprint, renowned for its extremely competitive pricing policy, fantastic packaging and quality, and the depth of its list. ARMADILLO is our trade imprint for illustrated children's fiction and non-fiction titles. We publish a wide range of traditional children's story books, pre-school and novelty books, as well as highly illustrated information books in the areas of science, history and natural history, and practical and creative project and activity books.
Editora do Brasil
Founded in 1943, Editora do Brasil has a wonderful history of commitment to culture and education. As a solid and experienced publisher, we are increasingly connected to the new times. One of the largest Brazilian companies in the segment, we believe in strengthening education and culture nationally and abroad. With a diverse and award-winning catalog, Editora do Brasil is always seeking to stay current and offer the best material. Our books feature a variety of themes by some of the best authors and designers, some of whom are internationally renowned.
Rights and Brands
Rights & Brands is a 360 licensing and publishing agency bringing Nordic rights and brands to a global arena. Starting from a strategic base in literature, art and design, R&B’s platform is built on knowledge, passion and people. Using all aspects of character representation and branding, from publishing and PR to licensing, merchandising and digital development, with a worldwide network of sub-agents and over 800 clients, R&B’s international insight and business capacity is unique.
Liebe Lesende Wir können immer wieder anfangen. Carolin Emcke hat mir bei ihrer Dankesrede für den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels aus dem Herzen gesprochen. Mein Verlag Ink Press ist ein Anfang, jedes Mal bei Erscheinen eines Buches aufs Neue, und so auch im März 2017 mit der neuen Ausgabe des ersten Gedichtbandes Die Untiefen des Verrats von Amanda Aizpuriete. Ich freue mich, mit dieser Dichterin in der Tradition von Ingeborg Bachmann und Emily Dickinson, die erste lyrische Perle, der viele weitere folgen werden, in die Kette zu fädeln. Hana, der Monolith von Elvira Dones, ist jetzt endlich auf Deutsch zu lesen. Tun Sie es! Da ich nicht Ärztin, sondern Verlegerin bin, verordne ich zur Heilung von jeglichen “Krankheiten” den Besitz und die Lektüre von Hana. Schliesslich mache ich weiter, um immer wieder anzufangen, und sage – auf bald, auf den Anfang, auch auf Ihren mit den Büchern von Ink Press! So lange es Menschen gibt, werden Geschichten erzählt. Bei manchen Geschichten lohnt es sich, sie festzuhalten. Sie kommen im ersten Programm aus Südosteuropa, genauer aus Bulgarien, dem Land, wo der älteste Goldschatz der Menschheit gefunden wurde. Es sind universelle Geschichten, die berühren und die uns im Innersten treffen. Die Bulgarische Reihe versammelt die aufregendsten Stimmen und beginnt mit dem biographischen Roman Alkohol von Kalin Terzijski und den trashigen Erzählungen Verfall von Vassil Georgiev. Beide gehören in ihrem Land zu einer ganz neuen Generation von Dichtern, die sich Gehör verschafft – erstmals auch im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die einzelnen Cover-Illustrationen gestalten Schweizer Künstlerinnen. Für Ink Press ist es wichtig, in steter Berührung mit den Künsten zu sein. Dies wird Bücher hervorbringen, die die Zeit überdauern, da es in der Kunst, die sie in sich tragen, um alles geht. Am Anfang steht Louise Bourgeois und Konstruktionen für den freien Fall. Weil ich gar nicht anders kann, als mit ihr zu beginnen – der Leitfigur der jungen Kunst und auch von Ink Press. Das Programm ist die Einladung an Sie, diese Geschichten weiterzuerzählen und zu fallen, ohne sich zu verletzen. Spread it if you like it! Ihre Susanne Schenzle
Nuxeria Anna Wüstenberg
24 entzündungsfreie Rezepte unterteilt in Frühstück, Hauptspeisen, Salate und Nachspeisen. Gekocht wird vegan, glutenfrei, zuckerarm und frei von Nachtschattengewächsen
Desfiladero Ediciones
Publishing House specialized in Graphic Novels and cinema books. We've Biographies set in WWII and Spanish Civil War, Fantasy graphic novels and humour
Holiday House & Pixel+Ink
Since its beginnings in 1935 as the first American publishing house founded with the purpose of publishing only children’s books, HOLIDAY HOUSE has been proud to gather together talented authors and illustrators and to publish quality books for children. Known for having a deep list of timeless and award-winning books for children and young adult readers, Holiday House launched its first eponymous imprints, Margaret Ferguson Books and Neal Porter Books, in 2018. PIXEL+INK is a new publisher devoted exclusively to series publishing for children ages 3-13. We’ll have everything from picture books to chapter books to middle grade and graphic novels. Every one of our properties is full of heart and humor. We invite you into our world.
l'ecole des loisirs
l'école des loisirs is an independent family-owned publishing group founded in 1923. Since 1965, it is entirely dedicated to children’s books and became one of the largest publishing houses for children's books in France. With a back list of over 5.800 titles and 300 new titles per year (80% original titles), it is one of the largest publishers of children’s literature in France and enjoys a strong reputation among librarians, booksellers, and other book professionals. Amongst the bestsellers, some titles are nearly 50 years old. Its rich universe of characters has led to the creation of games and DVDs (picture books as films).
Girassol Brasil Edições Ltda.
Girassol Brasil has been in existence for 20 years. Despite still being a young company, it has attained prominence in the children’s book scene thanks to the quality and interactivity of its books. They offer educational books; children’s literature, especiallyfrom renowned Brazilian authors; tales and fables; world literary classics; games and puzzles; and several reference books. The catalogue is also filled with pop-up titles, bath books, wipe and clean books, flap books and many different interactive elements that provide a pleasant reading experience and make learning fun for young children and early readers. A series we would like to recommend you especially is Heartwarming stories, written by educational psychologist Paula Furtado in order to help young children to deal with difficult situations and life circumstances.