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    • Adaiyaalam

      Adaiyaalam means identity. 1998 was a time when secular India was slowly moving towards religiosity. Adaiyaalam was founded with the support of like-minded friends to publish the voices of people who were oppressed culturally and politically, Not-for-profit. We aim to bring out the works of marginalised people like Dalits, minorities, women, children, tribals, villagers and other unrepresented people. We continue our journey embracing a diverse range of work in literature, non-fiction, philosophy, politics, and new genres of storytelling. We are proud to say that till today, we have published more than five hundred titles. Adaiyaalam has managed to bring more than a hundred translated works into Tamil language collaborating with 54 international publishing houses. Adaiyaalam plays an important role in social change. We live in an era where most of the publishing world is only focused on making profits the priority. We at adaiyaalam encourage originality and alternative narratives. Join our journey.

    • Schmit Jongbloed Advies

      ‘Ärzt*in als Ganzes‘ ist ein inspirierendes Buch für Mediziner aller Altersklassen und Spezialisierungen, die den Sinn in ihrer Arbeit (wieder)finden oder verstärken wollen.

    • Adarna House Inc

      Adarna House Inc. publishes learning tools that can help teachers and parents in guiding their children how to count, color, draw basic figures and identify symbols. Some of the publishing house's activity books are the Sanayang Adarna series, a mixture of coloring, writing, drawing, and counting worksheets, and Magkulay Tayo series which primarily aims to teach children how to hold writing materials.

    • Dar al adab for publishing and distribution

      Dr. Souheil Idriss founded Dar Al Adab for publishing and distribution in 1956. It is one of the oldest publishing houses in the Middle East. It publishes the prestigious literary magazine AL ADAB, a register of all modern writing: plays, poetry, literary critique, and a very open vision of cultural exchange, as the main weapon against fanaticism and integrism. AL Adab magazine is now totally digitalized and online. The house is a familial enterprise, independent of any political party or governmental support. It focuses on novels, both originally written in Arabic and international one. From our backlist authors: Albert Camus, J.P. Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, James Joyces, Edgar Allen Poe, Kazantzaki, Mishima, Kawabata, and many others. From our recent list, Elif Shafak, Elena Ferrante, Isabel Allende, Peter Handke, Paul Auster, Ian McEwan, Ismaël Kadare, Haruki Murakami, and more recently Samanta Schweblin, Yoko Ogawa, Mia Couto, Marta Batalla, Madeline Miller, Maryse Condé, Manuel Villas, Irene Vallejo…For Arab Fiction, the list is endless: Classical and modern novelists, from all Arab countries, many of whom have been awarded international and Arab literary prizes, many of whom struggle to be published in this city called Beirut. For Beirut remains, in spite of its wounds, the lung of the Arabs.Among them: Elias Khoury, Ala’a Aswany, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Sahar Khalifeh, Hanan El Seikh, Nawal Saadawi, Hoda Barakat, (Arab Booker 2019), Jokha Al Harithi (Man Booker International 2019), Khaled Khalifeh….The French specialist in Arab Publishing, Franck Mermier, in his book “The City and the Book”, wrote “Often compared to the French Gallimard, Dar Al Adab is probably the only publishing house that can consecrate the name of a new author, at a pan-Arab level”.Dar Al Adab received the Sharjah award of best Arab Publishing house, and is shortlisted to the Sheikh Zayed award for best publisher, and shortlisted for the 2020 Excellence Award at the London Bookfair.It received the Medal of the Moroccan Kingdom.Dar Al adab has recently made partnership with two audio companies, Storytel and Kitab Sawti from Sweden, and with Amazon and Abjad for electronic books.It has a large distribution network all over the Arab world and participates directly in all Arab bookfairs.

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