Your Results(showing 462)

      • National Academies Press

        The National Academies Press (NAP) publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. They published more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics.

      • China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.

        China Science Publishing & Media Ltd has been incorporated from Science Press which was founded in August 1954 through the merger of two organizations: Compilation & Translation Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the then well-known Longmen United Publishers set up in the 1930s. Science Press is the largest comprehensive sci-tech publishing organization in China. Over the past years since its establishment, the Company has formed fine traditions and styles which boil down to: “High Standard”, “High Level”, “High Quality” and “Seriousness”, “Rigorousness”, “Strictness”. Inheriting and continuously sticking to these traditions and styles, the Company has always been committed to serving sci-tech innovation, serving both scientists and readers in general, and disseminating and popularizing scientific knowledge at home and abroad.

      • Kawmiah distributing company

        The National Company for Distribution (Kawmiah distributing company) is one of the national press institutions working in the field of publishing, distribution, printing and journalism, and it has many cultural and intellectual publications through Dar Al Shaab and Dar Al Taawon, and it is of great importance in the paper book market in Egypt and the Arab world with its capabilities in the fields of publishing, distribution and printing And from promising cadres capable of presenting the best publications in various cultural and intellectual fields.

      • Alborj Media Publishing & Distribution

        Alborj Media Publishing & Distribution established in 2004 in Abu Dhabi as the first Emirati publishing house specialized in publishing & distributing children books, we reached now about 480 titles. In addition, We are considered as a strategic partner for MOE in the United Arab Emirates to support the progress of the Emirati school, in addition & based on our social responsibility in sponsorship and supporting cultural activities and events, we participated in sponsoring many activities, competitions and events such as the "Abu Dhabi Reads initiative" and the " Arabic writing competition" interested in buying & selling rights we already bought rights from Us ,India ,Belgium,Uk,mexico & turkey.we have about 180 titles translated into arabic till now.We are keen to participate in the most Arab and international book fairs like Frankfurt, Bologna, London, Beijing and New Delhi as a foreign book fairs.

      • AlFaris Publishing and Distribution Company

        Established by Maher Kayyali (MBA) in 1989 as sister company to Arab Institute for Research & Publishing, Beirut est 1969. It enhanced the publishing scene in Jordan by publishing books for well known Arab writers such Mounis Razzaz Ibrahim Nasrallah Mureed Barghouthi Mohammad Shaheen and continues to publish and distribute different genres of Arabic and translated books.

      • Academy of Management - AOM Insights

        Empower your audience with the world’s best evidence-based management content License AOM Insights Content Insights is an online magazine for managers and business leaders, published by the Academy of Management (AOM), the world’s preeminent professional association for management scholars. Founded in 1936, AOM has nearly 20,000 members today, from more than 120 countries. Insights offers evidence-based, cutting-edge research findings from the world’s top management and organization scholars in easy-to-read summaries, based on articles from AOM's top-ranked publications.

      • board books

        for kids 1+

      • Tamer Institute for Community Education

        TAMER Institute for Community Education is an educational non-governmental non for profit organization established in 1989 as a natural and necessary response to the urgent needs of the Palestinian community during the first intifada (uprising). The most important of these is the need to acquire means to help people learn and become productive. Focusing principally on the rights to education, identity, freedom of expression, and access to information,Tamer works across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, primarily targeting children and young adults to encourage and deepen opportunities of learning among them. Our program aims to contribute to enhancing reading, writing and all forms of Expression among children and young adults. It also aims at contributing to a Palestinian environment that is supportive to learning processes, and at supporting the literary and scholar production on child culture in Palestine.

      • National Publishing Company BICHIK

        In Yakutia, every winter day is a quest! Putting 10 layers of clothing on, before you go outside, says a lot. Well, that is the tip of the iceberg! The most difficult thing is to wait until a bus arrives when it is -50°C outdoors. Therefore, it is never boring here. Adults and children of the planet would be interested in such warm books from the Pole of Cold with funny facts about life in Yakutia, traditions, history, amazing people and their incredible adventures in the coldest place of the World. Every year, we publish more than 300 titles of various children’s, fiction, study and guidance, reference books, as well as digital and multimedia publications. Over the past 5 years, we won more than 20 international and Russian prizes wherein 14 are for children's book.

      • China Social Sciences Press

        Established in June, 1978, China Social Sciences Press is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. CSSP is a national level publishing house focusing on academic publications mainly in the field of humanities and social sciences. In 1993, CSSP won the honorary title of “national outstanding press” granted by Propaganda Department of CPC and General Administration of Press and Publication.The missions and the publication targets of CSSP are: first, editing and publishing the most outstanding academic results of CASS and great achievements from the fields of social sciences and culture circle in China, including academic works, text books, reference books and popular books; second, translating Chinese versions of significant humanities and social sciences books written by western authors.

      • Little Newton Science Education Company

        Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd. Little Newton is one of the leading children and science publishing company in Taiwan. Began with publication of “Newton Magazine”in 1983, “Little Newton Magazine” in 1984, and “Little Newton for Kids and Toddlers” in 1990. Till now, we have created over 1,000 best seller publications. In 2003, we released our titles in China Mainaland via copyright licensing. They have been loved by many children, parents and teachers . Little Newton is taken as an important brand for children publication in China. Now, we will extend from paper books and eBooks to on-line courses,and from Chinese-speaking world to worldwide.

      • Smart English Company Limited

        Smart English Company Limited is committed to developing a line of fun and educational products, which currently includes Inspirational English and Robin Education, to help young learners acquire the four skills in the English language. With 'Baby Animals', 'Dinosaurs in my Garden', and 'Mirabelle and Milo', Robin Education aims to develop young learners’ ability to use authentic English language in line with the Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus, as they explore the fascinating stories in each series.

      • Hudhud Publishing & Distribution

        Founded on the steadfast belief that a good book has a positive and lasting impact on the development of children, families and socities, Al Hudhud is a pioneering Emirati publishing and distribution

      • Al-Ahlia for Publishing and Distribution

        Dar Al-Ahlia for Publishing and Distribution was founded in Amman in 1985. It is an extension of Dar Al-Arabiya for Publishing and Distribution which was founded in 1970. Dar Al-Ahlia is primarily interested in publishing political and intellectual books. It also publishes literary and academic books as well as children's books and that makes it a publisher of almost all subjects. Dar Al-Ahliya has three branches in Amman, which are considered the outlet for the readers as, In addition to publishing, we also distribute all kinds of books from the Arab World.

      • Kalima Publishing and Distribution

        Kalima Publishing and Distribution is a publishing company based in Tunisia ,whose main aim is to provide the readers with books that cater to their cognitive and cultural needs.Kalima’s book publications range from a wide variety of cultural fields like ( Literature, History , novels, poetry, philosophy, linguistics...). Through its cultural project Kalima Publishing and Distribution ,seeks to present to the readers the best quality of books that will help them develop critical thinking and guarantee their mental growth, without any form of restrictions on the freedom to write and create.Kalima Publishing and Distribution is a powerhouse whose publications are an added value to the cultural content in the Arab world. Hence, Kalima’s dedication to listening to its readers and granting special attention to their opinions and interests.Kalima Publishing and Distribution was designed to discover talents and ideas with multiple expressions: it is a project of a cultural message, which does not take away the right to be different, but aspires to go beyond limited perspectives, when dealing with reality. For us, reality is not condemned to remain as it is, nor to be bound to any region or group.Intellectual property rightsWithin the framework of its relations with various authors, "Kalima" Publishing and Distribution strives to respect the intellectual property rights believing that they are one of the most important factors that support the promotion of the publishing industry in that it represents respect for the rights of the publisher and the author. Therefore, this protection will have positive results that will be reflected on the quality of the performance of the publishing house in this field.

      • Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc.

        Arab Scientific Publishers (ASP) publishes award winning books that cater to all ages and interests. The subject matter is wide ranging from drawing and cooking books, to Mayo Clinic references, Microsoft Training Kits, and bestselling novels, targeting children, teenagers, students, adults, and professionals. A r a b S c i e n t i f i c P u b l i s h e r s (ASP) is a fully consolidated commercial Printing and Publishing powerhouse. The company is involved in all activities along the value chain from concept creation to distribution. The company’s proven track record in delivering first-rate publishing and printing services will serve as a catalyst to grow the company into a global digital enterprise. Our vision is that ASP will become a strategic holding structure with international subsidiaries all around the globe.

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