Your Results(showing 149)

      • l'ecole des loisirs

        l'école des loisirs is an independent family-owned publishing group founded in 1923. Since 1965, it is entirely dedicated to children’s books and became one of the largest publishing houses for children's books in France. With a back list of over 5.800 titles and 300 new titles per year (80% original titles), it is one of the largest publishers of children’s literature in France and enjoys a strong reputation among librarians, booksellers, and other book professionals. Amongst the bestsellers, some titles are nearly 50 years old. Its rich universe of characters has led to the creation of games and DVDs (picture books as films).

      • Comme des géants

        Livres Canada Books

      • Petra Schier

        Petra Schier, Jahrgang 1978, lebt mit Mann und Hund in einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Eifel. Sie studierte Geschichte und Literatur an der Fernuniversität Hagen und arbeitet seit 2003 freie Autorin. Ihre sehr erfolgreichen historischen Romane erscheinen u.a. im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ihre ebenfalls sehr beliebten Weihnachts- sowie Liebesromane bei Rütten Loening, MIRA Taschenbuch, HarperCollins und Weltbild.Unter dem Pseudonym Mila Roth veröffentlicht die Autorin verlagsunabhängig verschiedene erfolgreiche Buchserien.

      • Scholastic Inc.

        For 100 years, Scholastic has partnered with schools to support student learning. Today, the Company is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books, a leading provider of literacy curriculum, professional services and classroom magazines, and a producer of educational and entertaining children's media.

      • Les Écrits des Forges

        Livres Canada Books

      • Editions Schortgen Sárl

        Editions Schortgen is one of the oldest and largest publishing houses in Luxembourg and has been in existence since 1949. On January 1, 2020, a large part of the book publishing activities of the publishing house Editions Saint Paul were taken over, thereby expanding the publishing program. More than 70 years of experience, competence and passion have resulted in a diversified publishing programme. * Editions Schortgen ist eines der ältesten und größten Verlagshäuser Luxemburgs und besteht seit 1949. Am 1. Januar 2020 wurde ein Großteil der Buchverlags-Aktivitäten des Verlages Editions Saint Paul übernommen und dadurch das Verlagsprogramm erweitert. Durch über 70 Jahre Erfahrung, Kompetenz und Leidenschaft ist ein breit gefächertes Verlagsprogramm entstanden.

      • Schmit Jongbloed Advies

        ‘Ärzt*in als Ganzes‘ ist ein inspirierendes Buch für Mediziner aller Altersklassen und Spezialisierungen, die den Sinn in ihrer Arbeit (wieder)finden oder verstärken wollen.

      • Cambridge Scholars Publishing

        Cambridge Scholars Publishing is an independent academic publisher, founded in 2001 publishing original academic work across a wide range of subjects in four key areas: Humanities and Social Sciences; Health Sciences; Physical Sciences; and Life Sciences.

      • Agencia Literaria Carmen Balcells

        The Carmen Balcells Literary Agency was founded over sixty years ago with the aim of professionalising writers' work. It represents many essential authors of contemporary literature, including five Nobel Laureates, while investing in new talents.

      • Katja Glöckler // Buchagentin, Schreib- & Buchcoaching

        Bis der Wind sich dreht - Wege raus aus dem Konflikt Konfliktmanagement einmal anders - Ein Roman und Ratgeber in einemTeil 1: Geschichten aus der Arbeitswelt, die jeder kennt. Konflikte mit den Kollegen, Vorgesetzten oder im Team. Ein geheimer Briefeschreiber der Sichtweisen verändert und Konflikte löst. Teil 2: Ein Workbook, ein Ratgeber mit Hilfsmitteln und Lösungsmöglichkeiten in Konfliktsituationen


        Editorial Verbo Divino's main objective is to spread the Bible. In addition, it is distinguished by the publication of works of study and interpretation of the Bible aimed at very diverse audiences.


        Editorial Verbum was born in Madrid, in 1990, as a tribute and continuation of Verbum, the magazine created in Havana, in 1937, by José Lezama Lima and some of the members of the later known as Grupo Orígenes.

      • Atelier des Nomades

        Atelier des Nomades was founded in 2010 by Corinne Fleury and Anthony Vallet. Their purpose is to enhance the cultural and natural heritage of Mauritius, improving cultural exchange and promoting a cross-fertilization of ideas.

      • Trusted Partner

        Franz Steiner Verlag / Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag

        Academic publishing house (ancient history of economics, history of science/medicine, geography, musicology, philosophy of law). Berliner Wissenschaft-Verlag is an imprint.

      • Atrium Verlag | Arche Literatur Verlag | WooW Books

        Atrium Verlag was founded 1935 in Switzerland in order to be able to continue publishing Erich Kästner's work, who was by then a forbidden author in the so-called Third Reich. Since the beginning Kästner's children's books are a world-wide success story and continue to fascinate readers in more than 25 countries all over the world. Moreover, he has written famous poem collections and adult novels reaching a broad audience. Atrium has started to publish more children's books that share Kästner's spirit and instantly connect with our young readers. Furthermore, Atrium publishes important contemporary fiction, mystery and non-fiction. WooW Books is focussed on children's books for readers aged 6-11, ranging from timeless classics to modern adventures and unconventional stories. As the name suggests, the program stands for special and surprising children´s literature that conjures a »wow-feeling« while reading. Arche Literatur Verlag is a traditional literary publisher that started in the 1940s with authors such as Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Max Frisch and Gottfried Benn. Today Arche publishes novels by outstanding international and German writers, telling stories about the rich variety of human relationships. Arche aims to reach women readers of all ages, both through content and through clear cover designs. The core of the brand is the “rich variety of human relationships” – deliberately targeting a female readership that feels addressed and entertained in a unique way by Arche.

      • Facultas Verlag

        Das facultas Verlagsprogramm umfasst Lehr- und Studienbücher wie auch Forschungs- und Fachliteratur

      • Sax-Verlag

        For 28 years, since its foundation in Beucha in 1992, Sax-Verlag has stood for a diverse non-fiction programme with a focus on Central German regional history and culture, art history and monument preservation as well as geology and landscape change. The titles are produced in a wide range of cooperation with cultural and historical associations, regional offices, archives and other institutions. From the very beginning, the aim has been to create a historical publishing house for the first Saxon and now Central German region. With around 420 published titles during this time, we have given the publishing house a profile that includes not only non-fiction and science books, but also travel and excursion guides, illustrated books, fiction with a focus on experienced history and biographical information.

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