Your Results(showing 202)

      • Babel-Bridge Literary Agency

        Babel-Bridge specialises in translation rights representation world-wide on behalf of publishing houses and agencies. At Babel-Bridge, every single book is carefully selected for its potential ability to travel, be it for its universal theme, its commercial hook or stunning artwork, or indeed all three. Babel-Bridge represents mainly books from the Nordics and the UK, but we wish to grow the portfolio to include beautiful books that tick the aforementioned boxes from other corners of the world. To that end, Babel-Bridge will rely on close collaboration with subagents, who are strongly placed to identify the books that are most likely to travel, but where the rights holder lacks the network abroad.

      • Lorenza Estandia Literary Agency

        The Catalogue has 114 titles, picture books, illustrated stories and novels poetry, plays, series, and non-fiction, and by readers age from 0 to 18+ years.

      • Linwood Messina Literary Agency

        Linwood Messina Literary Agency is a boutique agency based in Paris representing rights on behalf of French and English language publishers, agencies and authors. Our list is quite diverse covering mostly every genre except for SF and children's books.

      • Helen Edwards Rights Agency

        I launched my agency earlier this year on the back of over 25 years of experience selling international rights for Headline and Transworld Publishers (a division of Penguin Random House UK). I am delighted to be representing the following agencies in North America: Kate Barker Literary Agency, Bell Lomax Moreton, D.H.H. Literary Agency, Kate Hordern Literary Agency (please refer to my website for available titles and in all languages throughout the world: A for Authors, Barbican Press, Keane Kataria, Peony Agency and Storyline Agency (titles available for translation are listed on this portal too).

      • Petula Chaplin Rights Agency

        Petula Chaplin is a UK based International Sales and Rights Agent. Please contact her at

      • POL Literary & Translation Agency

        Founded in 2005, POL is a full-service agent that translates Iranian books and represents Persian language publishers, authors, and illustrators across the world. POL Try to make publicity of Iranian books through the introduction and presentation in major international cultural events such as book fairs to sell their rights as well as identifying and introducing useful books from other countries to translate and publish in Iran. At present POL handles the rights of more than 60 Iranian authors and publishers' titles to sell their rights. As for buying right, we present the rights of many publishers from the different countries to buy their Persian Language right to Iranian publishers.

      • Kia Persia Literary Agency

        KIA Literary Agency was founded in 2002 in Tehran with the aim of promoting and supporting fine literary works in all forms throughout the world. It brings about opportunities for authors, illustrators, publishers, translators, and those involved in this field to meet their counterparts. And at the same time, it introduces them to the world and will inform them of all the related events which take place in the world of art and literature.

      • Tilly-Ink Rights Agency

        Tilly-Ink sells foreign rights for French Canadian publishers essentially.

      • The Yao Enterprises (Literary Agents), LLC

        Do you know the original Greek translation of "Apocalypse" is "lifting the veil" or "revolution"? It is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of humankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception: a revealing of the true nature of things.

      • Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency (PNLA)

        The Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency (PNLA), established in 2000, represents writers in Italy and worldwide, either direct or through co-agents in several territories.PNLA negotiates film and TV rights with major Italian and international production companies. PNLA represents foreign publishers, agents and writers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, from Europe, South America and the Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan).


        Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA), established in June 2019 and supervised by the Ministry of Culture, is a professional intermediary organization that promotes the development of Taiwan’s content industries. TAICCA supports various cultural content industries in Taiwan, including film and television, pop music, publishing, ACG, and fashion, artworks and cultural technologies. With advanced information and communication technology infrastructure and emerging technologies in Taiwan, TAICCA manages National Development Fund to develop intellectual property (IP), incubate culture technologies, and facilitate startups. Through international distribution channels, TAICCA strives to promote Taiwan’s cultural brand in the world. TAICCA enhances Taiwan’s cultural content industries and creates new value for Taiwan’s national brand. Profitable and eco-friendly, the creative industries are now valued as a key economic indicator worldwide. For more information, please visit: htts://

      • Hanska Literary&Film Agency S.L.

        Hanska Literary & Film Agency represents internationally Spanish writers and scriptwriters. Specializing in Spanish commercial and up-market commercial adult fiction: women's fiction, historical novel, crime, thriller, noir, romance, family saga.

      • Progressive International Agencies (Pvt.) Ltd.

        We came up with an idea to boost children with low English vocabulary at a very young age, most of out books are in English language our prime topics are Numbers, Opposites, fruites and vegetables, vehicles and etc. Our main target audience are children form the age of 1-5.

      • Great Little Britain Literary Agency

        Great Little Britain is an independent literary agent representing a group of authors and fictional works ranging from crime to domestic suspense, chick lit to children's books.

      • DNA-Licensing - Die Nebenrechte-Agency

        DNA is a Berlin-based subsidiary rights agency representing from different publishers a range of German language titles - from sophisticated thriller, to humor, to biographies and autobiographies, and rounded out with a list of children's and young adult titles.

      • ZNN Network Literary and Illustrator Agency

        - International Copyright, Licensing, and Literary Agency - International Illustrator Agency and Management Services - Creative Content Development Services

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