Your Results(showing 147)

      • Plastik sparen - Initiative zur Vermeidung von Plastik im Alltag

        Plastik sparen Die Geschichte einer Idee Die Idee für Plastik sparen ist im Juni 2018 entstanden. Wie schon so oft endete ein Wocheneinkauf im totalen Plastik-Inferno. Kennt ihr das? Einmal einkaufen beim Supermarkt um die Ecke und schon ist eine Mülltüte voll mit Plastik. Aber wie kann ich das ändern, fragte ich mich. Also informierte ich mich, war bei einem Vortrag zum Thema "plastikfrei leben" um dann mit dem Gefühl zurück zu bleiben, das nicht leisten zu können. Aber einfach weiter Plastik konsumieren war für mich auch keine Alternative. Es musste doch Möglichkeiten geben Plastik zu reduzieren, die Jedermann*frau ganz einfach in den Alltag einbauen kann. Und so war "Plastik sparen" geboren. Die Idee dahinter, durch viele kleine Plastik-spar-Aktivitäten den Plastikmüll in meinem Haushalt zu reduzieren. Und, ich kann sagen es funktioniert. Bei jedem Einkauf landet wesentlich weniger Plastikverpackung im Einkaufswagen als früher. Alles Aktivitäten, die keine (oder nur wenig) Zeit gekostet haben, die oftmals Geld gespart haben und die ich problemlos in den Alltag integrieren konnte. "Plastik sparen" ist unser Beitrag für eine Umwelt mit weniger Plastik. Meine Ideen, Gedanken und Erlebnisse möchte ich teilen und viele Menschen dafür begeistern, immer weniger Plastik in ihr Leben zu lassen.

      • Beijing Publishing Group Ltd.

        Beijing Publishing Group (BPG) is a comprehensive publishing group with over 70 years of history. Currently, BPG boasts eight professional publishing houses, five magazines and twelve subsidiaries with over 900 employees. BPG has engaged in such fields as social sciences, literature, children’s book, popular science, public life, art, education, and has been releasing more than 3000 kinds of books, magazines, and audiovisual products on an average annual basis. We not only have built new media platforms like Weibo, WeChat and App, but also have launched audios, videos, e-books and other popular converging media products. The product line of digital reading with "Weibo, Wechat and client server" as the core has accumulated more than 4 million users. Attaching great importance to international cultural exchanges and cooperation on publications, BPG has established a good partnership with publishers from over 50 countries and regions, including countries along "the Belt and Road", like Malaysia, Lebanon, Turkey, Euro-American countries such as America, Germany, Spain and France, as well as neighboring countries like Japan and Nepal. In recent years, there are more than 300 varieties of copyright trade per year. "A Taste of Beijing", a cultural brand activity, which is founded by BPG, has been held in countries and regions including New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Australia successively, displaying 10,000 kinds of books and pictures, and holding more than 50 cultural exchanges like dialogues between Chinese and foreign writers. BPG has set up "October Writer’s Residence Project", successively establishing residences in 10 cities at home and abroad. Chinese and overseas writers and translators are invited to live there for better writing experience and various literary exchange activities; BPG has also implemented “The Residency Plan for Foreign Translators”.

      • Beijing Ruxue Media Co., Ltd.

        we are majoring in copyright trading, retail services, translation and book publishing, the market target to China, US and some countries in South Asia.

      • Beijing Bangson Culture Co., Ltd.

        Beijing Bangson Culture is an independent children's book publisher. Founded in 2001, we aim to create funny and inspiring books for kids age 0-6 with our talented team of editors.

      • Holiday House & Pixel+Ink

        Since its beginnings in 1935 as the first American publishing house founded with the purpose of publishing only children’s books, HOLIDAY HOUSE has been proud to gather together talented authors and illustrators and to publish quality books for children. Known for having a deep list of timeless and award-winning books for children and young adult readers, Holiday House launched its first eponymous imprints, Margaret Ferguson Books and Neal Porter Books, in 2018. PIXEL+INK is a new publisher devoted exclusively to series publishing for children ages 3-13. We’ll have everything from picture books to chapter books to middle grade and graphic novels. Every one of our properties is full of heart and humor. We invite you into our world.

      • UnderCover Literary Agents

        Watch our CoLOGnEFraNkfURt RiGhTS Video: Since foundation, in 1997, UnderCover has brokered and accompanied countless major international book launches, with cooperation partners mainly in Spain, Catalonia, South America, Eastern and Northern Europe and in the US. As agents or co-agents, the agency established national and international bestselling authors, such as Matilde Asensi, Elia Barceló, Jorge Bucay, Jaume Cabré, Félix Palma, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Javier Sierra, Jorge Volpi and many others.

      • Baerli und der Rotnasige

        Bärli und der Rotnasige ist liebevoll illustriert von Michael Stefer und witzig getextet von Helga Kleisny: Ein Flugzeugkapitän und eine Luftfahrtjournalistin, die in Corona-Zeiten in einem Buch den Charme von Janosch-Zeichungen, die illustre Welt einer Alice im Wunderland und die Lebensweisheiten des Kleinen Prinzen vereinen.

      • ALTO POGO Buenos Aires und Europa

        We are a narrative publishing company based in Almagro, Buenos Aires, Argentina. We are interested in working on a diverse catalog, thought as a living organism in constant growth. A human mace that moves. We are explorers in a constant search. We are interested in books as the product of a collective force. We want to give our readers stories that challenge them, with strong narrative voices. We are Alto Pogo. Books that leave a mark.Alto Pogo is part of the Editorial Cooperative La coop.We are distributed in Latin America by Lacoop distribuidora (

      • Steinkis Groupe

        Discover our JUNGLE list: comic series for kids, teens and YA. Jungle recently published best-selling comic series, adapted from teens novels such as The Enola Holmes Mysteries (now on Netflix) and The Diary of an 8-bit warrior (Cube Kid). Discover our STEINKIS list: graphic documentaries and graphic adaptation for adults. Steinkis essentially publishes non-fiction graphic books (memoirs, docu-fiction, investigations) and also published graphic adaptation of literary works.

      • Folklore Publishing

        Livres Canada Books

      • Dylan-Related-Books (Agentur für englishsprachige Dylan-Autoren und Literatur)

        Dylan-Related-Books is a literature agency only for books with a relation to the artist and the many different themes, which he´s able to connect with his songs. It´s about the aim to bring this special field in writing to a German readership, which might get the lyrics in a song, but have some struggle to get through a sophisticated analysis of a song. Dylan-Related-books is also a network of and for Dylan-authors and presents the new books of the Dylan-Kosmos in a series of musical readings, the ONE-MORE-CUP-OF-COFFEE-READINGS. To realize these projects, especially during the culture cutting times of Corona the agency is running a Crowdfunding-Campain which is explore on

      • mikrotext / Nikola Richter

        mikrotext is a publisher for texts with attitude and for new narratives, founded in 2013 in Berlin by Nikola Richter The independent publishing house focusses on new literary texts that comment on contemporary questions and allow insights into tomorrow. The texts are inspired by discussions on social media platformes and reflect today’s global debates. All titles are published digital first. A selection is available in English. In 2020 and 2019, mikrotext was awarded the German Publisher Award by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Media.

      • Mark Allen Group

        The Mark Allen Group is a dynamic media company which delivers high-quality content through market-leading journals, magazines, books, events, exhibitions and websites.

      • Goldblatt Verlag

        We create beautifully illustrated books that take readers of all ages on an adventurous journey to a life full of miracles and wisom.

      • Rethink Press

        Since 2011, we’ve guided hundreds of experts to write and publish authority-defining books that raise their profile and build hugely successful businesses. Being directly involved in so many best-selling, award-winning, business-boosting author success stories has led us to one conclusion... Nothing sells you like a book. And no one builds books like Rethink.

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