Your Results(showing 392)

      • Imanzi Press

        IMANZI Press is a Rwandan publishing house established in 2017 and has published more than 20 children's books in Kinyarwanda and has translated them into English and French. The publishing house has worked with partners like World Vision International and the Rwandan government. IMANZI Press is planning to publish eight children’s books during this year and is working on a cartoon project, that is a challenging entrepreneurship in Rwanda.

      • CentreHouse Press

        CentreHouse Press is an independent UK publisher.

      • Rethink Press

        Since 2011, we’ve guided hundreds of experts to write and publish authority-defining books that raise their profile and build hugely successful businesses. Being directly involved in so many best-selling, award-winning, business-boosting author success stories has led us to one conclusion... Nothing sells you like a book. And no one builds books like Rethink.

      • Gruppo Editoriale Edizioni Mediterranee, Hermes Edizioni, Arkeios, Edizioni Studio Tesi

        Edizioni Mediterranee founded in 1953, together with Hermes, Arkeios and Studio Tesi is a publishing group. Amongst Italian and foreign authors the catalogue includes more than 2.500 titles. Main subjects are: yoga, body-mind-spirit, alternative healing, alchemy, astrology, magic, sport, martial arts.

      • Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

        La editorial de la UNC fue concebida como un emprendimiento de promoción en la difusión de obras científicas, artísticas y literarias de profesores e investigadores de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina); cuyas contribuciones a la construcción del conocimiento y discusiones intelectuales de ideas, sigue vigente en la actualidad. Está estructurado en nueve colecciones que abarcan diferentes temáticas y áreas de conocimiento: Reforma, Sociedad, Estado, Política, Formas, Divulgación, Ciencia, Institucional, Ensayo. La selección de los títulos presentados para publicación, es ejecutada por profesores e investigadores de la UNC y otras universidades. El programa editorial también incluye coediciones de obras de interés para la comunidad académica y la sociedad en general. La casa de edición de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba se estableció en 2007 y su objetivo es ser un respaldo para la comunidad universitaria, un registro de trabajos académicos recientes y una memoria del campo intelectual. Además, aspira a poner a disposición del público universitario más amplio los libros y contribuir a los debates más significativos de nuestro tiempo.

      • Bambole Editora e Livraria Ltda

        Bambolê Publishing House is a brazilian publishing company with three publishing labels: Bambolê, Elipse and Opala. We are founded in 2015 and we have 60 books in the catalogue. Bambolê focus in the children and young literature. Opala focus in the adult and non-fiction literature. Our work is based on to search originals with quality, enchantment e a good history, that create loyal readers, as well permit to discover new readers. Bambole won many awards. Some of our books were choosed to the Bologna Catalogue, in different years.

      • Compañía Naviera Ilimitada editores

        COMPAÑÍA NAVIERA UNLIMITADA editores is an independent Argentine publishing house founded in June 2018 and based in the city of Buenos Aires. We are dedicated to fiction and non-fiction in Spanish and translated, mainly contemporary. Our catalog combines the work of established authors with that of new voices. We are interested in books that, regardless of when they were written, have something to say to today's reader. Several of our titles already have more than one edition. We have regular distribution in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Peru. In 2021 we will start publishing and distributing in Spain and we will strengthen sales to the rest of the Latin American countries.

      • Paulinas | Editorial Paulinas Colombia

        Somos una congregación de mujeres consagradas a Dios de la Iglesia Católica, para la evangelización con los medios de comunicación social.Sobre las huellas de Pablo, y con su mismo espíritu dedicamos todas nuestras fuerzas para VIVIR y COMUNICAR a Jesucristo en el areópago de la comunicación.

      • San Paolo Gruppo Editoriale

        Simona Scuri FOREIGN RIGHTS

      • GCE - Gabriele Capelli Editore

        The Gabriele Capelli Editore (GCE) is a small Swiss publishing house, primarily focused on fiction but occasionally expanding into essays and poetry.

      • Angelo Pontecorboli Editore Firenze - EDAP

        Angelo Pontecorboli Editore - Florence – ItalyAcademic Contents, Professional Editing, Premium Design, Online Distribution and Marketing. Editore indipendente con sede a Firenze. Le riviste e gli articoli pubblicati riguardano principalmente l’Antropologia, l’Architettura, il Giardino e le Scienze Umane. Independent publisher based in Florence (Italy). The Journals and Articles it publishes are concentrated mainly in the areas of Anthropology, Architecture, Gardens, and Human Sciences.

      • Editora Fiocruz/ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

        Founded in 1993, Editora Fiocruz emerged from the need to make public and expand access to scientific knowledge in subjects regarding health topics, creating a space to give visibility to the results of research. Since its first launch in 1994, it has always aimed to disseminate books on public health, biological and biomedical sciences, clinical research, social and human sciences in health. Today, with more than 25 years of experience, Editora Fiocruz has published more than 450 titles. These publications disseminate not only the academic production of Fiocruz, but also any study of importance and impact for health on a national and international level.

      • Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

        PRH Grupo Editorial is an industry leader in publishing and distribution in the Spanish language. Our objective is the publishing of books for all types of readers, for all ages and across all formats - be it print, digital or audio - in all the countries in which it operates: Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and the USA (Miami). Our backlists feature more than 38 Nobel Prize winners and hundreds of the most recognized and widely-read authors in the world.

      • Editorial Universidad Nacional de Quilmes - EUNQ

        The National University of Quilmes is an Argentinian public university that was founded in 1988. The editorial policy is considered one of the key axes for the university projection and integration with the educational environment. Therefore, it is a vital tool for increasing social visibility and for disseminating works that provide a true contribution to the knowledge and cultural heritage of Argentina and the world. The Institutional Editorial Program consists of the Publishing House, the publishing units of the Social Sciences, Administration and Economics Departments and of the Virtual University of Quilmes. The catalogue has a mainly academic profile with living collections and periodicals that contribute to social and scientific debates. Thus, it facilitates the dissemination of knowledge and of the outcomes of the university scientific research and of other national and foreign spheres. It also includes translations of works that provide new views for the curricular and extracurricular debate. The catalogue is enriched with special editions that gather artists and role models of the national and regional culture and that enhance the dialogue and interaction between the university and the community.

      • INK PRESS GmbH

        Liebe Lesende Wir können immer wieder anfangen. Carolin Emcke hat mir bei ihrer Dankesrede für den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels aus dem Herzen gesprochen. Mein Verlag Ink Press ist ein Anfang, jedes Mal bei Erscheinen eines Buches aufs Neue, und so auch im März 2017 mit der neuen Ausgabe des ersten Gedichtbandes Die Untiefen des Verrats von Amanda Aizpuriete. Ich freue mich, mit dieser Dichterin in der Tradition von Ingeborg Bachmann und Emily Dickinson, die erste lyrische Perle, der viele weitere folgen werden, in die Kette zu fädeln. Hana, der Monolith von Elvira Dones, ist jetzt endlich auf Deutsch zu lesen. Tun Sie es! Da ich nicht Ärztin, sondern Verlegerin bin, verordne ich zur Heilung von jeglichen “Krankheiten” den Besitz und die Lektüre von Hana. Schliesslich mache ich weiter, um immer wieder anzufangen, und sage – auf bald, auf den Anfang, auch auf Ihren mit den Büchern von Ink Press! So lange es Menschen gibt, werden Geschichten erzählt. Bei manchen Geschichten lohnt es sich, sie festzuhalten. Sie kommen im ersten Programm aus Südosteuropa, genauer aus Bulgarien, dem Land, wo der älteste Goldschatz der Menschheit gefunden wurde. Es sind universelle Geschichten, die berühren und die uns im Innersten treffen. Die Bulgarische Reihe versammelt die aufregendsten Stimmen und beginnt mit dem biographischen Roman Alkohol von Kalin Terzijski und den trashigen Erzählungen Verfall von Vassil Georgiev. Beide gehören in ihrem Land zu einer ganz neuen Generation von Dichtern, die sich Gehör verschafft – erstmals auch im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die einzelnen Cover-Illustrationen gestalten Schweizer Künstlerinnen. Für Ink Press ist es wichtig, in steter Berührung mit den Künsten zu sein. Dies wird Bücher hervorbringen, die die Zeit überdauern, da es in der Kunst, die sie in sich tragen, um alles geht. Am Anfang steht Louise Bourgeois und Konstruktionen für den freien Fall. Weil ich gar nicht anders kann, als mit ihr zu beginnen – der Leitfigur der jungen Kunst und auch von Ink Press. Das Programm ist die Einladung an Sie, diese Geschichten weiterzuerzählen und zu fallen, ohne sich zu verletzen. Spread it if you like it! Ihre Susanne Schenzle

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