Your Results(showing 80)

      • Residenz Verlag GmbH

        Residenz Verlag, founded in 1956 and located in Salzburg and Vienna, is one of the most renowned publishers in Austria. Residenz Verlag stands for an ambitious literature program and dedicated non-fiction books. In the area of non-fiction, Residenz Verlag publishes on the topics of politics, sustainability, contemporary history, and arts as well as biographies.In fiction, the focus is on new discoveries from the German-speaking world, the continuous support of renowned Austrian writers’ oeuvre, and selected translations from (South-)Eastern and Northern European languages as well as from English. The authors’ list includes Thomas Bernhard, Peter Henisch, Walter Kappacher, Christine Nöstlinger, Alek Popov, Clemens Setz, Tanja Maljartschuk.

      • E-planet Educational Services

        About E-planet E-planet Educational Services is an international organisation created by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of experts on education, marketing and development. Our goal is to provide our partners, students and customers with top-level services and products. That is why we have developed a unique, fully integrated company for ESL (English as a Second Language) educational services and business training. We combine traditional methods with cutting-edge technology to achieve a variety of purposes!

      • DeA Planeta Libri S.r.l.

        DeA Planeta Libri’s products include books for children (fairy tales, boardbooks, novelties, non fiction, ativity etc.), MG& YA fiction, non ficton and essays and it operates with the brands DeA, De Agostini, DeA Planeta, UTET, AMZ, Abracadabra. Our foreign righst catalogues are available on:

      • Éditions Les 400 coups

        Livres Canada Books


        ALT AUTORES is a publishing house that publish & sells their author’s books in the formats: Paper, eBook and Audiobook, understands the digital era and it's dynamics, and use its tools and benefits for the advantages of their authors.

      • Magic Author

        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

      • Plastik sparen - Initiative zur Vermeidung von Plastik im Alltag

        Plastik sparen Die Geschichte einer Idee Die Idee für Plastik sparen ist im Juni 2018 entstanden. Wie schon so oft endete ein Wocheneinkauf im totalen Plastik-Inferno. Kennt ihr das? Einmal einkaufen beim Supermarkt um die Ecke und schon ist eine Mülltüte voll mit Plastik. Aber wie kann ich das ändern, fragte ich mich. Also informierte ich mich, war bei einem Vortrag zum Thema "plastikfrei leben" um dann mit dem Gefühl zurück zu bleiben, das nicht leisten zu können. Aber einfach weiter Plastik konsumieren war für mich auch keine Alternative. Es musste doch Möglichkeiten geben Plastik zu reduzieren, die Jedermann*frau ganz einfach in den Alltag einbauen kann. Und so war "Plastik sparen" geboren. Die Idee dahinter, durch viele kleine Plastik-spar-Aktivitäten den Plastikmüll in meinem Haushalt zu reduzieren. Und, ich kann sagen es funktioniert. Bei jedem Einkauf landet wesentlich weniger Plastikverpackung im Einkaufswagen als früher. Alles Aktivitäten, die keine (oder nur wenig) Zeit gekostet haben, die oftmals Geld gespart haben und die ich problemlos in den Alltag integrieren konnte. "Plastik sparen" ist unser Beitrag für eine Umwelt mit weniger Plastik. Meine Ideen, Gedanken und Erlebnisse möchte ich teilen und viele Menschen dafür begeistern, immer weniger Plastik in ihr Leben zu lassen.

      • El cuenco de plata

        Publishing house focused on contemporary classical writers in foreign languages.

      • Springer Nature

        For over 175 years Springer Nature has been advancing discovery by providing the best possible service to the whole research community. We help researchers uncover new ideas, make sure all the research we publish is significant, robust and stands up to objective scrutiny, that it reaches all relevant audiences in the best possible format, and can be discovered, accessed, used, re-used and shared. We support librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data; and provide quality publishing support to societies. As a research publisher, Springer Nature is home to trusted brands including Springer, Nature Research, BMC, Palgrave Macmillan and Scientific American.

      • Dylan-Related-Books (Agentur für englishsprachige Dylan-Autoren und Literatur)

        Dylan-Related-Books is a literature agency only for books with a relation to the artist and the many different themes, which he´s able to connect with his songs. It´s about the aim to bring this special field in writing to a German readership, which might get the lyrics in a song, but have some struggle to get through a sophisticated analysis of a song. Dylan-Related-books is also a network of and for Dylan-authors and presents the new books of the Dylan-Kosmos in a series of musical readings, the ONE-MORE-CUP-OF-COFFEE-READINGS. To realize these projects, especially during the culture cutting times of Corona the agency is running a Crowdfunding-Campain which is explore on

      • International Committee for Conflict Mangagement (ICCM) - Arno Editions

        ICCM is a charitable organization created in Brussels in 1994 by a group of human rights experts, university professors, civil society actors and representatives of women's and youth organizations concerned with sharing the experience acquired through their research, teaching, projects and humanitarian interventions in countries affected by conflicts in several regions of the world.The purpose of the organization is to promote the protection and promotion of human rights, peaceful resolution, prevention and transformation of conflicts.Thus, through training, research, publication and book distribution, ICCM, through its publishing house (Arno) contributes to the peaceful resolution, management and prevention of armed conflicts to mitigate their consequences on the civilian population.

      • Great Plains Publications

        Great Plains Publications Ltd. is an independent publisher based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and committed to bringing you the very best books from the Prairies – a region we believe has an abundance of quality writers. We also publish fiction from authors across the country in our imprints, Enfield & Wizenty and Yellow Dog.

      • Playwrights Canada Press

        Livres Canada Books

      • world-wide-wealth (c/o autónomy)

        ... wealth is not materialism - not in universe (only 5% is about matter) and not on earth (it´s all about education: i.a. as a buddhists, you are happy, if YOU are happy - and not comparing - and NOT buying things you don´t need, with money you don´t have, to impress people you don´t like ... ). I invented the formulas of TIME (as such), SPACE (as such) and DYNAMIC RELATIVITY ( as such ... relativizing Albert Einstein - and explaining the 95% of astronomy not known up to now: 23% "dark matter" and 72" "dark energy"). Wealth is not materialistic. At least not in universe, expanding since 13.8 billion years, with faaar less problems, than those of the so called "homo-sapiens"... . "Space" in the 4th ("energetic-") dimension (not in the "low-level" 3-D-version of combating for territories or market-shares), space, is the top of the top targets of universe - and all this is transferable to mankind ... in order to achieve world-wide-wealth !!!

      • Sharjah Documentation and Archives Authority

        Sharjah Documentation and Archives Authority, earlier Sharjah Centre for Documentation and Research, was established by resolution no. (4) of 2010, issued by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad AL Qassimi, member of the Supreme Council, the Ruler of Sharjah. In 2016, H.H. Ruler of Sharjah issued resolution no. (4) of 2016, on the establishment of Sharjah Documentation and Archives Authority. The objectives were set to collecting and preserving documents related to the emirate, as well as the development of the documentation and archive system. Furthermore, the Authority shall oversee the management of current documents and mediate documents with concerned parties. The Authority represents the local body concerned with all matters of documents and archiving and it abides by the best international standards for preserving and maintaining documents. The Authority works to strengthen cultural and historical awareness and encourage scientific researches and intellectual creativity.

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