Your Results(showing 32)

      • Kristine Ortmeier

        I am a selftought illustrator based in Germany. I like to draw funny and cute figures and animals for childrens books or childrens related stuff. I would like to get a contract for a childrensbook or toys and games.

      • ZNN Network Literary and Illustrator Agency

        - International Copyright, Licensing, and Literary Agency - International Illustrator Agency and Management Services - Creative Content Development Services

      • Anette Krischer

        ANETTE KRISCHER is author, editor and self-publisher of THE MOVIE BUFF'S ULTIMATE GUIDE TO EXPERIENCING PARIS, which is published in German, English and French. The book was written according to her idea and during the time she lived in Paris. She has done the following work herself: Idea, research, photography, selection and creation of the film clips, texts, layout, production, distribution and marketing. The book was presented as part of a special exhibition at the Filmmuseum Frankfurt in a specially built Parisian café setting. She is a media scientist and lives in Berlin.

      • Universidad de La Sabana

        The Universidad de La Sabana University Press publishes both printed and digital versions of all the books in its catalog. Our books are the intellectual property of our teachers and researchers. We share with you in this fair book series in peace, conflict, and professional gastronomy techniques, focused on Colombian gastronomy. Check our online catalog

      • Editora Rua do Sabão

        Rua do Sabão wants to bring unpublished or half forgotten titles to Brazil, using only direct translations of the original language; and make room for new works, created by Brazilian authors of tomorrow.

      • Topix Media Lab

        Topix Media Lab has now been recognized for two years in a row as one of five fastest growing U.S. Book publishers.

      • University of Illinois Press

        Established in 1918, the University of Illinois Press promotes research and education and enriches cultural and intellectual life through the worldwide dissemination of significant scholarship.

      • KaleaBook

        We love books about everything and can’t get enough of them. Because books are much more than letters and colours on paper. Books are adventures, experiences and feelings. In books you can find friends, like-minded people or evil villains against whom you can defend yourself. Every time you read a book, a spark of magic jumps over into our “real” life and enriches it. As passionate graphic designers we not only care about stories, but also about the beauty, diversity and creativity of a book. We love to invent new fantasy worlds and to design figures. We also want our stories to make you smile and invite you to immerse yourself in unknown worlds and simply give you pleasure.

      • Caramel Publishing - Editions Caramel

        Caramel specializes in the creation and packaging of children’s books destined for the mass-market. We are based in Brussels and have been serving as an international book packager since 1993. Caramel continues to innovate with new concepts, while also expanding its editorial program. We possess a wide range of eductional products from board books to activity books, that can easily be translated into more than 60 languages!

      • Kalem Agency

        Founded in Istanbul, Turkey, Kalem Literary Agency represents numerous renowned Turkish authors among them the most prominent and established assets of contemporary Turkish literature and classical masters. Our search for emerging voices and perseverance to support and nurture newly developing talents goes hand in hand with our respect for the roots of Turkish Literary tradition. The number of the contracts Kalem Literary Agency has made to represent and disseminate Turkish literature abroad in 53 languages has exceeded 2.106 by 2017. Even if our focus is on fiction that ranges from high-quality literary works to commercial titles with mass-market appeal, we also represent non-fiction titles. Besides representing Turkish language rights, Kalem Agency also works as a sub-agent for publishers and literary agencies abroad. Our main objective is to match the right publishers with just the right titles. Kalem Agency organizes the first and only international literary festival in Turkey: Organized in 2009 for the first time, ITEF-Istanbul International Literature Festival creates a space that ensures the cooperation of Turkish authors and publishers with foreign publishers, editors, translators and authors.

      • Plastik sparen - Initiative zur Vermeidung von Plastik im Alltag

        Plastik sparen Die Geschichte einer Idee Die Idee für Plastik sparen ist im Juni 2018 entstanden. Wie schon so oft endete ein Wocheneinkauf im totalen Plastik-Inferno. Kennt ihr das? Einmal einkaufen beim Supermarkt um die Ecke und schon ist eine Mülltüte voll mit Plastik. Aber wie kann ich das ändern, fragte ich mich. Also informierte ich mich, war bei einem Vortrag zum Thema "plastikfrei leben" um dann mit dem Gefühl zurück zu bleiben, das nicht leisten zu können. Aber einfach weiter Plastik konsumieren war für mich auch keine Alternative. Es musste doch Möglichkeiten geben Plastik zu reduzieren, die Jedermann*frau ganz einfach in den Alltag einbauen kann. Und so war "Plastik sparen" geboren. Die Idee dahinter, durch viele kleine Plastik-spar-Aktivitäten den Plastikmüll in meinem Haushalt zu reduzieren. Und, ich kann sagen es funktioniert. Bei jedem Einkauf landet wesentlich weniger Plastikverpackung im Einkaufswagen als früher. Alles Aktivitäten, die keine (oder nur wenig) Zeit gekostet haben, die oftmals Geld gespart haben und die ich problemlos in den Alltag integrieren konnte. "Plastik sparen" ist unser Beitrag für eine Umwelt mit weniger Plastik. Meine Ideen, Gedanken und Erlebnisse möchte ich teilen und viele Menschen dafür begeistern, immer weniger Plastik in ihr Leben zu lassen.

      • Kalima Publishing and Distribution

        Kalima Publishing and Distribution is a publishing company based in Tunisia ,whose main aim is to provide the readers with books that cater to their cognitive and cultural needs.Kalima’s book publications range from a wide variety of cultural fields like ( Literature, History , novels, poetry, philosophy, linguistics...). Through its cultural project Kalima Publishing and Distribution ,seeks to present to the readers the best quality of books that will help them develop critical thinking and guarantee their mental growth, without any form of restrictions on the freedom to write and create.Kalima Publishing and Distribution is a powerhouse whose publications are an added value to the cultural content in the Arab world. Hence, Kalima’s dedication to listening to its readers and granting special attention to their opinions and interests.Kalima Publishing and Distribution was designed to discover talents and ideas with multiple expressions: it is a project of a cultural message, which does not take away the right to be different, but aspires to go beyond limited perspectives, when dealing with reality. For us, reality is not condemned to remain as it is, nor to be bound to any region or group.Intellectual property rightsWithin the framework of its relations with various authors, "Kalima" Publishing and Distribution strives to respect the intellectual property rights believing that they are one of the most important factors that support the promotion of the publishing industry in that it represents respect for the rights of the publisher and the author. Therefore, this protection will have positive results that will be reflected on the quality of the performance of the publishing house in this field.

      • Kallisti Publishing Inc.

        Kallisti Publishing produce personal development and business books that expand the mind, generate ideas, and grow profits. They believe when you read, you succeed.

      • Kalamar Publishing House

        "Kalamar" publishes high-quality children's literature for children's development. Our missing – to make readers happy through self-awareness and taking care about the world. We chose the following directions: development of children’s emotional intelligence development of environmental awareness and eco-habits; innovative encyclopedias books about social adaptation and growing up. Quality beyond compromise! Our layouts, illustrations, paper, printing are fitting the highest standard.

      • - Online bookshop and wholesale supplier of geographical maps and globes, wall maps, reproduction of antique maps. Touristic, topographic, geographical and antique maps. Vendita online di carte geografiche, carte murali, mappamondi e riproduzioni di carte antiche. Vendita al dettaglio via web e fornitura all'ingrosso per librerie, agenzie turistiche ed esercizi specializzati in genere.

      • Kalandraka Editora

        With the slogan "Books for dreaming", KALANDRAKA first appeared on April 2nd (International Children's Book Day) 1998. This is a multilingual project publishing books in Castilian Spanish, Galician, Catalan, Basque, Portuguese, Italian and English.

      • Kalachuvadu Publications (Pvt.) Ltd.

        Kalachuvadu Publications, established in 1995, publishes literary fiction, non-fiction, and poetry in Tamil. We publish international writings in translation. With a catalogue of over 1,000 titles, Kalachuvadu is a vibrant presence in the landscape of Tamil and Indian publishing. KP’s chronological variorum editions of acclaimed Tamil modernists has set the benchmark for other publishers. Its bestselling series of academic titles have also been well regarded for their relevance and readability. It was awarded the Best Publisher Award by Publishing Next (2018) as well as the Romain Rolland award for the best translation from French to an Indian language (2018). It also won the Federation of India Publishers’ Best Book Production Award (2019).

      • Carrot Ltd

        Our original card sets are a way for any parent to play and interact with their child in a way that stimulates learning, improving cognitive skills and, perhaps more importantly, create a positive parent-child relationship. With the Carrot Cards both the parent and the child are engaged in an activity and they explore, learn, try, and experience together. We create every card set with a goal to make it as useful as possible, combining pedagogy and psychology, as well as aesthetics, creative writing and original concepts. Thus, allowing every child who opens a box of Carrot cards to experience a whole new learning experience. We have thousands of parents using the cards all over the world, sharing the excitement of learning and being curious together with their children. While striving to give more and more parents the opportunity to support their children’s development, we have also been recognized as a trustworthy partner for almost any kind of professionals working with children. From pre-school teachers to therapists, hundreds of experts use our cards in classrooms, offices, at presentations or as home assignments daily. Our contribution to early childhood development and our role as a supporter for parents were recognized in 2018 when we were selected as “Champions of Change” by the Reach for Change Foundation – Bulgaria, and we have been a part of the Reach for Change Global Network ever since.

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