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      • Goldblatt Verlag

        We create beautifully illustrated books that take readers of all ages on an adventurous journey to a life full of miracles and wisom.

      • Universidad de La Sabana

        The Universidad de La Sabana University Press publishes both printed and digital versions of all the books in its catalog. Our books are the intellectual property of our teachers and researchers. We share with you in this fair book series in peace, conflict, and professional gastronomy techniques, focused on Colombian gastronomy. Check our online catalog

      • Solisluna

        Attentive to ethnic appeal and modeled on the diverse Brazilian identity, Solisluna, located in the State of Bahia, where Brazil began, started its operations in 1993. Since its inception it has been dedicated to publishing books focused on the artistic, cultural and historical expressions of Brazilian Identity. These publications deal with architectural and religious heritage, the environment, racial plurality and issues related to social and technological changes that have occurred in a modernizing society. Heavily influenced by the Brazilian, and more specifically Bahian, cultural context, the designs of Solisluna’s books creatively reproduce these unique themes. Solisluna has been known for publishing high-quality literature: prose and poetry, novels, essays and Afro-Brazilian studies, in addition to art and children’s books.

      • the bright side GmbH

        Nadine M. Burri schreibt Geschichten, seit sie auf der Hermes Baby ihres Grossvaters tippen kann. Während ihres Studiums der Germanistik und Geschichte arbeitete sie für diverse Magazine & absolvierte Weiterbildungen in Journalismus, Marketing & Coaching. Sie begleitet Menschen dabei, eigene Bücher zu schreiben & ihrem Herzensweg zu folgen. Ihre motivierenden Botschaften und Inspirationen verpackt sie liebevoll in ihren Büchern. Weitere Informationen: oder

      • Editions Larousse SAS

        Major French publisher of books on cooking, crafts and hobbies, gardening, health and well-being, gardening nature and animals, art and history, essays as well as children's books and games for all ages. Around 600 new titles each year. Since 1852.

      • Macha Publishing

        Agence éditoriale depuis 2009. Cette maison généraliste, ouverte sur le monde, se distingue par sa connaissance de la Russie et de ses talents contemporains. Son objectif est de proposer aux lecteurs des ouvrages variés, parfois surprenants qui, chacun à leur manière, invitent à découvrir des univers, une partie de soi-même, ou simplement à se divertir.

      • Blessa Retail Studies Institute


      • Odelia Editora

        Odelia editora is a Project founded by 8 women who come from different backgrounds but share a passionate goal: to discover new voices and give life to those books who have been forgotten. It is our wish to recover de act of reading as something to enjoy, that can reach new readers every day. We publish fiction. Currently we have two collections: “Living dead”, which gathers recovered works, literary treasures physically absent from the market. And “Avalanche”, which consists of contemporary literary fiction from national and international authors. It’s our goal to broaden our seal to other latitudes, which is why we look forward to be present at the main fairs worldwide.

      • Edizioni EL s.r.l.

        Edizioni EL publishes 200 new titles every year and has a catalogue of 1200 available titles.It manages three imprints: Edizioni EL, Einaudi Ragazzi, Emme Edizioni. Edizioni EL has been operating uninterruptedly for over fourty years and has structured its catalogue with particular care, in order to offer beautiful, entertaining books suitable for readers of all ages, so that each can choose what is best for them and make reading a major part of the process of growing up. Edizioni EL’s backlist features the most important works by Gianni Rodari, the only Italian author ever to be granted the international “Hans Christian Andersen Award”, as well as novels, poetry and stories by acclaimed writers Roberto Piumini, Bianca Pitzorno, Beatrice Masini, Pierdomenico Baccalario, Stefano Bordiglioni, Davide Morosinotto and Daniele Aristarco. Not to mention illustration masterpieces, ranging from the classic works of Francesco Altan’s to the new, exciting art by contemporary artists Nicoletta Costa, Alessandro Sanna, Marco Somà, Axel Scheffler, Olimpia Zagnoli, Miguel Tanco and Gaia Stella.

      • Kristine Ortmeier

        I am a selftought illustrator based in Germany. I like to draw funny and cute figures and animals for childrens books or childrens related stuff. I would like to get a contract for a childrensbook or toys and games.

      • MJW Fédition

        Created in 2005, our authors are mainly university professors, psychiatrists, psychotherapists for psychology. Artists, ethnologist, opera singers, founder of photojournalism, our authors are very creatif. The edition of MJW fédition are developping quickly.

      • KANOA Verlag

        KANOA-Verlag, Schweiz: Förderung des kulturellen Austauschs mit Lateinamerika und seinen Autoren im Bereich Literatur. Veröffentlichung von Belletristik in spanischer Sprache und deren Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Englische. In Zusammenarbeit mit Verlagen in Europa, Verbreitungsplattformen und Kultureinrichtungen fördern wir lateinamerikanische Autoren und ihre Werke, um ein Lesepublikum entsprechend ihren Ansprüchen zu erreichen. Editorial KANOA, Suiza: Promoción de intercambio cultural con América Latina y sus autores en el campo de la literatura. Publicación en español de textos de ficción y su traducción al alemán e inglés. En cooperación con otras editoriales, plataformas de difusión y entidades culturales, promovemos autores latinoamericanos y sus obras para alcanzar un público lector de acuerdo a sus exigencias. KANOA publishing house, Switzerland: we promote a cultural exchange with Latin America and its authors in the field of literature. Publishing is focused on the publication of fiction in Spanish and its translation into German and English. In cooperation with publishers in Europe, diffusion platforms and cultural entities, we promote Latin American authors and their works in order to reach a reading public according to their demands.

      • Les éditions Z’ailées

        Les éditions Z'ailées is based in Quebec. We have been publishing children's literature, illustrated books, fiction and and non-fiction, in French, since 2006. We have more than 150 titles available in our catalogue that are mainly books for children, teenagers and young adults. Some of our books are used in school programmes, others are bestsellers, and some have received awards. We are proud to encourage French Canadian authors and to be a part of our country's culture. Through our novels and albums we hope to touch and entertain young readers with subjects they can relate to.

      • Segni D'Autore sas

        Segni d'Autore, is an italian comic book publisher, was born in Rome in 2011 and has fifty titles in the catalog of graphic novels, illustrated non fiction books and illustrated children books. Our graphic novels are based on Adventure, of pure imagination, but which moves the action of the characters in a historical context documented in both iconographic and bibliographic sources, like: Il Caso Sindelar, Il Giglio Bianco di Stalingrado, Baracca e il Barone, Deerfield 1704, San Martino 1859. We also publish comics from great classics of adventurous literature of important writers, like:E. Salgari, A. Dumas, R. L. Stevenson, W. Scott, Z. Grey.

      • Ugarit Publishing LLC

        Ugarit Publishing is an educational publisher, publishing high-quality, curriculum-based resources. We are specialised in Childhood Education and we pride ourselves to be a teacher-supporting organisation in the first place. We partner with teachers from around the world to understand their needs and offer comprehensive and high-quality, research-based resources that aim to enable young learners worldwide to develop their learning, knowledge and abilities to meet the 21st century requirements and excel in their lives. So, our mission in a world full changes and challenges is “Better Education for Better Life”. Our services include: Provision of high-quality learning resources Professional development for teachers Consultancy services

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