All titles - 2024 Frankfurt Invitation Programme
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    Himpar Editores

    Your Results(showing 6)

    • California's Notebook

      by Santiago Federico Espinosa Piñeros

      “Between the sea and the mountain -and more precisely: between the force of the tide and the imminence of earthquakes- the transits of Cuaderno de California occur. The vulnerable -poetic and political- observation of the exterior landscape provokes incessant movements in the interior landscape of a couple, “two very old souls”, who travel: sometimes they are tiny movements, sometimes close to earthquakes. A chronicle of travel, memory and love, Santiago Espinosa's is a work wise in its beauty and beautiful in its beautiful in its beauty and beautiful in the depth of its reflection: it is not easy to think so sharply when we are so moved, in pause, by the beauty that captures us. Giuseppe Caputo[...]No one knows the origin of the word California.Someone told us: “I come from California”.Which in my language means “no place”.[...]”

    • God is also a bitch

      by Maria Paz Guerrero

      “The appearance of God is also a bitch” has shaken the commonplaces of poetic language and has earned María Paz Guerrero sustained national and international recognition. The Colombian author's first book of poems also marks a turning point in the willingness of expression of young poetry in the country and proposes a new way of thinking about our own fragility through experimentation and sharp and hilarious contempt. For Himpar editores, we are proud to present this title to our readers in a second corrected edition.[...]but god was wronggod was the queen of painthat's how she managed to attract attentionso she managed to have loversthat mistreated godbecause poor godgod is so weakcryhe stays at homelocked upstudying and workinghe stays at hometremblingbecause everything hurts God[...]”

    • Pink Tongue Out, Blind Female Cat

      by Maria Paz Guerrero

      “Himpar editores inaugurates its poetry collection with the new book by María Paz Guerrero, one of the most audacious voices of contemporary Colombian poetry. This book is no exception to Guerrero's quests: it is experimental, full of heartbreaking humor and combines the exploration of the animal with popular speech and the materiality of flesh and language. María Paz Guerrero's third collection of poems is inhabited by a series of characters: a blind cat that hits herself against everything she comes across; bodies that undergo medical examinations to measure the progress of the disease in their organs; legs that can barely hold on until they collapse; a language that unravels like a kite's pita; repetitions and verses crossed and transformed by songs by Héctor Lavoe, Henry Fiol and Simón Díaz. The structure of the book is also novel. It has a unity that is configured from the repetitions of characters and verses that reappear slightly transformed, each time. It differs from books that gather a multitude of singular poems. For its part, the language seems very simple, almost spoken, with a strange syntax, cut, broken. It is a bet on a musical poetry with some raw images, which differentiates it from the metaphorical poetry of abstract images.”

    • Siete Plantas.

      Historias de la gente sin nombre

      by Diana Obando, Sara Muñoz

      “This book is a ferment.” It gathers the stories of seven plants and the experiences of a group of women who cultivated their relationship with them during a deep study process. Their encounter produced a system that weaves analogies between the body itself and how non-human people relate, whether they are plants, animals, fungi, places in the territory, or telluric forces. Each text reveals the hunger, wounds, and poisons of the person who studies and offers intimacy and work, as well as secrecy and witchcraft.“In some traditions of the Amazonian foothills and the highlands, dry corn is chewed and spit into a ceramic bowl when preparing chicha. Then water and panela are added; the mixture rests in a cool place where direct sunlight does not reach, waiting for fermentation to begin....] In certain places, on the occasion of mingas or some collective agreement, everyone prepares chicha. The people present chew and spit into the bowl. This is how the will to come together is declared and embodied. Each family or person takes home a part of the seed and asks for what the collective body and the agreement need: more material or sweetness, lightness or firmness. The chicha speaks and often says what people don't.

    • The Falling of Cardinal Points

      by Luis Fayad Naffah

      “The sayid Abderrahud spoke of the fortune that his son was going to seek, but warned him that he was thinking not only of the fortune of money but above all of tranquility and joy”. La caída de los puntos cardinales dares to imagine the journey of a group of Lebanese teenagers who, by chance, arrive in Colombia at the end of the 19th century. Traversed by a series of violent conflicts on both sides of the ocean, by the adaptation to life in the cities, the slow and confusing consolidation of the State, and the longing for technical and industrial progress, the novel accompanies the characters as they establish themselves in the social and commercial sphere of Bogota's middle class. In this story converge the different ways in which love matures and the friendships of those who migrate grow around the table and the game. For the characters, the learning and stumbling blocks of living in another language intermingle with the urgencies of the present, and the ties with the country of origin cool down and become knotted again in the nostalgia for the passing of time and the longing to live the best life possible. The impact of Lebanese migration to Colombia is in the language, manners and gastronomy of different parts of the country, but the stories of those who crossed the sea and made it their new home are not part of our everyday knowledge. This novel by Luis Fayad reminds us of the power of those lives, in Puerto Colombia and Teusaquillo, in Valle del Cauca and carrera séptima in Bogotá, with a subtle and sharp writing, to integrate them back into an idea of country.”

    • The roots of lights

      by Andrea Beaudoin Valenzuela

      A grandfather and his granddaughter start a road trip to participate in a collector's contest. It is the time in Colombia when electricity rationing and miraculous fishing reign. With fantasy and humor, the grandfather defends his granddaughter from precariousness and abandonment. When the roles of care are reversed, the granddaughter must create new ways of sustaining the house, the body and the memory. Andrea Beaudoin constructs a two-part story to imagine with overwhelming prose the unconventional ways in which we build family. // “People, like the stars, have different forces of gravity. Ana thinks about whether hers will still be growing or will have reached its final size. Leo, over the years, has become magnetic. Around him things float and collapse like everyday meteorites. A limitless force grows in concentric circles, absorbing everything in its path”.

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