Can anyone deceive the loved one in order to protect him or her from the cruel truth of love? Like broken magnets that first repel and then attract each other, the characters of this comical tragedy of entanglements swing between love and lovelessness, between fantasy and reality, between dream and wakefulness. In the confusion of these parallel lives, they stray into a diffuse reality that becomes clear when they all accept that they have deceived and been deceived.
In his extensive and brilliant literary career, Ariel Magnus usually approaches from a marginal sector the crucial issues that are being debated in society. As if he had an antenna capable of capturing the sign of the times, but with a certain lag that makes him decode reality from the eccentric -in the sense of being out of the center- and, therefore, paradoxically, in a sharper, more forceful and notably more uncomfortable way. His style is recognizable in the marks of humor, absurdity, polysemy, logical contradictions.