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    Editorial El Cuervo

    Your Results(showing 4)

    • August 2022


      1. La traición

      by Barrientos, Alejandro; Cuevas, Joaquín

      It is the year 2053 and El Alto celebrates its tenth anniversary as the capital of the New Kollasuyo. Metropolis of the Andes, continental scrap metal market, second-hand industrial engine, robotic garbage supply, recipient of Chinese colonies, host of technosophical cyber-religions, world headquarters of the cholet and the highest popular fair on the planet, the city of the future is the mirror of our dreams. Don't let them talk you out of it: the future is now!

    • April 2022

      Doble vida

      by Magnus, Ariel

      Can anyone deceive the loved one in order to protect him or her from the cruel truth of love? Like broken magnets that first repel and then attract each other, the characters of this comical tragedy of entanglements swing between love and lovelessness, between fantasy and reality, between dream and wakefulness. In the confusion of these parallel lives, they stray into a diffuse reality that becomes clear when they all accept that they have deceived and been deceived. In his extensive and brilliant literary career, Ariel Magnus usually approaches from a marginal sector the crucial issues that are being debated in society. As if he had an antenna capable of capturing the sign of the times, but with a certain lag that makes him decode reality from the eccentric -in the sense of being out of the center- and, therefore, paradoxically, in a sharper, more forceful and notably more uncomfortable way. His style is recognizable in the marks of humor, absurdity, polysemy, logical contradictions.

    • August 2023

      Klaus Babie

      La ruta de la rata

      by Bauer, Jean-Claude; Brremaud, Frédéric

      Responsible for the death of hundreds of Jews and members of the resistance, including Jean Moulin, SS Klaus Barbie escaped justice and a double death sentence at the end of World War II. He exchanged his native Germany for South America, where he applied the same methods and even organized the coup d'état of the dictator Hugo Banzer. A true mercenary, nicknamed the Butcher of Lyon, he was finally identified and hunted down until 1987, the fateful year of his trial and conviction, unprecedented in France: life imprisonment for crimes against humanity.

    • Humanities & Social Sciences

      Religious Encounters and Social Dynamics in Burkina Faso (Rencontres religieuses et dynamiques sociales au Burkina Faso)

      by Alice Degorce / O. Ludovic Kibora / Katrin Langewische

      Burkina Faso’s religious landscape, where traditional, Islamic and Christian religions intersect, is part of a social and historical context spread over several centuries marked by a diversity that has been studied by researchers for a long time. As the security situation deteriorates in recent years in the Sahel region, the religious question is increasingly being redefined and placed at the forefront of the Burkinabe socio-political scene. This collective work offers readers a synthesis of the knowledge accumulated by researchers over the past decades on the different religions and the social dynamics associated with them to shed light on the management of the country’s religious diversity and coexistence without masking the new tensions and conflicts being experienced. The first part of the book thoroughly explores the religious movements and currents present in the country to underline the centrality of religion in understanding social change in its polity. In the second part, the interactions between religions are analyzed across current transversal themes and questions, such as education, demography, politics, the role of faith-based NGOs, the historicity of the notion of jihad or the use of new information and communication technologies to show the connections within the construction of knowledge and political contexts. The contributions acutely show that recent socio-political dynamics in Burkina Faso are undoubtedly redefining religious boundaries and exposing the limitations of a historically and socially rooted contexts of diversity, yet the question remains on how to draw on this diversity and religious coexistence to confront new emerging tensions and conflicts.

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