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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism

        Rebels: New woman and modern nation

        by Vira Aheieva, Iryna Borysiuk, Oksana Pashko, Olena Peleshenko, Olga Poliukhovych, Oksana Schur

        This book is about true rebels: late 19th and early 20th century Ukrainian female writers. They find their own voices in literature and start to defend theis own space, both private and public. 12 stories of life and work of Marko Vovchok, Lesia Ukrainka, Olha Kobylianska, Iryna Vilde, Sophia Yablonska and others.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 1997

        The new woman

        by Sally Ledger

        Sexually transgressive, politically astute and determined to claim educational and employment rights equal to those enjoyed by men, the new woman took centre stage in the cultural landscape of late-Victorian Britain. By comparing the fictional representations with the lived experience of the new woman, Ledger's book makes a major contribution to an understanding of the 'woman question' at the fin de siecle. She alights on such disparate figures as Eleanor Marx, Gertrude Dix, Dracula, Oscar Wilde, Olive Schreiner and Radclyffe Hall. Focusing mainly on the last two decades of the nineteenth century, the book's later chapters project forward into the twentieth century, considering the relationship between new woman fiction and early modernism as well as the socio-sexual inheritance of the 'second generation' new woman writers. ;

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        The White Falcon

        by Salud Ochoa

        Helena Terreros is a renowned police woman detective especialized in crimes against women.Faced with the kidndapping of Paloma, an 11-year-old girl, Paloma deals with forgotten episodes of her childhood as well as with the broken social fabric in Mexico that allows terrible crimes to happen and to go unpunished.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2004

        New woman strategies

        Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner, and Mona Caird

        by Ann Heilmann

        Recent years have seen a rennaissance of scholarly interest in the fin-de-siecle fiction of the New Woman. New Woman Strategies offers a new approach to the subject by focusing on the discursive strategies and revisionist aesthetics of the genre in the writings of three of its key exponents: Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner and Mona Caird. ;

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        Children's & YA

        A Very Linear Man & A Woman With Many Curves

        by Fidel Sclavo

        He was a very linear man. His house, his world and his things were all straight lines. She has lots of curves. She went out to wander through wavy grass with her dog, whose fur was all tiny curls, tiny curves. One day, they met…

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Lady from Lviv

        by Yurko Sanhal

        Monologue writings, or from the horse's mouth, so to speak, are not so popular in fiction prose as they require the author fully understand his hero, absorbing all his experiences, thoughts, words, and behavior. This novel by the writer and publisher from Lviv meets these criteria. Foremost, this is a very positive, energizing reading in which the life of a Galician woman from Lviv - from the pre-war period to our time - appears in all possible truthfulness and whimsy, tragedy, and comedy. For a wide range of readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2016

        Man steht sehr bequem zwischen allen Fronten

        Briefe 1952-2011

        by Christa Wolf, Sabine Wolf

        »Post, Post, Post«. Dieser Stoßseufzer, notiert im Kalender unter dem Datum vom Sonntag, dem 4. März 1990, kommt nicht von ungefähr: Christa Wolf war eine ungeheuer produktive Korrespondentin. Ihre Briefe an Verwandte und Freunde, Kollegen, Lektoren, Politiker, Journalisten geben faszinierende Einblicke in ihre Gedankenwelt, ihre Schreibwerkstatt, ihr gesellschaftliches Engagement. Ob sie an Günter Grass oder Max Frisch schreibt, von Joachim Gauck Einsicht in ihre Stasi-Akte fordert oder sich mit Freundinnen wie Sarah Kirsch und Maxie Wander austauscht, wir sind Zeuge von Freundschaften und Zerwürfnissen, Auseinandersetzungen und von Bestätigung, von der Selbstfindung einer der wichtigsten Autorinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Nicht zuletzt beeindruckt ihr Umgang mit der Flut von Leserbriefen, die sie mit zunehmendem schriftstellerischen Erfolg erreicht und auf die sie geduldig und kundig – und manchmal auch mit der gebotenen Direktheit – eingeht.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Women Emirate? The Female Politicians of Muslim World

        by Natalia Malynovska

        If you ask someone the name of a famous politician, you will probably hear a European or American name. And this will once again confirm how little we know about women in politics from other parts of the world. In our book you will find stories of famous politicians and statesmen from different Muslim countries. These women not only became the first parliamentarians, prime ministers, ministers, speakers of parliament in their countries, but went through a thorny path, became influential and famous both at home and abroad. The book will help to understand the Muslim world and the nature of women’s rights in Islam, the contradictions and combinations of feminism in the conventional «West» and «East». The author examines social movements and organizations public campaigns and protests in Muslim countries that have influenced women’s political rights and led to significant changes in the Middle East and beyond.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Imagining Caribbean womanhood

        Race, nation and beauty competitions, 1929–70

        by Pamela Sharpe, Rochelle Rowe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie

        Over fifty years after Jamaican and Trinidadian independence, Imagining Caribbean womanhood examines the links between beauty and politics in the Anglophone Caribbean, providing a first cultural history of Caribbean beauty competitions, spanning from Kingston to London. It traces the origins and transformation of female beauty contests in the British Caribbean from 1929 to 1970, through the development of cultural nationalism, race-conscious politics and decolonisation. The beauty contest, a seemingly marginal phenomenon, is used to illuminate the persistence of racial supremacy, the advance of consumer culture and the negotiation of race and nation through the idealised performance of cultured, modern beauty. Modern Caribbean femininity was intended to be politically functional but also commercially viable and subtly eroticised.

      • Trusted Partner
        Myth & legend told as fiction
        January 2023

        An act of love

        by Tania Tinajero

        American supermodel Lena Miles go to a paradise Mexican beach resort to celebrate her birthday along with her rockstar boyfriend and some friends, but she disappears all of a sudden. Now it's the turn for police detective Erendira Sandoval to solve the mystery. But just when the FBI gets involved to hurry up procedures, Erendira finds out the amount of Mexican anonymous women who have also vanished and tries to solve their cases as well.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        The book "I Love You..." is part of the trilogy..., "I love you, till death..." and "I love you, as long as my heart beats”, autobiographical love novels which include chapters from life in a couple of the writer Julien Tănase and his wife, Magdi, with whom he has been in a relationship for 30 years, all against the background of the events that Romania has gone through in recent decades, after the Revolution of '89. A trilogy about the endurance over time of a young couple in love, who have gone through events that are out of touch with reality in Romania where sleeping with a gun under the pillow, the fear of having their child kidnapped, and even the "wars" waged against the corruption of magistrates, politicians and the information systems of a civil society gripped by the widespread corruption in Romania, including the lawsuit invented by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) to stop his work as a journalist and finally won by the writer, makes the autobiography of writer Julien Tănase a fascinating one that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a big question mark; ... "such things have happened and continue to happen in Romania"?... The writer Julien Tănase: "A friend in the Italian Police told me, and I quote him: "... if you had done in Italy what you did for your country, today a street would bear your name! But you had been dead!"

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        La fille de l'eau (The water girl)

        by Yves Pinguilly, Sarang Seck

        West African mythical tale. Yves Pinguilly and Saran Seick introduce you to the world of love and beauty of the African woman.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        Octopus Woman

        One day in the life of a busy mother

        by Jacques Jabié (Author), Natalia Kudlak (Illustrator)

        The Octopus Woman wakes up early in the morning, puts a stocking on each of her legs, and then her crazy day begins! She needs to get the kids ready for kindergarten and school, feed the parrot and the cat, walk through half the city going to work, spend all day in the office, do a lot of things on her way home, and, in the end, read a bedtime story to the kids… How does she manage to do everything? And how can she do it so well? The secret of Octopus Woman is hidden in this vivid book!    From 3 to 6 years, 300 words Rightsholders: Alex Sharlai,

      • Trusted Partner

        Iron Water

        by Myroslav Laiuk

        Have you ever tried to follow Lesya Ukrainka to the most remote Carpathian village? This 'weak and feeble girl' fearlessly had passed the mountain routes, on a par with everyone. The local people still tell legends about that. What other memories of her, Franko, or the Okunevsky family, apart from the contradictory testimonies were passed down from generation to generation? The novel unfolds a story related to the iconic woman of Ukrainian culture. A woman (the theater director) and a young man, who returns to his native land after a long time - how far are they ready to go in search of a unique letter that could shed light on one of the most mysterious and resonant stories in the history of Ukrainain literature? How did an unknown poetess, a simple hutsul girl, a plowman, and a Bernardine nun follow Lesya at the beginning of the last century? You will find out in the new novel by the author of 'Babornia' and 'The World Not Created', Myroslav Laiuk.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        From Perversion to Purity

        The stardom of Catherine Deneuve

        by Lisa Downing, Sue Harris

        Catherine Deneuve is indisputably one of the world's most celebrated actresses, both in her native France and throughout the world. Her career has spanned five decades during which she has worked with the most significant of French auteurs, as well as forging partnerships with international directors such as Bunuel and Polanski. The Deneuve star persona has attained such iconic status that it can now symbolise the very essence of French womanhood and civic identity. In this wide-ranging and authoritative collection of essays by a selection of international film academics and writers, the Deneuve persona is scrutinised and illuminated. Beyond the glamorous iconographic status of Yves Saint Laurent's muse, and the epitome of sexual inviolability, Deneuve's status as actress is foregrounded. The book will be essential reading for students and lecturers in star studies.

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        Children's & YA

        Nyiragitwa: Daughter of Sacyega

        by Mr Ndamyumugabe (Author), Jerome Irankunda (Author), Erin Jessee (Author), Christian Mugarura (Illustrator)

        This graphic novel tells the story of Nyiragitwa, a Rwandan woman who is believed to have lived in the seventeenth century. It is based on an oral tradition that was shared by a man named Ndamyumugabe with the Belgian historian Jan Vansina in 1958 and raises important questions about how Rwandan women might have lived and contributed to their communities in the past.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Woman Who Thought Her Husband Was a Doppelganger

        When the brain goes haywire: 36 rare and unusual psychiatric syndromes

        by Monika Niehaus

        The human brain is a wondrous thing, highly complex and highly functional. However, the control centre of our feelings, thoughts and actions can sometimes go out of sync. Some reasons for this are known, such as genetic factors, hormonal effects or trauma. In other cases, we are still in the dark. In an extreme case scenario, the brain may create bizarre delusions – masterful narrations that the people affected fi nd completely conclusive and reasonable. Monika Niehaus has compiled 36 such disorders ranging from love madness and the gourmand syndrome – where gourmet food becomes the purpose of life – to people who desire nothing more than to have their limbs amputated. She tells gripping tales of famous and not so famous cases. With sensitivity and a considerable dose of humour she takes us into the history of art and literature, and presents scientifi c explanations. This fascinating book shows that our brain is a genius – and madness is quite often NOT inexplicable.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Short Story Collection: The Man Who Lost His Past Love

        by A Yi

        Latest collection of short stories by A Yi written during 2012-2015. Eight profound stories about the reality of people from bottom of the society. A Yi is like a magician who touches the urban life, past and present and the vision of ordinary people, and presents modern society’s pain of desire. The illiterate old woman came to the city and lived with her granddaughter together, but they hated each other gradually and died in two days successively; the villagers chased a mysterious old man and showed the extraordinary creativity of brutality after getting the optional disposal right; the prominent writer suffered a lot due to the talented rookie and could not face the judgment of fate since then

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