Los que siembran el viento
by Páez, Leonardo
The peaceful night of the Franciscan city of Quito is disturbed by a tragic and ominous news on the radio: the abrupt invasion of the Martians. Soon, the apocalyptic panic takes over the public and throws people to the streets. Twenty minutes later, a truth arrives that is more ominous and tragic than the news itself: the invasion has been nothing more than a radio play. A treacherous deception against the good faith of the listeners. The generalized anguish turns into uncontrollable fury: Radio Quito, the station that has broadcast the radio drama on the air, is reduced to ashes. Seven people die. Leonardo Páez, the writer who has adapted H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" for the occasion, flees through the roofs of an imminent lynching. Thirty-three years later, Leonardo Paez publishes his own version of the events in his novel "Those Who Sow the Wind".