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      • Fiction
        February 2020

        Two Women

        by Montse Sanjuan

        Quan la Genoveva s’assabenta que el seu fill Jordi és a la presó de Lleida, viatja a la capital amb l’esperança d’abraçarlo. Allà hi viu la Natàlia que compta els dies amb la por que es compleixi la sentència de mort a què ha estat condemnat el seu fill gran, l’Emili. La Genoveva i la Natàlia es veuran arrossegades pels durs temps de la postguerra que els ha tocat viure. Dues dones amb coratge que van haver de seguir endavant mentre la realitat que havien conegut es desplomava al seu voltant. Montse Sanjuan, autora de les novel·les policíaques de l’Anna Grimm, ens presenta en aquesta ocasió una història commovedora, plena de força i que ens descriu els límits de la condició humana.

      • March 2019

        Las lentejas de la guerra

        by da Casa de Cantos, Fernando

        This book pays tribute to a whole generation of people condemned to live through one of the most  difficult and turbulent historical periods, not only in Spain but also in the rest of the world.  War Lentils tells human stories of run-of-the-mill individuals who, as everybody, dreamt of a better world, conceived from very different points of view. Alternative solutions were proposed, but none of them was definitely legitimate, ending invariably in a collective failure from which the coming generations should learn.   Este libro supone un homenaje a toda una generación que le tocó vivir unos años convulsos, difíciles, no solo en España sino en todo el planeta.Relata historias de gentes sencillas que ansiaban –como todos– un mundo mejor, visto desde prismas diferentes, con soluciones muy distintas que desembocaron en un fracaso colectivo del que las generaciones siguientes deberíamos aprender.  Los personajes de esta novela son secundarios; podrían haber sido estos como podrían haber sido otros, escogidos entre cientos o miles de testimonios familiares que aún perviven en la memoria más secreta y callada de nuestros mayores. La verdadera protagonista es la Historia: esa, con mayúsculas, que debe ayudarnos a ser mejores personas.

      • Fiction
        March 2019

        And they say

        by Susana Sánchez Aríns

        Dicen (And they say) is a family story crossed by Franco's repression.   It tells what is not registered in notarial acts, or in newspapers, or in books, or in provincial archives. It tells a story of a day-to-day silence that became long, very long, and that has conditioned us until now.   Dicen tells real events in a network of voices silenced for generations, it is not written from the political reflection, but from the poetic justice, it is the contemporary account of the Spanish postwar period.   Dicen is an innovative book. It is not poetry, it is not an essay, it is not a short narrative and it is everything at the same time. Written in short sequences, it collects the intimate memory of a family and reconstructs their insignificant lives to show the terror of repression after the civil war. Conversations, poems, stories, essay references, fragmented sequences that the reader orders in a shocking story.   The narration drags the reader to the end by the rhythm, the different voices, the authenticity and the gradual understanding of why that time is silenced.   The author speaks of poetic justice as a way of giving life to those who did not want to be named after their death: the oppressors. This story recovers their names, their ways of acting, their personalities, their power. And it also brings back to life those who died in the ditches or lived marginalized: the victims.   It is very difficult to make historical memory from politics, however, literature is its natural space. An original work, with enormous expressive force and a unique point of view discovered by Susana Sánchez Aríns, an experienced, committed voice.   The book has received the Madrid Booksellers Award for Best Fiction Book 2019. (Premio de los Libreros de Madrid al Mejor Libro de Ficción)

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