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      • Poetry
        June 2019

        Newspaperbirds of march 2011

        by Amaranta Caballero Prado

        Este libro está lleno de poemas que desmontan, sabotean, vuelven a armar las cosas de otro modo y hacen algunas más con las piezas sobrantes. Los “contextos” donde asoman las aves por las páginas de los diarios, volviendo gorupos las palabras, son mucho más, me parece, que una ilustración; o más bien lo son en sentido profundo: la escenificación del modus operandi de esos pájaros de cuenta que asoman por detrás de las ventanas del crucigrama. Yo, que le temo a todos los animales, luego de este libro me siento como el Espantapájaros del Mago de Oz: tengo los alfileres que llamaré “cerebro”.  Ángel Ortuño

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        November 2020

        Kafka en Maracaná

        90 partidos. 90 autores. 90 relatos

        by David García Cames, Miguel Ángel Ortiz and Marcel Beltran

        Football breaks down all doors, including those of literature. Contrary to popular belief, there are many writers who at some point were attracted by the mystery of the goal or the fervor of the stands. The ball sneaks into the work and life of authors who have built bridges between these two apparently dissociated worlds. From Marguerite Duras to Eduardo Galeano, passing through Albert Camus, Roberto Bolaño, Svetlana Aleksiévich or Federico García Lorca. This book is 90 games that were played one day. This book is made up of 90 stories, halfway between the chronicle and the tale, with which tribute is paid to 90 extraordinary creators who have influenced our way of understanding football.

      • Asfixia

        by Alex Mírez

        Planet Earth. Population: 1 We cannot understand how it happened. On September 1, 2019, it happened. We were all fine and from one moment to the next people began to suffocate. Little by little, the world fell into an astonishing silence. I survived that mysterious and catastrophic incident thanks to my father. When I woke up, I was faced with the horrifying panorama of millions of corpses. They were all dead. Soon after, I discovered that there were actually seven survivors left, and I joined them. Some dedicated themselves to investigating what had happened, the reason for the extinction of the human race; but they died in a strange way in a short time. Those of us left behind struggled to survive, but even so, the others also passed away after a few months. Now only I inhabit the world, I am the only one left on the planet ... Or at least, I believed.

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