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Kia Persia Literary Agency
KIA Literary Agency was founded in 2002 in Tehran with the aim of promoting and supporting fine literary works in all forms throughout the world. It brings about opportunities for authors, illustrators, publishers, translators, and those involved in this field to meet their counterparts. And at the same time, it introduces them to the world and will inform them of all the related events which take place in the world of art and literature.
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Jerusalem Review (Jerusalem Review, número 7)
by _Gabriel Moked
Jerusalem Review (Jerusalem Review, número 7) Redactor: Gabriel Moked «Poemas de Yehuda Amijai, Rajel, Maya Bejerano y Moshé Dor, relatos de Yoram Kaniuk y Arié Stav, ensayos de A.B. Yehoshua y Gabriel Moked y una entrevista a Naguib Mahfouz, todo ello traducido al inglés, son los puntos destacados del nuevo número de la revista de literatura y cultura hebrea, «The Jerusalem Review» que acaba de publicarse. Este número contiene 240 páginas, algunas con textos en inglés y el resto con traducciones. Esta publicación se distribuye a abonados en Israel y en el extranjero, a bibliotecas de judaica de todo el mundo y a revistas literarias y escritores judíos y no judíos de destaque. El comité de redacción del número 7 de «The Jerusalem Review» incluye algunos de los mejores escritores y miembros del mundo académico en Israel y en el extranjero. En concordancia con el marco ideológico básico de la revista, publicamos en ella traducciones al inglés de textos en hebreo postbíblico de todas las épocas. Así, se puede encontrar en ella poemas de poetas israelíes modernos, junto con Abraham Ibn Ezra y Berl Pomerantz (un poeta judío de la época anterior al Holocausto). La sección de prosa incluye una larga novela de Yoram Kaniuk y memorias del Holocausto de Arié Stav. Otra sección incluye obras de escritores judíos de Estados Unidos y de Gran Bretaña, como Paul Oppenheimer, Alicia Ostriker, Mark Strand, Elaine Feinstein y Charles Bernstein. Debido a la decisión del redactor de dar el podio, en cada uno de los números de la «Review», a un poeta o escritor no judío que desea mantener un diálogo con la historia y la cultura judeo-israelí y con la literatura hebrea, optamos por incluir en este número poemas traducidos del polaco al inglés, de uno de los poetas y escritores polacos más famosos en la actualidad, Krzysztof Karasek. La sección de ensayos incluye un ensayo en gran escala de Amos Funkenstein sobre La teología frente al Holocausto, así como ensayos de A. B. Yehoshua y Gabriel Moked sobre la identidad judía e israelí. Junto a estas secciones, la Review también incluye una sección de Oriente Medio con una entrevista realizada hace algunos años al Premio Nobel egipcio Naguib Mahfouz, sumamente pertinente para las relaciones actuales entre Israel y Egipto y los demás países árabes. Esta sección también incluye poemas de dos poetas israelíes drusos, Naim Araidi y Nazi H'ir y una traducción de poemas del gran poeta y místico sufí persa, Yalal el-Din Rumi. La importancia de The Jerusalem Review radica, entre otras cosas, en que es un representante destacado del mundo cultural y literario de la cultura judía en general y de Israel en particular y que contraataca los interminables esfuerzos por socavar la legitimidad cultural del pueblo judío y de Israel.
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Jerusalem review (Jerusalem review, issue no 7)
by Herausgeber:Gabriel Moked
Jerusalem review (Jerusalem review, issue no 7) Herausgeber:Gabriel Moked „Gedichte von Yehuda Amichai, Rachel, Maya Bejerano und Moshe Dor; Geschichte von Yoram Kaniuk und Arye Stav; Essays von A.B.Yehoshua und Gabriel Moked, sowie ein Interview mit Naguib Mahfouz, sämtlich übersetzt ins Englische, stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser neuen Ausgabe des wichtigsten Journals jüdischer und hebräischer Literatur und Kultur, der soeben erschienenen „Jerusalem Review“. Die aktuelle Ausgabe umfasst 240 Seiten, durchgehend in englischer Sprache, einige davon als Übersetzung aus dem Hebräischen.Das Journal hat Leser in Israel und in zahlreichen anderen Ländern, ist in Judaica-Bibliotheken weltweit zu finden und wird von jüdischen sowie nichtjüdischen Autoren und literarischen Magazinen abonniert. Zur Redaktion der 7. Ausgabe der Jerusalem Review zählen einige der bekanntesten Schriftsteller und Akademiemitglieder Israels und anderer Länder. Die Jerusalem Review hat sich zur Aufgabe gestellt, post-biblische Texte aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in englischer Sprache zu veröffentlichen.Das Journal enthält daher auch Werke moderner israelischer Dichter wie Abraham Ibn Ezra und Berl Pomerantz (jüdischer Dichter aus der Vor-Holocaust-Ära). In der Abteilung Prosa sind eine lange Novelle von Yoram Kaniuk sowie Holocaust-Memoiren von Arye Stav zu finden.Des weiteren enthält das Journal Arbeiten jüdischer Autoren aus den USA und Großbritannien, darunter Paul Oppenheimer, Alicia Ostriker, Mark Strand, Elaine Feinstein und Charles Bernstein. In jeder Ausgabe der Jerusalem Review wird außerdem ein nichtjüdischer Dichter oder Autor vorgestellt, der sich in einem besonderen Dialog mit der jüdisch-israelischen Geschichte und Kultur sowie der hebräischen Literatur befindet. In dieser Ausgabe wurden die Gedichte des polnischen Autors Krzysztof Karasek ausgewählt und ins Englische übersetzt. In der Abteilung Essays finden Sie ein längeres Essay von Amos Funkenstein über theologische Tendenzen im Widerstand gegen den Holocaust und Essays von Yehoshua und Gabriel Moked über jüdische und israelische Identität.Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die kulturelle Lage des mittleren Ostens, die in einem Interview mit dem ägyptischen Nobelpreisträger Naguib Mahfouz vor einigen Jahren geführt wurde, doch angesichts der aktuellen Beziehung zwischen Israel und Ägypten sowie den anderen arabischen Nationen von aktueller Bedeutung ist.In diesem Abschnitt befinden sich auch Gedichte von zwei israelisch-drusischen Dichtern, Naim Araidi und Nazi H'ir, sowie eine Übersetzung des großen persischen Sufi-Dichters und -Mystikers Jalal el-Din Rumi. Die Bedeutung der Jerusalem Review besteht unter anderem darin, dass das Journal als Forum prominenter Vertreter der jüdischen Kultur im Allgemeinen und der israelischen Kultur im Besonderen den Vorurteilen entgegenwirkt, denen die jüdische Weltkultur noch immer ausgesetzt ist.
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawJanuary 2012
A Comparative Study of Judicial Review Systems
by Zhang Qianfan,BaoWanchao, Wang Weiming.
This is a comparative study of judicial review systems of various countries, analyzing the history and characteristics of constitutional protection systems while taking into consideration the basic features of Chinese constitutional system. Offering some insights into existing problems and some constructive countermeasures, the research results of this book have significant practical value.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2022
The Periodic Table, Third Edition
by Becky Ham and Kristi Lew
The Periodic Table, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide to one of the most celebrated diagrams in the history of science. From its beginnings in the mysterious experiments of the medieval alchemists to its newest additions discovered during the atomic age, the periodic table has remained an astonishing tool for understanding the basic building blocks of the universe. Within the pages of this intriguing book, students will learn why the table is a chemist’s best friend, what the table reveals about the unique properties of each major group of elements, and how the elements are used in industry and everyday life.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesMay 2023
Pasts at play
Childhood encounters with history in British culture, 1750–1914
by Rachel Bryant Davies, Barbara Gribling
This collection brings together scholars from disciplines including Children's Literature, Classics, and History to develop fresh approaches to children's culture and the uses of the past. It charts the significance of historical episodes and characters during the long nineteenth-century (1750-1914), a critical period in children's culture. Boys and girls across social classes often experienced different pasts simultaneously, for purposes of amusement and instruction. The book highlights an active and shifting market in history for children, and reveals how children were actively involved in consuming and repackaging the past: from playing with historically themed toys and games to performing in plays and pageants. Each chapter reconstructs encounters across different media, uncovering the cultural work done by particular pasts and exposing the key role of playfulness in the British historical imagination.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2023
Negotiating relief and freedom
Responses to disaster in the British Caribbean, 1812-1907
by Oscar Webber
Negotiating relief and freedom is an investigation of short- and long-term responses to disaster in the British Caribbean colonies during the 'long' nineteenth century. It explores how colonial environmental degradation made their inhabitants both more vulnerable to and expanded the impact of natural phenomena such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. It shows that British approaches to disaster 'relief' prioritised colonial control and 'fiscal prudence' ahead of the relief of the relief of suffering. In turn, that this pattern played out continuously in the long nineteenth century is a reminder that in the Caribbean the transition from slavery to waged labour was not a clean one. Times of crisis brought racial and social tensions to the fore and freedoms once granted, were often quickly curtailed.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2023
Being Able to Stop
Against the delusion of permanent growth
by Edited by Jean-Pierre Wils
We moderns were the inhabitants of an age of impetuous forward movement and voracious discontent. Our main virtue was to increase our reach. Increasing our having and accelerating our being were the signposts towards the future. We just could not get enough. Using the blinkers of ignorance and self-anaesthesia, however, we managed to forget the tremendous costs incurred by this intoxication. Now disillusionment has set in. We look to the future with anxiety. We know that we have long since crossed a line and that a revision of our lifestyle is imminent. We have a bad feeling, and doubts about progress often give way to anger and rebellion. Which stocks of the modern narrative should we defend; which would we do better to let go? How will we even "be able to stop"? The path to a different society needs an attractive goal, because without the prospect of a different, better life, we will not move forward. We should start practising immediately. There is no time to lose.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2024
Ideas of poverty in the Age of Enlightenment
by Niall O’Flaherty, Robin Mills
This collection of essays examines the ways in which poverty was conceptualised in the social, political, and religious discourses of eighteenth-century Europe. It brings together experts with a wide range of expertise to offer pathbreaking discussions of how eighteenth-century thinkers thought about the poor. Because the theme of poverty played important roles in many critical issues in European history, it was central to some of the key debates in Enlightenment political thought throughout the period, including the controversies about sovereignty and representation, public and private charity, as well as questions relating to crime and punishment. The book examines some of the most important contributions to these debates, while also ranging beyond the canonical Enlightenment thinkers, to investigate how poverty was conceptualised in the wider intellectual culture, as politicians, administrators and pamphlet writers grappled with the issue.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesSeptember 2020
Pasts at play
by Rachel Bryant Davies, Barbara Gribling, Anna Barton
Trusted PartnerScience & MathematicsNovember 2021
Gene Flow
Monitoring, Modeling and Mitigation
by Wei Wei, Neal Stewart
Gene flow is a natural process that occurs spontaneously and enables the evolution of life. However, with the release of genetically modified organisms, concerns have focused on introduced foreign transgenes and their dispersal in nature through gene flow. This book examines gene flow of transgenes, such as herbicide resistance genes, with the goal of understanding the factors that may affect the process of gene flow. A greater biological understanding is essential to make sound management regulatory decisions when also taking into consideration the processes that happen in conventional plants. Monitoring, modelling, and mitigation are the three most closely related elements of gene flow. The book includes both scientific reviews and perspectives on gene flow and experimental case studies, including studies of gene flow in soybean and poplar. The authors present diverse views and research methodologies to understand transgene flow. This book: Focuses on applications of gene flow (monitoring, modelling, and mitigation); Includes both review chapters and case studies; Is written by international team of scientists currently working in gene flow. This book will be valuable for students and researchers in genetics, biotechnology, plant science, and environmental science. It also provides key insights of value to regulators of biotechnology as well as policy-makers.
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsFebruary 2019
Contemporary Korean cinema
Culture, identity and politics
by Hyangjin Lee
The first in-depth, comprehensive study of Korean cinema offering original insight into the relationships between ideology and the art of cinema from East Asian perspectives. Combines issues of contemporary Korean culture and cinematic representation of the society and people in both North and South Korea. Covers the introduction of motion pictures in 1903, Korean cinema during the Japanese colonial period (1910-45) and the development of North and South Korean cinema up to the 1990s. Introduces the works of Korea's major directors, and analyses the Korean film industry in terms of film production, distribution and reception. Based on this historical analysis, the study investigates ideological constructs in seventeen films, eight from North Korea and nine from South Korea.
Trusted PartnerMedicine
Episodic Depression
Successful and Effective Treatment in Practice
by Ulrich Leutgeb
With medical help, the troublesome symptoms of episodic depression (e.g., insomnia, agitation) can be alleviated right at the start of a treatment program. Drawing on his extensive practical experience, the author describes the details of treatment, the effects of commonly used drugs, the role of psychotherapy, and the latest research findings in layman’s terms. This can help those suffering from episodic depression and their family members understand the disorder and prepare for therapy. Target Group: Anyone affected by episodic depression and their relatives; psychiatrists and psychotherapists; physicians treating patients with depression.
Trusted PartnerAugust 2020
Handbook of Phytosanitary Risk Management
Theory and Practice
by Charles Yoe, Robert Griffin, Stephanie Bloem
Phytosanitary risk management is essential to the global economy as well as the world's ability to feed itself. This book is about understanding the fundamentals of phytosanitary risk management for trade and non-trade issues, and how to manage those risks in an effective and efficient manner that is consistent with the international regulatory framework. Its purpose is to provide the international phytosanitary community and its principal stakeholders with a strong foundation in risk management concepts and a thorough guide to best practices. Starting with the conceptual background necessary for understanding risk management, this book then covers a risk management model with a detailed description of the structure and processes necessary for best practice risk management in the global economy. This is followed by an in-depth look at the continuum of phytosanitary measures with a laser-like focus on key risk management issues, and the book concludes with a final section devoted to an examination of the most compelling risk management issues of the day. This book is: - A comprehensive exposition of phytosanitary risk management. - Valuable both to the experienced risk manager and to those getting started in the field. - Written by a team of experts with extensive professional phytosanitary work experience and knowledge of plant health. Written for professionals, practitioners and policy makers who work in the international trade of plants and plant products and allied fields, this book provides the global phytosanitary community and its principal stakeholders with a practical guide to best risk management practices.
Trusted Partner
Jerusalem review (Jerusalem review, issue no 7)
by Herausgeber: Gabriel Moked
Jerusalem review (Jerusalem review, issue no 7) Herausgeber:Gabriel Moked „Gedichte von Yehuda Amichai, Rachel, Maya Bejerano und Moshe Dor; Geschichte von Yoram Kaniuk und Arye Stav; Essays von A.B.Yehoshua und Gabriel Moked, sowie ein Interview mit Naguib Mahfouz, sämtlich übersetzt ins Englische, stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser neuen Ausgabe des wichtigsten Journals jüdischer und hebräischer Literatur und Kultur, der soeben erschienenen „Jerusalem Review“. Die aktuelle Ausgabe umfasst 240 Seiten, durchgehend in englischer Sprache, einige davon als Übersetzung aus dem Hebräischen.Das Journal hat Leser in Israel und in zahlreichen anderen Ländern, ist in Judaica-Bibliotheken weltweit zu finden und wird von jüdischen sowie nichtjüdischen Autoren und literarischen Magazinen abonniert. Zur Redaktion der 7. Ausgabe der Jerusalem Review zählen einige der bekanntesten Schriftsteller und Akademiemitglieder Israels und anderer Länder. Die Jerusalem Review hat sich zur Aufgabe gestellt, post-biblische Texte aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in englischer Sprache zu veröffentlichen.Das Journal enthält daher auch Werke moderner israelischer Dichter wie Abraham Ibn Ezra und Berl Pomerantz (jüdischer Dichter aus der Vor-Holocaust-Ära). In der Abteilung Prosa sind eine lange Novelle von Yoram Kaniuk sowie Holocaust-Memoiren von Arye Stav zu finden.Des weiteren enthält das Journal Arbeiten jüdischer Autoren aus den USA und Großbritannien, darunter Paul Oppenheimer, Alicia Ostriker, Mark Strand, Elaine Feinstein und Charles Bernstein. In jeder Ausgabe der Jerusalem Review wird außerdem ein nichtjüdischer Dichter oder Autor vorgestellt, der sich in einem besonderen Dialog mit der jüdisch-israelischen Geschichte und Kultur sowie der hebräischen Literatur befindet. In dieser Ausgabe wurden die Gedichte des polnischen Autors Krzysztof Karasek ausgewählt und ins Englische übersetzt. In der Abteilung Essays finden Sie ein längeres Essay von Amos Funkenstein über theologische Tendenzen im Widerstand gegen den Holocaust und Essays von Yehoshua und Gabriel Moked über jüdische und israelische Identität.Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die kulturelle Lage des mittleren Ostens, die in einem Interview mit dem ägyptischen Nobelpreisträger Naguib Mahfouz vor einigen Jahren geführt wurde, doch angesichts der aktuellen Beziehung zwischen Israel und Ägypten sowie den anderen arabischen Nationen von aktueller Bedeutung ist.In diesem Abschnitt befinden sich auch Gedichte von zwei israelisch-drusischen Dichtern, Naim Araidi und Nazi H'ir, sowie eine Übersetzung des großen persischen Sufi-Dichters und -Mystikers Jalal el-Din Rumi. Die Bedeutung der Jerusalem Review besteht unter anderem darin, dass das Journal als Forum prominenter Vertreter der jüdischen Kultur im Allgemeinen und der israelischen Kultur im Besonderen den Vorurteilen entgegenwirkt, denen die jüdische Weltkultur noch immer ausgesetzt ist.
Trusted Partner
Free Flow To Eternity
by Nili Yaffe
The book’s title attests to human will, as expressed in the poem “May the World Never End.” Throughout the book the writing is concise yet has depth to challenge the reader. Through the fast-pace writing, the reader is left with a sense of deep inspiration and is able to relate to the inventive poetry. There are mystical, ancient, and feminine aspects to the poems, which reflect hopes of humanity. The first part of the book contains poems about searching for a path and the latter part contains poems of resolution. Another theme found in a few patriotic poems merges with a universal aspiration for a life of peace and comradeship, which elevates them above time and place. The poems “Destruction” and “End” foresee an apocalyptic future of a universe in which there is nothing left to fight for. Alternatively, there are “The End of Days” poems, such as “And It Shall Come to Pass after Many Days.” The last poem, “The Secret Wishes in Dreams,” seals the collection with birth, describing it as the most significant experience both men and women have during their lifetime. It is about all human hopes, which are realized in the process of birth, where light envelops the infant and those around him. Free Flow to Eternity comes alive through the reader’s emotions and Imagination. A English langaue e-Boojk edition was published in fall 2014 by Sanuel Wachtman's Sons 2014, Inc. , CA. 80 pages, 14. x 21 cm
Trusted PartnerAgriculture & related industriesDecember 1999
National Farm Survey 1941-43
State Surveillance and the Countryside in England and Wales in the Second World War
by Brian Short, William Foot, Phil Kinsman. Edited by Charles Watkins.
During the Second World War, there was concern as to whether Britain, unable to import food from abroad, would be able to feed the population. Therefore, the National Farm Survey was conducted during 1941-43, and described every farm in England and Wales in great detail. Because of its sensitivity, this material only became publicly available in 1992 after a fifty-year closure period. Information on farming types, cropping and stocking, machinery, employment, farm size and structure, land ownership and farm buildings was provided for all farms which were larger than 5 acres at that time.This book gives an overview of the Survey, and provides the most complete ‘Doomsday’ of British agriculture available, including maps and illustrations of the areas surveyed at that time. It is a unique source for measuring post-war changes in agriculture, environment and society.
Trusted PartnerJuly 2020
One Day of Us
by Zhu Hongyan
"One Day of Us" expresses the concepts and methods of education from three perspectives of primary school teachers, students, and parents, and presents them in the form of picture books that both adults and children are happy to accept. Through vivid stories, the essence and truth of education are subtly conveyed to every reader. Reading is like a trickle, warm and delicate. A teacher’s day through the work of a new teacher who has just started working on the campus on the first day of work, so that teachers can understand the standards and standards of behavior. There is no blunt "ban", but the spring breeze has turned the rain, moisturizing things silently, it is a set of behavior norms that all teachers are willing to accept and are willing to follow this standard. All the paintings of the children's day are done by the children themselves. Go out of the house in the early morning and come to the beautiful campus, where there are a variety of after-school activities, lively and interesting subjects learning, and warm moments of mutual help and mutual assistance that occur in the corner of the campus. In the picture book-style narrative, children are taught the correct learning attitude and ethics subtly.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017
Imperial persuaders
Images of Africa and Asia in British advertising
by Anandi Ramamurthy
The first book to provide an historical survey of images of black people in advertising during the colonial period. Analyses the various conflicting, and changing ideologies of colonialism and racism in British advertising. Reveals the historical and production context of many well known advertising icons, as well as the specific commercial interests that various companies' images projected. Provides a chronological understanding of changing colonial ideologies in relation to advertising, while each chapter explores images produced to sell specific products, such as soap, cocoa, tea and tobacco.
Trusted PartnerDecember 2024
Invasive Species Reviews
by David Hemming, B. M. A. Abdel-Banat, A. Alba, P. Alda, Marina P. Arbetman, C. Bergamino, R. C. Blackman, M. C. Boukouvala, Matthew L. Buffington, S. Burela, Nicolás R. Cecchetto, Matthew Cock, Michael Day, Kent M. Daane, H. A. F. El-Shafie, R. Enderle, Harry C Evans, Zhang FuDou, S. García-Lara, E. W. Githae, Jennifer Grenz, V. C. Griess, B. Hänfling, Kim A. Hoelmer, A. J. Hruska, S. Hurtrez-Boussès, Vanessa L. Jones, Brooks A. Kaiser, N. G. Kavallieratos, Melina Kourantidou, V. Lafond, L. Lawson-Handley, Jana C. Lee, S. Lioy, L. M. López-Castillo, M. Lounnas, P. R. Martín, B. L. Muatinte, B. M. Mvumi, J. P. Pointier, M. Porporato, M. Rusdy, E. Sabourin, L. Saveanu, M. E. Seuffert, R. H. Shaw, Shen ShiCai, V. Srivastava, John P. Stanga, J Stenlid, N. E. Tamburi, I. Unlu, Osariyekemwen Uyi, Rimvydas Vasaitis, A. A. Vázquez, Xingeng Wang, Rachel L. Winston, Eduardo E. Zattara
Invasive species are responsible for significant impacts on agriculture, food security and health worldwide. This collection looks at a wide range of invasive species, including insects, plants, snails, fungal diseases, including: Mimosa diplotricha, Chromolaena odorata, privet, Opuntia, fall armyworm, Aedes albopictus, Prostephanus truncatus, Pomacea, and ash dieback. The articles examine mechanisms for detecting the spread of invasive species, and models for understanding the mechanisms of invasion alongside control and management approaches with a particular focus on biological control. The articles have been specially selected from contributions to CABI Reviews.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2018
Changsha Traditional Family Values and Rules
by Changsha Discipline Inspection Committee
This book collects Changsha traditional family rules, family values, and family mottos, and contains a lot of folk proverbs and sayings. It uses pictures, footnotes, and content reviews to help readers have a better understanding. The author hopes to keep this good tradition and promote the building of family values and rules.