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      • Pastrengo Agenzia Letteraria

        Pastrengo is a Milan-based literary agency founded on September 2016 by Francesco Sparacino and Michele Turazzi. Pastrengo represents Italian authors of fiction (commercial and literary, young adult) and non fiction.

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      • Gilam Agency - Giovanni Lamanna Agenzia Letteraria

        The Gilam Agency – founded by Giovanni Lamanna – is based in Italy and is specialized in Italian Fiction and Non-Fiction, and Children's Books. We represent about 25 authors, some already established (such as Attilio Del Giudice, Francesco Forlani, Peppe Lanzetta, Gianfranco Pecchinenda, Felice Piemontese, Elena Starace, Giulia Bracco, Roger Salloch), some beginners. We also hold the rights to Non-Fiction books (books about Maria Montessori, pedagogy, sport, social science, philosophy...) The Gilam Agency is partner of some Italian publishers (Neo Edizioni, Lavieri, Funambolo, Dalia, Fefé) in selling translation rights on foreign market. We are also going to represent foreign publishers for selling translation rights in Italy. The Gilam Agency takes part in the most important book fairs and exhibitions in Italy and in Europe. In 2020 the Agency has created a new brand (with its own dedicated staff) for Children's and Illustrated Book Rights (the Wrong Cat Rights Agency).

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      • December 2012

        Vola alta, parola

        Pregare con i poeti

        by Stefano Motta

        Cosa può aggiungere un poeta alla Rivelazione? Qual è il contributo che egli può offrire con la sua arte? Sono tante le occasioni in cui vorremmo pregare, ma “non ci vengono le parole”, o quelle che sappiamo a memoria da sempre ci appaiono formule vuote. Condannati ad assaporare le pieghe più nascoste dell’animo umano, allenati a scrivere sul limite sottile dei suoni e della grammatica, i poeti possono allora farci da guida e prestarci le loro parole, quando le nostre ci sembreranno troppo poche o troppo povere per chiedere, ringraziare, piangere, pregare.

      • May 2016

        William Shakespeare al Castello della Pietra

        by Pier Luigi Coda

        Una rocambolesca e forsennata corsa a bordo di una mitica Fulvia coupé per liberare i fratelli dalle grinfie di malvagi rapitori che ne chiedono il riscatto. Riuscirà Thani, una teenager in giro per il mondo, a salvarli? Uno strampalato professore di letteratura inglese le darà una mano nel suo disperato tentativo contro il tempo. Insieme affronteranno rischi d'ogni sorta, attraversando praterie innevate, periferie metropolitane e orridi precipizi. Sullo sfondo, arroccato tra inaccessibili guglie di roccia, il misterioso Castello della Pietra e William Shakespeare con la sua arte immortale. Un racconto per tutti, un «mystery thriller» che terrà i lettori col fiato sospeso fino all'ultima pagina, in compagnia di Giulietta e Romeo, Amleto, Falstaff e tanti altri famosi personaggi creati dalla straordinario talento poetico di William Shakespeare.

      • Children's & YA


        by Candia Castellani

        Candia Castellani è nata a Firenze nel 1978. Dopo il diploma all’Istitituto d’Arte di Firenze, indirizzo Comunicazione e spettacolo, si laurea presso il Dams di Bologna, indirizzo Cinema. Durante gli anni di studio lavora presso lo studio di Sergio Staino come assistente e collabora in qualità di ritrattista con quotidiani e periodici come L’Unità e Metropoli. In contemporanea lavora come lettrice di libri per l’infanzia e organizza laboratori artistici per l’infanzia. Dopo essere stata allieva di Leonardo Mattioli, Linda Wolfsgruber presso Sarmede, Octavia Monaco e Arianna Papini, pubblica i libri illustrati e illustrazioni per riviste specializzate in temi sull’infanzia e di letteratura come Il caffè illustrato. Viene selezionata da Le immagini della Fantasia, a Sarmede, per la rassegna Fiabe delle Terre d’India. Dal 2015 è illustratrice, insegnante e direttrice della Scuola di Illustrazione di Scandicci. Dal 2018 è all’interno del Direttivo di Ai, Associazione Autori di Immagini. Selezionata a Lucca Comics Junior 2018 per l’illustrazione “Fantasmagorie”, all’interno del concorso “OLTRE GLI SPAZI INESPLORATI. Sulle tracce di Jules Verne”.

      • Etica dell'acquario

        by Ilaria Gaspari

        Gaia is beautiful, self-centred and unhappy. One day in November she returns to the city where she studied, after an absence of ten years. Nothing seems to have changed in Pisa, but everything has. Gaia meets up again with her old friends and the love of her university days, but now they are divided by the years they spent apart and the loss of a fellow student, Virginia, who died in obscure circumstances. The investigation into the mysterious suicide winds its way through the streets of the city and the colleges of the Scuola Normale, amidst buried memories and obsessions that come to light.

      • Biography & True Stories
        June 2019

        I cancelli del cielo. Lughe de Chelu

        by I cancelli del cielo. Lughe de Chelu

        Questo romanzo, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2003 col titolo “Lughe de chelu (e jenna de bentu)” e arrivato in terza edizione negli Stati Uniti, è un’autobiografia in chiave di romanzo, manifesto dell’Autrice contro la violenza sulle donne. Le è valso una prima candidatura per l’Italia al Premio Nobel per la Letteratura. Giona Demura, divenuta da anni Suor Maria dell’Eucarestia, era un tempo una scrittrice di grande successo e pluripremiata, la cui esistenza è stata sconvolta quando, dopo il divorzio, l’ex marito ha tentato di ucciderla. La notizia che il suo più grande amore del passato, mai dimenticato, è in punto di morte la spinge a correre al capezzale dell’uomo e a ritrovare i propri figli. Tra la magia e la realtà di un'isola selvaggia e dolce come la Sardegna, la storia di un passero con le ali d'aquila destinato a morire “dentro” per rinascere, finalmente, alla vera vita.


        freedom stories for boys and girls chasing big dreams


        An engaging collection of biographies of present-day heroes: women and men who stand out for struggling for love and freedomFrom Rudol’f Nureev to Tiziano Ferro, from Christian Andersen to Keith Haring, a collection of 12 biographies of famous people who have distinguished themselves in thht against sexual and gender discriminatioe computer was invented by Alan Turing; Darla, a famous character from the cartoon Nemo, owes its name to the Pixar producer who invented it; the captain of the American national football team that won the women’s World Cup is Megan Rapinoe, who with her charisma has enchanted men and women all over the world. If recently the editorial proposal on the LGBTQ theme has focused on “coming out”, this book - through compelling stories of courage - conveys a message completely indipendent from the sexual orientation of the reader, and focuses on the exemplarity of the actions that make these personalities prominent and true examples for future generations.

      • Biography & True Stories
        June 2019

        Rocket Girls

        Storie di ragazze che hanno alzato la voce

        by Laura Gramuglia

        Women in the history of rock are not few; but few are the ones remembered. However, armies of other female musicians fought with them, though their stories never gained the spotlight. But the moment to tell them has arrived. That’s why Rocket Girls is first of all a request for attention. A reading that encourages us to look beyond labels and consider female music not a genre in itself, but a world as rich and multi-faceted as the male one. You will meet fifty women who have fought the patriarchy of rock. One song for every artist, from the ’50s to this day.Nina Simone, M.I.A., Lauryn Hill, Saint Vincent, Madonna, Fiona Apple, Patti Smith, Joni Mitchell, Björk, Amy Winehouse, Tina Turner, Siouxie, Courtney Love, Janis Joplin, Marianne Faithfull, Nico, Sinead O’Connor, Whitney Houston, Cat Power, Tori Amos, PJ Harvey, Cher, and many more.

      • History
        April 2016

        The Calling

        Stories of Jesuits in the 16th and 17th Centuries

        by Adriano Prosperi

        This book explains not who the Jesuits were, but how their awareness of having become Jesuits was constructed. It does so on the basis of a collection of documents which have often been referred to as ‘autobiographies’, in fact individual members’ accounts of how they received their calling. Each Jesuit had to describe in writing how the divine call had come to him, what signs had preceded it and how he had broken away from his ‘fleshly’ family to become a member of the Company. Their acute awareness of the definitive nature of the close pact they had established with God by becoming members of the army of the Lord, made the Jesuits new, unusual figures, unprecedented in the history of Christian religious orders: men trained to carry out arduous missions into the most distant countries of the world, in contact with unknown cultures, without any weakening of their ties with the Company; a classic case is Matteo Ricci. Accepting their calling meant adopting a special life, characterized by a modern form of asceticism: a total break with the past and their families, a readiness to go wherever they were sent, as new apostles.

      • Children's & YA

        Heroes Atlas

        by Miralda Colombo

        One hundred and one inspiring stories of the notable men and women who shaped the world with their ideas, their genius, their creativity or courage. From super scientists to clued-up creatives, from writers to dreamers, these profiles explore the life of each personality in detail, with gorgeous illustrations. This educational book includes worldwide famous figures, as well as lesser-known personalities, but all very inspiring for children.

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