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      • Girassol Brasil Edições Ltda.

        Girassol Brasil has been in existence for 20 years. Despite still being a young company,it has attained prominence in the children’s book scene thanks to the quality and interactivity of its books. They offer educational books; children’s literature, especiallyfrom renowned Brazilian authors; tales and fables; world literary classics; gamesand puzzles; and several reference books. The catalogue is also filled with pop-uptitles, bath books, wipe and clean books, flap books and many different interactiveelements that provide a pleasant reading experience and make learning fun for youngchildren and early readers. A series we would like to recommend you especially is Heartwarming stories,written by educational psychologist Paula Furtado in order to help young children todeal with difficult situations and life circumstances.

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      • Manuel Giron

        Literature, photography and Music

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        Picture storybooks
        October 2022

        My Brother's Squiggle

        by Paxton, Kirsty / Lötter, Megan

        From the same talents that brought you The Chalk Giraffe comes a new adventure, My Brother's Squiggle. What if your drawings magically came to life, only to prove rather demanding art critics? Oh, the hassle! One morning, a little boy with a big imagination draws a tiger. He’s just certain it’s a fearsome tiger! But his sister has doubts… it looks just like a line and a squiggle! As their debate takes off, suddenly the two siblings are thrown into a colourful world where make-believe and reality find a meeting place, and a tiger, a T-Rex and a family of giraffes become their teammates to figure it all out. Dive into this tale of creativity and perspective/empathy, this story knits each child's unique creativity into the universal theme of complex and growing sibling relationships.

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        March 2022

        When the Giraffe still had Admirers

        How Four Scientists Stumbled Across Their Discoveries

        by Michael Lichtwarck-Aschoff

        In “When The Giraffe Still Had Admirers” we get to know Claude Bernard and Louis Pasteur, Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier and Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Lichtwarck-Aschoff takes their lives and discoveries – often resulting from serendipity – as the starting point for his stories. The enthralling read makes literature so eloquent, full of wit and powerful that this author is no longer just an insider tip.

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        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals

        by Dr. Steven Farmer

        Experience the Magic of Spirit AnimalsSoar with Dr. Steven Farmer and selected sacred storytellers as they share personal tales of spirit animals appearing to them in real life, in dreams, or symbolically, to share their mystical yet practical medicine. Experience how these spiritual allies can guard, aid, heal, and guide you in the most unexpected and delightful ways. Renowned “animal spirit guy” Dr. Steven Farmer explains how these profound encounters affirm our intimacy with the animal world and the realm of Spirit. His wisdom will heighten your understanding of spirit animal symbolism, the five major ways that spirit animals can speak to you, and how to discern their messages for you. Learn how to receive the animals’ gifts in the form of wisdom, guidance, protection, and power, and come to feel their support, trust their keen perception, and appreciate the simple ways in which they appear just when you need guidance the most. ANIMALS will show you how you, too, can fly like an eagle, run like a puma, and reach new heights like the tallest giraffe.

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        Children's & YA

        The Dinoraf

        by Hessa Al Muhairi

        An egg has hatched, and what comes out of it? A chicken? No. A turtle? No. It’s a dinosaur. But where is his family?  The little dinosaur searches the animal kingdom for someone who looks like him and settles on the giraffe. In this picture book by educator and author Hessa Al Muhairi, with illustrations by Sura Ghazwan, a dinosaur sets out in search of animals like him. He finds plenty of animals, but none that look the same...until he meets the giraffe. This story explores identity and belonging and teaches children about accepting differences in carefully crafted language.

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        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        I Wish I Had a Little Horse!

        by Oksana Krotiuk

        Why does the giraffe wear a beautiful dress and nine necklaces, why does the leopard have spots, why ia the ocean called the Pacific? Curious kids will find answers to all these questions in the new book of Oksana Krotiuk's rhymes.

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        Children's & YA

        Giraffe Spaghetti and Turtle Salad

        by Reza Dalvand

        A little girl does not like spaghetti. When she sees that mother has made spaghetti for dinner, she sulks and leaves the table. Doesn’t mother know that she doesn’t like spaghetti and salad? But mother says, “These dishes are not really spaghetti and salad!” In this story, the mother uses her creativity and imagination in the art of decorating and presenting food in appetizing animal shapes to delight her child.

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        January 2011

        Gans, Giraffe und der Gong

        Das große Abc-Buch zum Malen und Basteln

        by Seeberg, Helen / Illustriert von Bettzieche, Uta

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