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      • gestalten

        gestalten continues to actively reimagine the way in which we approach publishing. With our extensive range of titles, we not only seek to enhance and to enrich our reader's lives, but to continually engage with the surrounding creative landscape. Our origin story began with a focus on the aesthetic, particularly that of graphic design and, over the last two decades, the scope of both our content and our expertise has widened. Today, using a myriad of observations of culture, people, art, and other intimate, inspirational informants, we document and anticipate vital movements in architecture, visual culture, design & fashion, escapism, food & beverages, travel, and contemporary art. In 2014, Little Gestalten joined the literary ranks and ensured that there was a place for readers of all ages within the world of gestalten. The gestalten narrative exists beyond the textual realm; regardless of the medium at hand, gestalten wishes to inform and inspire our community. We welcome you to enter gestalten's world of creative culture, whether between our pages, indulging in images and films online or at one of our international events. We look forward to the result: mutual inspiration.

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      • July 2019

        Orientaciones para la evaluación de riesgos y las reglas de decisión según la Norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017

        by Asociación Española de Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento (AEAS)

        The UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard includes a series of new features that require specific actions for its implementation by laboratories. This book aims to guide laboratories in the application of two of them: risk-based thinking and establishing rules for decisions applicable to the declaration of conformity for test results obtained. To do this, based on the requirements of the standard that these new developments address, the content of which is included, this book provides examples and alternatives for compliance with this standard.

      • Fiction

        Y avait-il des limites si oui je les ai franchies mais c'était par amour ok

        by Michelle Lapierre-Dallaire

        WERE THERE LIMITS IF SO I CROSSED THEM BUT IT WAS OUT OF LOVE OK? In this uncompromising work of autofiction, the author attempts to reconcile herself to a world that endlessly denies her voice, her femininity and her trauma.  Summary Michelle’s life starts in early childhood with unspeakable abuse that will haunt her into adulthood.  The narrator suffers from borderline personality disorder, which blurs the line between excessive behaviour and hypersensitivity, revealing a woman furiously attached to the need to love and be loved.  The first book by Michelle Lapierre is disarmingly, unsettlingly frank. A rare incursion into the borderline psyche, Were There Limits… features a kaleidoscope of barely bearable scenes and luminous reflections on mental illness, family, romantic relationships—told in breathtakingly beauty prose.  *** French sample : See other PDF for English sample.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Variation linguistique et enseignement des langues

        Le cas des langues moins enseignées

        by Gilles Forlot, Louise Ouvrard (dir.)

        Dans cet ouvrage, l’appellation « langues moins enseignées » fait référence à celle de « langues modimes ». Tantôt appelées « langues rares », tantôt « langues moins diffusées » et parfois même « petites langues », ces langues n’entrent dans aucune des catégories préconstruites des institutions éducatives. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est donc de problématiser les tenants et les aboutissants des statuts qu’elles assument dans les systèmes éducatifs, et notamment de s’intéresser à la question de la variation linguistique dans leur enseignement‑apprentissage. En effet, l’enseignement des langues vivantes étrangères se construit souvent autour d’une norme imaginée et conçue comme étant celle de la langue légitime à enseigner/apprendre. De l’Asie aux Amériques, en passant par bon nombre de pays africains et européens, les décideurs éducatifs et les enseignants eux‑mêmes doivent composer avec ce phénomène qui, au delà de questions proprement pédagogiques, contribue à hiérarchiser les formes langagières. Au travers de l’examen de situations touchant à l’amazighe, à l’arabe, au chinois, à l’indonésien, au japonais, au ghɔmálá’, au malgache, au tchèque et à plusieurs des langues régionales de France (alsacien, basque, corse, occitan, picard et parler saint-martinois), les entrées épistémologiques des contributions relèvent ici de diverses disciplines des sciences du langage et/ou des sciences de l’éducation. Les contributions s’articulent, entre autres, autour d’axes tels que la variation et ses différentes formes dans l’espace éducatif, l’histoire des politiques linguistiques éducatives au regard du corpus des langues, la variation linguistique en lien avec différents systèmes éducatifs au sein d’espaces nationaux ou régionaux donnés, la gestion pédagogique de la variation, ses ramifications identitaires, la question du couple oral/écrit et des registres en didactique des langues moins enseignées, ou encore la problématique centrale des normes, de la légitimité et de l’authenticité dans l’enseignement de ces langues.

      • Geography & the Environment

        IGMI Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano

        Topographic and relief maps, antique maps, aerial photos

        by Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano

        L'Istituto Geografico Militare (I.G.M.) ha il compito di fornire supporto geotopocartografico alle Unità e ai Comandi dell'Esercito Italiano.   L'istituto svolge le funzioni di Ente Cartografico dello Stato ai sensi della Legge n. 68 in data 2 febbraio 1960. L'Istituto opera, quindi, per assicurare ai numerosi utenti, sia pubblici che privati, prodotti cartografici che offrano la totale garanzia sia in termini di contenuti sia di ufficialità per la descrizione del territorio. Trae le sue origini dall'Ufficio del Corpo di Stato Maggiore del Regio Esercito che nel 1861 aveva riunito in sè le tradizioni e le esperienze dell'omologo Ufficio del Regno Sardo, del Reale Officio Topografico Napoletano e dell'Ufficio Topografico Toscano. Trasferito da Torino a Firenze nel 1865, nella sede attualmente occupata, fu trasformato in Istituto Topografico Militare nel 1872 per assumere, 10 anni più tardi, l'attuale denominazione.   Le attività principali dell'Istituto sono: - produzione, aggiornamento e cessione di cartografia a media e piccola scala - copertura aerofotogrammetrica del territorio nazionale - costituzione e gestione della banca dati geografica - manutenzione dei confini di stato - conservazione della cartografia storica nazionale   Il personale dell'Istituto è impegnato nella operazioni a supporto della Pace.I principali prodotti IGM proposti da Cartageo:• Serie 25/25DB piegata / stesa / stesa plastificata• Serie 50 piegata / stesa / stesa plastificata• Serie 50L piegata / stesa / stesa plastificata     Cartageo è rivenditore autorizzato della cartografia dell'Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano.    Cartageo is the Italian reseller for IGMI Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        July 2020

        What if tomorrow... the continuation!

        by Michel Piquemal

        Eleven short stories as striking as they are corrosive, showing the possible abuses of a world very close to ours - the world of tomorrow. What if tomorrow... humanity were to become stupid? What if tomorrow... we could spy on each other's private lives? What if tomorrow... money has an expiration date? What if tomorrow... our pets wear glasses? We grind our teeth, but always with humor. The whole thing brushes a future that looks like a misunderstanding of what is already a little bit of our worrying reality.

      • January 2017

        Reuniones virtuales. Claves para su gestión

        by Palmira López-Fresno

        Virtual meetings have become especially relevant in recent years. Technology connects us virtually, but maintaining a productive virtual meeting goes far beyond being connected. This book tries to highlight the elements involved in a virtual meeting, in addition to the technology. Its content focuses on the skills, abilities, knowledge and, ultimately, the competencies that should be developed to manage a virtual meeting in a highly effective way, or to contribute, as participants, to that being so. Eminently practical, in this book you will find among other contents: - The keys to launch and manage your virtual meetings. - Examples of situations to be avoided by the coordinator and the participants. - Examples of web conferencing systems. - Examples of announcements. - Examples of meeting minutes. – An example of how to evaluate the success of the meeting.

      • September 2020

        Birdy worries too much!

        by Éric Péladeau

        Every morning, Zoé must take care of her little bird. One day, it appeared in her room and since then, they've always been together. But Birdy is anxious and imagine many wacky scenarios. Zoé must spend a lot of energy to reassure her animal because she cares about it.  With humor and delicacy, this illustrated novel addresses some of the difficulties that a child living with anxiety can experience.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2021

        L'univers bleu d'Anouka

        by Vida Simon

        Anouka est une petite fille qui collectionne les choses bleues. Sa collection a commencé par quelques petits objets, puis elle a rempli toutes les pièces de la maison. Une lampe bleue, du sel bleu, un papillon bleu, des ombres bleues... Anouka se rend compte que sa collection pourrait s'agrandir à l'infini : il y aura toujours plus de choses bleues à trouver. Un album foisonnant qui permet de familiariser les enfants au processus artistique d’une manière imaginative et ludique. - There is a girl named Anouka who collects blue things.It first started with a few small objects on a tray. Then it grew and filled every room in the house. A blue lamp, blue salt, a blue butterfly, blue shadows... Anouka realizes that the collection could grow to infinity – there will always be more blue things to be found. A rich album which allows children to familiarize themselves with the artistic process in an imaginative and playful way.

      • Une histoire s'il te plaît !!!

        by Anne Renaud, illustrated by Sophie PA

        The infinite power of the imagination Gus reeeeally wants his friend Albert to tell him a story. Albert finally agrees and, with book in hand, begins to read several classic tales. But the energetic Gus keeps interrupting him, trying to guess what comes next. This usually leads to a fanciful tale that has nothing to do with the actual story. Exasperated, Albert is just about to give up when Gus decides to reverse their roles. From now on, he’s the one who will tell the story. Albert better get ready, because his friend’s powerful imagination is bigger than he thinks!

      • Children's & YA

        À l'eau, les pirates!

        by Didier Lévy and Caroline Hüe

        What if pirates didn’t know how to swim? A small boy, wearing his duck float, hops onto the Black Dragon, the pirate ship docked in the port. He gathers up his courage and asks, “Can you be a pirate if you’re afraid of the water?” The crew laughs, the captain acts superior, but will they have the courage to answer this question truthfully? A surprise visit that will send the pirates directly to the municipal swimming pool to learn how to swim!

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        ZÉRO DOUZE

        by Marie Chouinard

        Eleven years after her first poetry book, the well known choreographer Marie Chouinard comes back to writing with a story inspired by her early years, from zero to twelve years old. With a lot of humor and tenderness, Marie Chouinard shares with us her memories both overwhelming and anecdotal. The author’s writing evokes the brightness and spontaneity of childhood. ZÉRO DOUZE is a poetic narrative that reveals the long and universal path towards the construction of one’s identity. Shortlisted for the Vénus Khoury-Ghata Poetry Prize 2020 Winner of the Alcuin Society Book Design Award (Second Prize - Poetry)

      • Poetry


        by Nicolas Lauzon

        Fruit d’une résidence d’écriture au cours de laquelle Nicolas Lauzon a œuvré comme gardien de phare sur une île au milieu du fleuve Saint-Laurent, ce recueil convie le lecteur à un voyage immobile et introspectif. Le poète se livre à l’exploration d’une poétique du territoire, et avec tendresse, humour et simplicité, il nous raconte l’île, les étoiles, le phare, le vent, le fleuve, son quotidien d’écriture, ses rencontres avec les insulaires. Pour en apprendre davantage sur ce livre :

      • Poetry
        March 2014

        Anarchie de la lumière / Anarchy of Light

        by José Acquelin

        Anarchy of Light is a wondrous collection of poems intricately written with a remarkable use of language. José Acquelin’s poetry provides luminous insights into our complex lives while being both meditative and lucid. This book reveals the author’s philosophy, his views on poetry, the infinite perspectives of humanity, and the structure of the universe, ultimately revealing a contemplative and skillful mind. The author deeply reflects on contemporary society and the unique role that poetry plays in his career. He invites the readers to revert back to the essential and natural elements of life in order to explore and understand the innate beauty of the universe. Winner of the Governor General's Awards (Poetry)

      • Poetry
        August 2015

        Au monde


        by Antoine Dumas

        This poetry book is the first one by a young Quebecer poet. It makes an inventory of the beauties and small tragedies of the world. Relying on the powerful talent of the author for creating very original and rare images that flow freely in their poems, Au monde inventaire’s beauty haunts us long after its reading. Shortlisted for the Governor General’s Literary Awards and the Émile-Nelligan Award More infos:

      • October 2019

        65 comical Sports Stories

        by Michel Laprise

        Both young and old sports fans will enjoy this book. The sports journalist has gathered many anecdotes over the years and some are hard to believe but all are true. A few examples: a soccer player traded for sausages, a hypnotist hired to help a hockey team win or a baseball player who burned his face with an iron!

      • Si Rose était là

        by Jennifer Couëlle, illustrated by Bérangère Delaporte

        A story of grief, but above all of love Rose is gone. As Ellie recollects the wonderful times spent with her grandmother, she discovers that Rose has left her gifts of happiness: the delight of shutting her eyes to better taste her favorite foods, the fun of taking memories with her eyes instead of pictures with a camera, the joy of strolling barefoot in the moss on walks in the forest. While choosing her clothes for the farewell ceremony, Ellie struggles to make up her mind. What would Rose do? In the end, it’s her grandmother’s love of fantasy that helps her decide. It’s as if she were still here.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2019

        Tout le monde dort

        by Iris Amizlev / illustrated by Pnina C. Gagnon

        Everyone Sleeps is an ABC-book for the whole family. This book presents 26 animals, depicted both awake and asleep. It combines several educational features: promoting thoughts of sleep, teaching children about various worldwide animals and how they sleep, learning the alphabet, enhancing vocabulary, instilling a passion for animals, and promoting original artwork. The book is also characterized by a high quality and colorful graphic design.

      • Health & Personal Development

        60 biscuits chinois / 60 Chinese Cookies

        by Lew Yung-Chien

        Inspired by the famous cookie and its legendary predictions, this little book invites readers to meditate on sixty inspirational thoughts filled with humour and wisdom. Each proverb comes with its own black and red Chinese calligraphy. More infos: / Inspiré du célèbre biscuit et de ses légendaires prédictions, ce petit livre nous invite à méditer sur 60 pensées positives, tant humoristiques que sages. Chacune des maximes est accompagnée d’une calligraphie chinoise en noir et rouge. Plus d'infos :

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